Ranking szkół podstawowych w Ontario

Frasier Institute Report

Report Card on
Ontario’s Elementary Schools
Peter Cowley, Joel Emes, and Max Shang

Report Card on Ontario’s
Elementary Schools
By Peter Cowley, Joel Emes and Max Shang
About the authors / 39
Publishing information / 40
Supporting the Fraser Institute / 41
Purpose, funding, & independence / 41
About the Fraser Institute / 42
Editorial Advisory Board / 42
Introduction / 3
Key academic indicators of school performance / 5
Other indicators of school performance / 8
Notes / 9
How does your school stack up? / 10
Appendix: Calculating the Overall rating out of 10 / 37
The Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
(hereafter, Report Card) collects a variety of relevant,
objective indicators of school performance into one,
easily accessible public document so that anyone can
analyze and compare the performance of individual
schools. By doing so, the Report Card assists parents
when they choose a school for their children and
encourages and assists all those seeking to improve
their schools.
The Report Card
helps parents choose
Where parents can choose among several schools for
their children, the Report Card provides a valuable
tool for making a decision. Because it makes comparisons
easy, it alerts parents to those nearby schools that
appear to have more effective academic programs.
Parents can also determine whether schools of interest
are improving over time. By first studying the Report
Card, parents will be better prepared to ask relevant
questions when they visit schools under consideration
and speak with the staff.
Of course, the choice of a school should not
be made solely on the basis of a single source of
information. Web sites maintained by Ontario’s
Education Quality and Accountability Office
(EQAO),1 the provincial ministry of education, and
local school boards may also provide useful information.
2 Parents who already have a child enrolled at
the school provide another point of view.
Naturally, a sound academic program should
be complemented by effective programs in areas
of school activity not measured by the Report
Card. Nevertheless, the Report Card provides a
detailed picture of each school that is not easily available
The Report Card facilitates
school improvement
The act of publicly rating and ranking schools attracts
attention, and this can provide motivation. Schools
that perform well or show consistent improvement
are applauded. Poorly performing schools generate
concern, as do those whose performance is deteriorating.
This inevitable attention provides an incentive
for all those connected with a school to focus on
student results.
However, the Report Card offers more than just
incentive. It includes a variety of indicators, each of
which reports results for an aspect of school performance
that may be improved. School administrators
who are dedicated to their students’ academic success
accept the Report Card as another source of opportunities
for improvement.
Some schools do better than others
To improve a school, one must believe that improvement
is achievable. This Report Card, like other report
cards from the Fraser Institute, provides evidence about
what can be accomplished. It demonstrates clearly that,
even when we take into account factors such as the students’
family income—which some believe dictate the
degree of academic success that students can enjoy in
school—some schools do better than others. This finding
confirms the results of research carried out in other
countries.3 Indeed, it will come as no great surprise to
experienced parents and educators that the data consistently
suggest that what goes on in the schools makes
4 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
a difference to academic results and that some schools
make a greater difference than others.
Comparisons are at the heart
of the improvement process
By comparing a school’s latest results with those of
earlier years, we can see if the school is improving.
By comparing a school’s results with those of neighbouring
schools or schools having similar school and
student characteristics, we can identify more successful
schools and learn from them. Reference to overall
provincial results places an individual school’s level of
achievement in a broader context.
There is great benefit in identifying schools that
are particularly effective. By studying the techniques
used in schools where students are successful, less
effective schools may find ways to improve.
Comparisons are at the heart of improvement:
making comparisons among schools is made simpler
and more meaningful by the Report Card’s indicators,
ratings, and rankings.
You can contribute to the
development of the Report Card
The Report Card program benefits from the input
of interested parties. We welcome your suggestions,
comments, and criticisms. Please contact max.
The foundation of the Report Card is an overall
rating of each school’s academic performance. We
base our Overall rating out of 10 on the school’s
performance on nine indicators, all of which are
derived from province-wide tests of reading, writing,
and mathematics skills that are developed and
managed by the province’s Education Quality and
Accountability Office (EQAO).4
(1) average level of achievement on the
grade‑3 EQAO assessment in reading;
(2) average level of achievement on the
grade‑3 EQAO assessment in writing;
(3) average level of achievement on the
grade‑3 EQAO assessment in mathematics;
(4) average level of achievement on the
grade‑6 EQAO assessment in reading;
(5) average level of achievement on the
grade‑6 EQAO assessment in writing;
(6) average level of achievement on the
grade‑6 EQAO assessment in mathematics;
(7) the difference between male and female
students in their average levels of achievement
on the EQAO assessment in grade-6 reading;
(8) the difference between male and female students
in their average levels of achievement on the
EQAO assessment in grade-6 mathematics;
(9) the percentage of EQAO assessments that
did not meet the provincial standard.
We have selected this set of indicators because they
provide systematic insight into a school’s performance.
Because they are based on annually generated data, we
can assess not only each school’s performance in a year
but also its improvement or deterioration over time.
Indicators of effective teaching
Average levels of achievement
on EQAO’s assessments
These indicators—in the tables, Grade 3 avg. level
and Grade 6 avg. level—show the average level of
proficiency achieved by the school’s students on the
uniform EQAO assessments in reading, writing, and
mathematics at the grade-3 and grade-6 levels. The
EQAO converts the raw score on each test into a level
of achievement from 1 to 4. Achievement at Levels
1 and 2 suggest that the student has not yet met the
provincial standard. Level 3 is considered the provincial
standard and Level 4 represents achievement well
above the provincial standard. Achievement at Level 3
or 4 suggests that students are well prepared for work
at the next grade.
In order to calculate the average level achieved by
the students at a school on any given test, a numerical
value was given to each level of achievement. Thus,
Level 1 was given a value of 1 for purposes of determining
the average; Level 2, a value of 2; Level 3, a
value of 3; and Level 4, a value of 4. A value of 0 was
given in those cases where a student completed the
test but did not demonstrate sufficient understanding
to be assigned achievement Level 1.
Fundamental to the mission of elementary schools
is teaching students sound basic skills in reading,
writing, and mathematics. Basic literacy and numera-
Key academic indicators
of school performance
Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
cy are essential building blocks for life-long learning.
The tests upon which the Report Card is based assess
students on these dimensions. Differences among
students in abilities, motivation, and work habits will
inevitably have some impact upon the final results.
There are, however, recognizable differences from
school to school within a district in the average results
on the EQAO’s tests. There is also variation within
schools in the results obtained in different subject
areas and at different grades. Such differences in outcomes
cannot be wholly explained by the individual
and family characteristics of the school’s students. It
seems reasonable, therefore, to include the average test
marks in these three critical subject areas as indicators
of effective teaching.
Percentage of EQAO tests below standard
For each school, this indicator—in the tables Tests
below standard (%)—provides the rate of failure to
meet the provincial standard on the EQAO’s tests.
It was derived by dividing the total number of all
the above tests that provided enough information to
enable the calculation of a score but that did not meet
the provincial standard, by the total number of such
tests written by the students at the school.
Since reading, writing, and mathematics are
critical to students’ further intellectual and personal
development, students should, at the minimum,
demonstrate that they meet the accepted standard
of performance for their grade in these subject areas.
Schools have the responsibility of ensuring that their
students are adequately prepared to do so.
How well do the teachers take
student differences into account?
The Gender gap indicators
The Gender gap indicators—in the tables Gender gap
(level)—use the grade-6 results of the EQAO’s assessments
to determine how successful the school has been
in narrowing the achievement gap between male and
female students in reading and mathematics.5 These
indicators are determined, for each subject area, by
calculating the absolute value of the difference between
male and female students in their average level of
achievement. The difference is reported along with the
more successful sex in the detailed tables.
Undoubtedly, some personal and family characteristics,
left unmitigated, can have a deleterious effect
on a student’s academic development. The Report
Card provides evidence that successful teachers overcome
such impediments. By comparing the results of
male and female students in two subject areas—reading
and mathematics—in which one group or the
other may have enjoyed a historical advantage, we
are able to gauge the extent to which schools provide
effective teaching to all of their students.
In general, how is the school
doing academically compared to
other schools in the Report Card?
The Overall rating out of 10
While each of the indicators is important, it is almost
always the case that any school does better on some
indicators than on others. So, just as a teacher must
make a decision about a student’s overall performance,
we need an overall indicator of school performance—
in the tables Overall rating out of 10. Just
as teachers combine test scores, homework, and class
participation to rate a student, we have combined the
indicators to produce an overall rating. The overall
rating of school performance answers the question,
“In general, how is the school doing academically,
compared to other schools in the Report Card?”
To derive this rating, the results for each of the nine
indicators, for each school year, were first standardized.
Standardization is a statistical procedure whereby sets
of raw data with different characteristics are converted
into sets of values sharing certain statistical properties.
Standardized values can readily be combined and compared.
The standardized data were then weighted and
combined to produce an overall standardized score.
Finally, this score was converted into an overall rating
out of 10. It is from this Overall rating out of 10 that
the school’s provincial rank is determined.
Fraser Institute Studies in Education Policy 7
Note that the Overall rating out of 10, based as it
is on standardized scores, is a relative rating. That is,
it measures each school’s performance compared to
all the other schools in the Report Card. Thus, even
though a school receives an overall rating of 10, it is
very likely that it can still improve. An overall rating
of zero means that on average, on the report card’s
indicators, no school in the Report Card performed
more poorly. However, it does not mean that the lowest
performing school has accomplished nothing for
its students.
Further, because it is a relative measure, in order
for a school to show improvement in its Overall rating
out of 10, it must improve faster than the average. If it
improves, but at a rate lower than the average, it will
show a decline in its rating.
For schools where there were fewer than 10 test
results for boys or for girls, no values for the Gender
gap indicators can be provided. In these cases the
Overall rating out of 10 is derived using the remaining
indicators. (See the Appendix for an explanation of
the calculation of the Overall rating out of 10.)
Other indicators of
school performance
The Report Card includes other indicators that, while
they are not used to derive the Overall rating out of 10,
add more information on the school’s effectiveness.
The Tests not written indicator
Schools that administer the EQAO’s assessments are
expected to ensure that all their students write the
tests. Higher participation rates provide the benefit of
objective assessment of learning to more students and
parents. They also provide a more accurate reflection
of the level of achievement at the school. A reader can
have more confidence that the test results are a true
reflection of the school’s average achievement level if
all, or almost all, of its students write the tests.
The indicator of tests not written—in the tables
Tests not written (%)—was determined by first summing,
for each of the six test sittings, the total number
of students for whom no test data were submitted or
who were exempt from testing. The six sums were
then totaled. This result was then divided by the total
number of tests that could have been completed if all
students had fully participated in all of the tests that
were administered at the school.
The principal of a school at which a relatively
large percentage of students did not complete the
tests should be able to provide good reasons for the
students’ failure to do so and a well-developed plan to
increase participation in future test sittings.
The Trend indicator
Is the school improving academically? The Report
Card provides five years of data for most schools.
Unlike a simple snapshot of one year’s results, this
historical record provides evidence of change (or
lack thereof) over time. To detect trends in the
performance indicators, we developed the Trend
This indicator uses statistical analysis to identify
those dimensions of school performance in which
there has likely been real change rather than a fluctuation
in results caused by random occurrences. To
calculate the trends, the standardized scores rather
than rawdata are used. Standardizing makes historical
data more comparable and the trend measurement
more reliable. Because calculation of trends
is uncertain when only a small number of data
points is available, a trend is indicated only in those
circumstances where five years of data are available
and where the trend is statistically significant. For
this indicator, we have defined the term “statistically
significant” to mean that, nine times out of 10, the
change that is noted is real; that is, it did not happen
just by chance.
The student characteristics
For each school, the Report Card notes the percentage
of its students who are enrolled in ESL programs
or who have certain identified special needs. As
was noted in the Introduction, it is sometimes useful
to compare a school’s results to those of similar
schools. These two indicators can be used to identify
schools with similar student body characteristics. A
variety of comparisons between schools can be made
on the Fraser Institute’s school rankings website,

1 The Education Quality and Accountability
Office (EQAO) is an arm’s-length agency of
the provincial government. It provides parents,
teachers, and the general public with information
about student achievement. For more information,
see the EQAO’s web site at eqao.com/>.
2 See, for instance the Ministry of Education’s
web site at , or the
web site of the Toronto Catholic District School
Board at .
3 See, for instance, Michael Rutter et al., Fifteen
Thousand Hours: Secondary Schools and Their
Effects on Children (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1979) and Peter Mortimore
et al., School Matters: The Junior Years (Wells,
Somerset: Open Books, 1988).
4 The EQAO’s test results, student enrolment
data, and school information used or reported
in this publication were provided by the
Ontario Ministry of Education. The results or
views expressed in this publication are those of
the authors and are not those of the Ontario
Ministry of Education.
5 For a discussion of gender-based differentials
in academic achievement, see Peter Cowley
and Stephen Easton, Boys, Girls, and Grades:
Academic Gender Balance in British Columbia’s
Secondary Schools. Public Policy Sources 22
(Vancouver, BC: The Fraser Institute, 1999).
How does your school stack up?
Important notes to the rankings
In this table, schools are ranked (on the left hand
side of the page) in descending order (from 1 to
3105) according to their academic performance as
measured by the Overall rating out of ten (shown on
the right hand side of the table) for the school year
2022/2023. Each school’s five-year average ranking
and Overall rating out of ten are also listed. The
higher the overall rating (out of 10), the higher the
rank awarded to the school. Where schools tied in
the overall rating, they were awarded the same rank.
Where less than five years of data was available “n/a”
appears in the table.
Not all the region’s elementary schools are included
in the tables or the ranking. In some school
districts that operate middle schools or junior high
schools, the elementary schools may not enroll students
in grade 6. Since the Report Card is based
on the results of tests given in grades 3 and 6, these
elementary schools cannot be included. In addition,
schools at which fewer than 10 students were enrolled
in each of these grades are excluded. Private schools
and First Nations operated, federally funded schools
are not required to administer the EQAO tests. Since
the results of these tests form the basis for this Report
Card, only those schools that administer the EQAO
tests could be included. Finally, also excluded are
schools that did not generate a sufficiently large set of
student data to enable the calculation of an Overall
rating out of 10.
The exclusion of a school from the Report Card
should in no way be construed as a judgement of
the school’s effectiveness.
IMPORTANT: In order to get the most from
the Report Card, readers should consult the
complete table of results for each school of interest.
By considering several years of results—
rather than just a school’s rank in the most
recent year—readers can get a better idea of how
the school is likely to perform in the future.
——–Rank–—— –Overall rating–
Last Last
2022/ 5 2022/ 5
2023 yrs Trend School name City 2023 yrs
——–Rank–—— –Overall rating–
Last Last
2022/ 5 2022/ 5
2023 yrs Trend School name City 2023 yrs
1 1 — Avondale Alternative Toronto 10.0 10.0
1 2 — St Justin Martyr Unionville 10.0 10.0
1 3 — Northmount Toronto 10.0 9.8
1 4 p Khalsa School Malton Mississauga 10.0 9.7
1 5 — St Michael's Choir Toronto 10.0 9.6
1 7 — Bayview Fairways Thornhill 10.0 9.6
1 8 — St Sebastian Toronto 10.0 9.5
1 15 p Forest Trail Oakville 10.0 9.3
1 15 — Rosedale Toronto 10.0 9.3
1 28 p St Edmund Mississauga 10.0 9.0
1 66 p St Vincent de Paul Niagara Falls 10.0 8.6
1 105 p New Dundee New Dundee 10.0 8.4
1 120 p Nelles Grimsby 10.0 8.3
1 319 p Orchard Park London 10.0 7.7
1 369 p John Marshall Niagara Falls 10.0 7.6
1 n/a n/a AI-Manarat Heights Mississauga 10.0 n/a
1 n/a n/a Al-Ameen Brampton 10.0 n/a
1 n/a n/a Alfajrul Bassem Oakville 10.0 n/a
1 n/a n/a Cottingham Toronto 10.0 n/a
1 n/a n/a Islamic School of Cambridge Cambridge 10.0 n/a
1 n/a n/a Khalsa Community Brampton 10.0 n/a
1 n/a n/a Sathya Sai Toronto 10.0 n/a
23 8 — St Rose of Lima Mississauga 9.9 9.5
23 1719 — Maison Montessori Toronto 9.9 5.6
25 13 p Our Lady of Perpetual Help Toronto 9.8 9.3
25 18 — Stephen Leacock Kanata 9.8 9.2
25 48 p St Davids/Laura Secord St Davids 9.8 8.8
25 n/a n/a St. Isabel Kanata 9.8 n/a
29 25 — Ossington/Old Orchard Toronto 9.7 9.0
29 64 — Charles-Sauriol Toronto 9.7 8.6
Fraser Institute Studies in Education Policy 11
——–Rank–—— –Overall rating–
Last Last
2022/ 5 2022/ 5
2023 yrs Trend School name City 2023 yrs
——–Rank–—— –Overall rating–
Last Last
2022/ 5 2022/ 5
2023 yrs Trend School name City 2023 yrs
29 n/a n/a Al-Falah Oakville 9.7 n/a
29 n/a n/a Kenollie Mississauga 9.7 n/a
29 n/a n/a Olive Grove Mississauga 9.7 n/a
29 n/a n/a Shanty Bay Shanty Bay 9.7 n/a
35 57 — St Clement Toronto 9.6 8.7
35 235 — St Andrew Woodbridge 9.6 7.9
35 378 p Patricia-Picknell Oakville 9.6 7.6
35 418 — New Prospect Dryden 9.6 7.5
35 448 p St Paul Thunder Bay 9.6 7.5
35 n/a n/a St Edward's Westport 9.6 n/a
35 n/a n/a St Sylvester Toronto 9.6 n/a
42 5 — Silver Stream Richmond Hill 9.5 9.6
42 18 — W. Erskine Johnston Kanata 9.5 9.2
42 112 p Roy H Crosby Markham 9.5 8.3
42 147 p Jack Miner Whitby 9.5 8.2
42 369 — Kateri Tekakwitha Markham 9.5 7.6
42 699 — Ferndale St Catharines 9.5 7.0
48 30 p Bellewood Windsor 9.4 9.0
48 34 — Runnymede Toronto 9.4 9.0
48 60 — Iroquois Toronto 9.4 8.7
48 96 — Corpus Christi Hamilton 9.4 8.4
48 158 p Pope John Paul II Richmond Hill 9.4 8.2
53 10 — William Berczy Unionville 9.3 9.4
53 21 — John XXIII Arnprior 9.3 9.2
53 24 — John Ross Robertson Toronto 9.3 9.0
53 36 — Abraham Erb Waterloo 9.3 8.9
53 43 p St Henry Toronto 9.3 8.8
53 88 — St. Gabriel Kanata 9.3 8.5
53 93 — A K Wigg Fonthill 9.3 8.4
53 108 — Chine Drive Toronto 9.3 8.4
53 132 — Ontario Thorold 9.3 8.2
53 147 p Macville Bolton 9.3 8.2
53 183 p Our Lady of Good Voyage Mississauga 9.3 8.1
53 384 p Indian Road Crescent Toronto 9.3 7.6
53 n/a n/a Montrose Toronto 9.3 n/a
53 n/a n/a Ontario Muslim Academy Cambridge 9.3 n/a
53 n/a n/a W H Morden Oakville 9.3 n/a
68 20 — Whitney Toronto 9.2 9.2
68 25 — Masonville London 9.2 9.0
68 30 — Munns Oakville 9.2 9.0
68 40 — Lambton Kingsway Toronto 9.2 8.9
68 75 p Sunningdale Oakville 9.2 8.5
68 266 p Doncrest Richmond Hill 9.2 7.9
68 n/a n/a Connaught St Catharines 9.2 n/a
68 n/a n/a St Michael Bright's Grove 9.2 n/a
68 n/a n/a St Michael's Douglas 9.2 n/a
77 11 — Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys Markham 9.1 9.4
77 12 — ISNA Islamic Mississauga 9.1 9.4
77 30 p Jack Chambers London 9.1 9.0
77 34 — Laurelwood Waterloo 9.1 9.0
77 48 — St. James Mississauga 9.1 8.8
77 53 p Pilgrim Wood Oakville 9.1 8.7
77 60 — Bedford Park Toronto 9.1 8.7
77 66 — St Joseph River Canard 9.1 8.6
77 75 — Oakridge St Catharines 9.1 8.5
77 132 p St Anne Kanata 9.1 8.2
77 147 — Vista Hills Waterloo 9.1 8.2
77 201 — Ryerson London 9.1 8.0
77 567 — Father Hennepin Niagara Falls 9.1 7.3
77 845 — Sacred Heart Brampton 9.1 6.9
91 15 — St John of the Cross Mississauga 9.0 9.3
91 30 — R L Beattie Sudbury 9.0 9.0
91 37 — E J James Oakville 9.0 8.9
91 46 — Bennington Heights Toronto 9.0 8.8
91 52 — Joshua Creek Oakville 9.0 8.8
91 72 p Allenby Toronto 9.0 8.6
91 88 — Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Toronto 9.0 8.5
91 92 — Hopewell Avenue Ottawa 9.0 8.5
91 120 p St Bernard of Clairvaux Mississauga 9.0 8.3
91 135 p King George Toronto 9.0 8.2
91 201 — John Dearness London 9.0 8.0
91 260 — Westdale St Catharines 9.0 7.9
91 266 — St Joseph's Gananoque 9.0 7.9
91 461 p Clinton Street Toronto 9.0 7.4
91 639 p C M L Snider Wellington 9.0 7.1
91 n/a n/a Paul-Demers North York 9.0 n/a
91 n/a n/a St Patricks Sebringville 9.0 n/a
108 38 — Convent Glen Orléans 8.9 8.9
108 45 — St Charles Garnier Richmond Hill 8.9 8.8
108 93 — Prince Philip St Catharines 8.9 8.4
108 120 — Agnes Macphail Toronto 8.9 8.3
108 147 — St Rose Windsor 8.9 8.2
108 223 p St George Ottawa 8.9 8.0
108 474 — St Gabriel Windsor 8.9 7.4
108 1152 — St Finnan's Alexandria 8.9 6.4
108 n/a n/a Burleigh Hill St Catharines 8.9 n/a
108 n/a n/a Prince Philip Niagara Falls 8.9 n/a
118 22 — Stonebridge Markham 8.8 9.2
118 112 — Beckett Farm Markham 8.8 8.3
118 168 — German Mills Thornhill 8.8 8.1
118 189 p Johnsview Village Thornhill 8.8 8.1
118 195 — Kate S Durdan Niagara Falls 8.8 8.0
118 241 — St Denis Toronto 8.8 7.9
118 245 — Hillcrest Toronto 8.8 7.9
118 299 p N A MacEachern Waterloo 8.8 7.8
118 327 — Holy Spirit Stittsville 8.8 7.7
118 394 p Ashton Meadows Markham 8.8 7.6
118 n/a n/a Corpus Christi Richmond Hill 8.8 n/a
118 n/a n/a Online Catholic Oakville 8.8 n/a
130 39 — Fleming Toronto 8.7 8.9
130 40 — Castlemore Markham 8.7 8.9
130 40 — Summit Heights Toronto 8.7 8.9
130 70 — Bayview Hill Richmond Hill 8.7 8.6
130 70 — Holy Rosary Toronto 8.7 8.6
130 75 — Parkview Unionville 8.7 8.5
130 96 — Bond Lake Richmond Hill 8.7 8.4
130 96 — Gandatsetiagon Pickering 8.7 8.4
130 96 — Woodroffe Avenue Ottawa 8.7 8.4
130 125 p St Joseph Markham 8.7 8.3
130 168 p Sir John A. Macdonald Markham 8.7 8.1
130 225 — St Edward Toronto 8.7 8.0
130 245 — St Monica Buttonville 8.7 7.9
130 318 — Highgate Markham 8.7 7.7
130 337 p Félix-Leclerc Toronto 8.7 7.7
130 357 p St Barbara Mississauga 8.7 7.6
130 553 — Pape-François Stouffville 8.7 7.3
130 n/a n/a La Fontaine Kleinburg 8.7 n/a
130 n/a n/a St Paul Toronto 8.7 n/a
12 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
——–Rank–—— –Overall rating–
Last Last
2022/ 5 2022/ 5
2023 yrs Trend School name City 2023 yrs
——–Rank–—— –Overall rating–
Last Last
2022/ 5 2022/ 5
2023 yrs Trend School name City 2023 yrs
130 n/a n/a St. André Tecumseh 8.7 n/a
150 14 — Blythwood Toronto 8.6 9.3
150 25 — Christ the King Richmond Hill 8.6 9.0
150 43 — St Mark Mississauga 8.6 8.8
150 54 — Elmdale Ottawa 8.6 8.7
150 62 — Pape Avenue Toronto 8.6 8.7
150 64 — Lincoln Alexander Markham 8.6 8.6
150 80 — Saint-Guillaume Cumberland 8.6 8.5
150 96 — Courcelette Toronto 8.6 8.4
150 105 — Rick Hansen Aurora 8.6 8.4
150 112 — Sacré-Coeur Bourget 8.6 8.3
150 144 — Sir Isaac Brock Guelph 8.6 8.2
150 168 p Millen Woods Waterloo 8.6 8.1
150 211 — St Vincent de Paul Toronto 8.6 8.0
150 260 p St Mark's Stoney Creek 8.6 7.9
150 311 — St Bernadette Dundas 8.6 7.7
150 327 — Sixteenth Avenue Richmond Hill 8.6 7.7
150 337 p Captain R Wilson Oakville 8.6 7.7
150 337 — St Edith Stein Mississauga 8.6 7.7
150 357 p Thornhill Thornhill 8.6 7.6
150 611 — Ledbury Park Toronto 8.6 7.2
150 639 p St Joseph Fergus 8.6 7.1
150 671 — Anson Park Toronto 8.6 7.1
150 724 — St George London 8.6 7.0
150 1446 p Stirling Stirling 8.6 6.1
150 n/a n/a St Michael Fitzroy Harbour 8.6 n/a
175 28 — Michael Cranny Maple 8.5 9.0
175 58 — Cedarvale Toronto 8.5 8.7
175 80 — Humber Valley Village Toronto 8.5 8.5
175 88 — La Source Orléans 8.5 8.5
175 93 — Withrow Avenue Toronto 8.5 8.4
175 104 — St. Cecilia Nepean 8.5 8.4
175 108 — Balmy Beach Toronto 8.5 8.4
175 112 — Mount Joy Markham 8.5 8.3
175 158 — Our Lady Help of Christians Richmond Hill 8.5 8.2
175 173 — St Andrew Oakville 8.5 8.1
175 174 p St Anne Richmond Hill 8.5 8.1
175 189 — Blessed Sacrament Toronto 8.5 8.1
175 211 p Bridlewood Toronto 8.5 8.0
175 218 — Horizon Jeunesse Mississauga 8.5 8.0
175 225 — Roger-Saint-Denis Kanata 8.5 8.0
175 235 — First Avenue Ottawa 8.5 7.9
175 266 — Dr Roberta Bondar Maple 8.5 7.9
175 287 — Glenn Gould Vaughan 8.5 7.8
175 350 p Burrows Hall Toronto 8.5 7.7
175 353 — Devonshire Ottawa 8.5 7.6
175 400 — Sandwich West LaSalle 8.5 7.6
175 426 — Langton Fenelon Falls 8.5 7.5
175 487 — Ellen Fairclough Markham 8.5 7.4
175 516 p St Elizabeth Ann Seton Nepean 8.5 7.3
175 542 — Divine Infant Orléans 8.5 7.3
175 542 — Grand Avenue Grimsby 8.5 7.3
175 749 — St David Maple 8.5 7.0
175 758 — St Jerome Mississauga 8.5 7.0
175 994 — St James the Apostle Stoney Creek 8.5 6.7
175 1380 — Parkview Lindsay 8.5 6.2
175 n/a n/a Lambton Park Toronto 8.5 n/a
175 n/a n/a London Islamic London 8.5 n/a
175 n/a n/a Palmerston Avenue Toronto 8.5 n/a
175 n/a n/a St Edward Jordan 8.5 n/a
209 85 — Elizabeth B Phin Pickering 8.4 8.5
209 130 — Beverly Glen Toronto 8.4 8.3
209 144 — New Central Oakville 8.4 8.2
209 158 — Percy Williams Toronto 8.4 8.2
209 211 — Mutchmor Ottawa 8.4 8.0
209 235 — Holy Cross LaSalle 8.4 7.9
209 253 — Our Lady of the Rosary Concord 8.4 7.9
209 253 p St James Kanata 8.4 7.9
209 292 p Willowbrook Thornhill 8.4 7.8
209 337 p Guardian Angels Hamilton 8.4 7.7
209 376 p Valley Central Thunder Bay 8.4 7.6
209 463 — Kew Beach Toronto 8.4 7.4
209 516 — Crossroads Niagara-on-the-Lake 8.4 7.3
209 587 — St Joan of Arc Oakville 8.4 7.2
209 599 p Orchard Park Niagara Falls 8.4 7.2
209 659 — St John the Baptist Bolton 8.4 7.1
209 699 — St John Beamsville 8.4 7.0
209 845 — St Mary Niagara Falls 8.4 6.9
209 n/a n/a Agincourt Road Ottawa 8.4 n/a
209 n/a n/a Schomberg Schomberg 8.4 n/a
209 n/a n/a Viola-Léger Bowmanville 8.4 n/a
209 n/a n/a Wellington Heights Fenwick 8.4 n/a
231 23 — Donald Cousens Markham 8.3 9.1
231 46 — Central Park Markham 8.3 8.8
231 48 — Colchester North Essex 8.3 8.8
231 85 — John Wanless Toronto 8.3 8.5
231 96 — Swansea Toronto 8.3 8.4
231 132 — Knoxdale Nepean 8.3 8.2
231 135 — St. Benedict Nepean 8.3 8.2
231 146 — Thomas L Wells Toronto 8.3 8.2
231 158 — Codrington Barrie 8.3 8.2
231 177 — Unionville Unionville 8.3 8.1
231 195 — Sister Catherine Donnelly Barrie 8.3 8.0
231 253 — Jeanne-Lajoie Toronto 8.3 7.9
231 276 — Our Lady of Mount Carmel Windsor 8.3 7.8
231 292 — Milliken Mills Unionville 8.3 7.8
231 337 — Colonel J E Farewell Whitby 8.3 7.7
231 353 — Our Lady of Fatima Milton 8.3 7.6
231 407 — Charles Howitt Richmond Hill 8.3 7.5
231 407 — Heritage Park Toronto 8.3 7.5
231 699 — St Gerald Toronto 8.3 7.0
231 718 — Sacred Heart Langton 8.3 7.0
231 749 — des Voyageurs Gloucester 8.3 7.0
231 801 — V P Carswell Trenton 8.3 6.9
231 994 — Alexander Graham Bell Ajax 8.3 6.7
231 1042 p Anson S Taylor Toronto 8.3 6.6
231 1196 — St Patrick Lucan 8.3 6.4
231 1505 p Fenelon Cameron 8.3 6.0
231 1520 — Pauline Johnson Burlington 8.3 6.0
231 1695 — St Daniel's Hamilton 8.3 5.7
231 n/a n/a Lynnwood Heights Toronto 8.3 n/a
231 n/a n/a Our Lady of Grace Westmeath 8.3 n/a
231 n/a n/a Our Lady of the Annunciation Stoney Point 8.3 n/a
262 55 — St Bonaventure Toronto 8.2 8.7
262 58 — San Lorenzo Ruiz Markham 8.2 8.7
262 96 — Northlea Toronto 8.2 8.4
262 112 — Fallingbrook Whitby 8.2 8.3
262 112 — Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Toronto 8.2 8.3
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262 147 — Renaissance Burlington 8.2 8.2
262 177 — Dalewood St Catharines 8.2 8.1
262 199 — Immaculate Conception Formosa 8.2 8.0
262 201 — St Marguerite d'Youville Oakville 8.2 8.0
262 211 — St Cecilia Maple 8.2 8.0
262 218 — Grande-Ourse Kanata 8.2 8.0
262 225 p Alton Village Burlington 8.2 8.0
262 225 — Sir Richard W Scott Markham 8.2 8.0
262 241 — St Ambrose Toronto 8.2 7.9
262 256 — St William Emeryville 8.2 7.9
262 297 — All Saints Unionville 8.2 7.8
262 299 — Hewitt's Creek Barrie 8.2 7.8
262 299 p Williamsburg Whitby 8.2 7.8
262 350 — Paul A Fisher Burlington 8.2 7.7
262 350 — Sir Winston Churchill Nepean 8.2 7.7
262 384 — Cathcart Boulevard Sarnia 8.2 7.6
262 384 — St Patrick Markham 8.2 7.6
262 400 — St John Toronto 8.2 7.6
262 418 p Martha Cullimore Niagara Falls 8.2 7.5
262 459 — Aberfoyle Guelph 8.2 7.4
262 487 — Chris Hadfield Whitby 8.2 7.4
262 516 — Emily Carr Oakville 8.2 7.3
262 822 — St Thomas Aquinas Toronto 8.2 6.9
262 826 — Garrison Road Fort Erie 8.2 6.9
262 826 p St Valentine Mississauga 8.2 6.9
262 994 — A J Baker Kintore 8.2 6.7
262 1367 p Pope Paul Toronto 8.2 6.2
262 1695 p Jean-Béliveau East Gwillimbury 8.2 5.7
262 n/a n/a High Park Alternative Toronto 8.2 n/a
262 n/a n/a Micheline-Saint-Cyr Etobicoke 8.2 n/a
262 n/a n/a Rouge Park Markham 8.2 n/a
262 n/a n/a Severn Avenue Ottawa 8.2 n/a
299 55 — Kennedy Toronto 8.1 8.7
299 66 — L'Étoile-de-l'Est Orléans 8.1 8.6
299 75 — Laggan Dalkeith 8.1 8.5
299 85 — C D Farquharson Toronto 8.1 8.5
299 96 — William Dunbar Pickering 8.1 8.4
299 120 — Glynn A Green Fonthill 8.1 8.3
299 135 — Iona Williamstown 8.1 8.2
299 135 — St Gregory the Great Woodbridge 8.1 8.2
299 147 — Ange-Gabriel Mississauga 8.1 8.2
299 168 — Father Serra Toronto 8.1 8.1
299 174 — Black Walnut Markham 8.1 8.1
299 189 — James W. Hill Oakville 8.1 8.1
299 211 — Hawthorn Mississauga 8.1 8.0
299 225 — David Suzuki Markham 8.1 8.0
299 319 — St Alexander Fonthill 8.1 7.7
299 384 p Williamsburg Kitchener 8.1 7.6
299 400 p Sainte-Marie Oakville 8.1 7.6
299 400 — St Luke Nepean 8.1 7.6
299 407 — Forestview Niagara Falls 8.1 7.5
299 448 — Our Lady of Mercy Mississauga 8.1 7.5
299 516 — Notre-Dame-de-la-Jeunesse Ajax 8.1 7.3
299 534 — William E Brown Wainfleet 8.1 7.3
299 553 — St Agnes Waterloo 8.1 7.3
299 599 — St Emily Nepean 8.1 7.2
299 639 — Seneca Trail Oshawa 8.1 7.1
299 699 — Northern Lights Aurora 8.1 7.0
299 724 p Gabrielle-Roy Toronto 8.1 7.0
299 736 — Lakeside Ajax 8.1 7.0
299 766 — Fossil Hill Woodbridge 8.1 7.0
299 977 p Charlotte Lemieux Ottawa 8.1 6.7
299 1548 p Gorham and Ware Thunder Bay 8.1 5.9
299 1560 p Sacred Heart Hamilton 8.1 5.9
299 n/a n/a Au Coeur d'Ottawa Ottawa 8.1 n/a
299 n/a n/a Bialik Hebrew Day Toronto 8.1 n/a
299 n/a n/a Claremont Claremont 8.1 n/a
299 n/a n/a Lakeview Nepean 8.1 n/a
299 n/a n/a Pte. Buckam Singh Brampton 8.1 n/a
299 n/a n/a Viola Desmond-Maple Maple 8.1 n/a
337 48 q St Matthew's Oakville 8.0 8.8
337 75 — St Luke Oakville 8.0 8.5
337 108 — Brookmill Boulevard Toronto 8.0 8.4
337 120 — St Clement Woodbridge 8.0 8.3
337 130 — Trillium Woods Richmond Hill 8.0 8.3
337 153 — Adrienne Clarkson Ottawa 8.0 8.2
337 153 — Our Lady of Sorrows Toronto 8.0 8.2
337 158 — Power Glen St Catharines 8.0 8.2
337 168 — Deer Park Toronto 8.0 8.1
337 183 — Vimy Ridge Ajax 8.0 8.1
337 189 — Canadian Martyrs Burlington 8.0 8.1
337 211 — Alvin Curling Toronto 8.0 8.0
337 235 — Franklin Street Markham 8.0 7.9
337 241 — West Oak Oakville 8.0 7.9
337 274 — Heritage Glen Oakville 8.0 7.9
337 276 — Lancaster Drive Kingston 8.0 7.8
337 276 — St Andrews Toronto 8.0 7.8
337 299 — Agincourt Toronto 8.0 7.8
337 299 — Davisville Toronto 8.0 7.8
337 327 p Divine Mercy Mississauga 8.0 7.7
337 327 — St Joseph's Arnprior 8.0 7.7
337 357 — Duke of Cambridge Bowmanville 8.0 7.6
337 369 p St Marguerite D'Youville Richmond Hill 8.0 7.6
337 378 — Pope John Paul II Kitchener 8.0 7.6
337 394 — Rolph Road Toronto 8.0 7.6
337 400 — Our Lady of Lourdes Pembroke 8.0 7.6
337 418 p Lambeth London 8.0 7.5
337 434 — Parnall St Catharines 8.0 7.5
337 474 p Northlake Woods Waterloo 8.0 7.4
337 542 — Brown Toronto 8.0 7.3
337 553 p Our Lady of Hope Richmond Hill 8.0 7.3
337 553 — Smith Grimsby 8.0 7.3
337 587 p Captain Michael VandenBos Whitby 8.0 7.2
337 639 p King George Guelph 8.0 7.1
337 685 — St Elizabeth Seton Burlington 8.0 7.1
337 724 — Jean-Paul II Stittsville 8.0 7.0
337 724 p St Michael Guelph 8.0 7.0
337 930 — St Francis of Assisi Guelph 8.0 6.7
337 1059 p E J Sand Thornhill 8.0 6.6
337 1196 — Dunsford Dunsford 8.0 6.4
337 1354 — Sainte-Thérèse-d'Avila Osgoode 8.0 6.2
337 1575 — River View Niagara Falls 8.0 5.9
337 1705 — St Patrick Niagara Falls 8.0 5.7
337 1728 — Ponsonby Guelph 8.0 5.6
337 2054 — Our Lady of Fatima Brampton 8.0 5.0
337 n/a n/a An-Noor Windsor 8.0 n/a
337 n/a n/a Centennial '67 Spencerville 8.0 n/a
337 n/a n/a Howard Toronto 8.0 n/a
14 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
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337 n/a n/a La Pinède Borden 8.0 n/a
337 n/a n/a Yorkhill Thornhill 8.0 n/a
387 66 — David Lewis Toronto 7.9 8.6
387 83 — Fairglen Toronto 7.9 8.5
387 135 q Central Grimsby 7.9 8.2
387 135 — St Thomas the Apostle Renfrew 7.9 8.2
387 158 — Fred Varley Markham 7.9 8.2
387 189 — Earl A Fairman Whitby 7.9 8.1
387 201 — Jackman Avenue Toronto 7.9 8.0
387 201 — St Michael Thornhill 7.9 8.0
387 218 — Pine Grove Oakville 7.9 8.0
387 218 — St Paul Guelph 7.9 8.0
387 225 — Port Weller St Catharines 7.9 8.0
387 235 — Centennial Road Toronto 7.9 7.9
387 245 — St Jerome Gloucester 7.9 7.9
387 245 — St Therese of the Child Jesus Mississauga 7.9 7.9
387 266 — Carrville Mills Thornhill 7.9 7.9
387 298 — St Timothy Mississauga 7.9 7.8
387 311 p Humberwood Downs Toronto 7.9 7.7
387 311 — St James St Catharines 7.9 7.7
387 311 — West Preparatory Toronto 7.9 7.7
387 327 — St James Maple 7.9 7.7
387 415 — Sts Cosmas and Damian Toronto 7.9 7.5
387 434 — St Gregory Mississauga 7.9 7.5
387 434 — St James Seaforth 7.9 7.5
387 516 — Romeo Dallaire Ajax 7.9 7.3
387 567 — Dr Emily Stowe Courtice 7.9 7.3
387 587 — Prince Andrew LaSalle 7.9 7.2
387 599 p St Agnes of Assisi Woodbridge 7.9 7.2
387 618 — Taylor Evans Guelph 7.9 7.2
387 639 — Sacred Heart LaSalle 7.9 7.1
387 659 p St Malachy Toronto 7.9 7.1
387 685 — Devins Drive Aurora 7.9 7.1
387 699 p St Mark Toronto 7.9 7.0
387 801 — St. Alphonsa Brampton 7.9 6.9
387 809 p Whole Child Toronto 7.9 6.9
387 826 — Holy Family Paris 7.9 6.9
387 858 — St Catherine of Siena Barrie 7.9 6.8
387 904 p John Darling Kitchener 7.9 6.8
387 1174 — Anna McCrea Sault Ste. Marie 7.9 6.4
387 1412 — Joyce Toronto 7.9 6.1
387 n/a n/a Barbara Reid Stouffville 7.9 n/a
387 n/a n/a Cathedral Pembroke 7.9 n/a
387 n/a n/a Christ the King Windsor 7.9 n/a
387 n/a n/a Kanata Highlands Kanata 7.9 n/a
387 n/a n/a Northern Dancer Oshawa 7.9 n/a
387 n/a n/a Red Lake Madsen Red Lake 7.9 n/a
387 n/a n/a St Demetrius Toronto 7.9 n/a
433 80 — Richmond Rose Richmond Hill 7.8 8.5
433 108 q Pine Grove St Catharines 7.8 8.4
433 112 — du Chêne Oakville 7.8 8.3
433 125 — Buttonville Markham 7.8 8.3
433 153 — Guardian Angels Stittsville 7.8 8.2
433 199 — St Brendan Toronto 7.8 8.0
433 201 — Valley View Greenwood 7.8 8.0
433 218 — McMaster Ottawa 7.8 8.0
433 235 — St Thomas More Mississauga 7.8 7.9
433 260 — E T Crowle Markham 7.8 7.9
433 260 — Post's Corners Oakville 7.8 7.9
433 276 — St Leonard Manotick 7.8 7.8
433 311 — St Alfred St Catharines 7.8 7.7
433 337 — Lyn-Tincap Lyn 7.8 7.7
433 357 — Whitby Shores Whitby 7.8 7.6
433 378 — Winger Wainfleet 7.8 7.6
433 463 — Talbot Trail Windsor 7.8 7.4
433 487 — Lester B Pearson Waterloo 7.8 7.4
433 553 — Ardagh Bluffs Barrie 7.8 7.3
433 587 — Coppard Glen Markham 7.8 7.2
433 599 — Quaker Village Uxbridge 7.8 7.2
433 618 — Antonine Maillet Oshawa 7.8 7.2
433 659 — Aurora Grove Aurora 7.8 7.1
433 659 — Carruthers Creek Ajax 7.8 7.1
433 671 — Our Lady of Grace Toronto 7.8 7.1
433 758 p St John Fisher Forest 7.8 7.0
433 758 — St Richard Toronto 7.8 7.0
433 794 — St Philip Richmond 7.8 6.9
433 801 p Canadian Martyrs Kitchener 7.8 6.9
433 858 — Vaughan Willard Pickering 7.8 6.8
433 962 — Heximer Avenue Niagara Falls 7.8 6.7
433 977 p Northwood Windsor 7.8 6.7
433 1059 — George P Mackie Toronto 7.8 6.6
433 1059 p John Brant Ridgeway 7.8 6.6
433 1220 — Jesse Ketchum Toronto 7.8 6.4
433 1259 — Cherrywood Acres Niagara Falls 7.8 6.4
433 1291 p St Boniface Zurich 7.8 6.3
433 1421 — Mariposa Oakwood 7.8 6.1
433 1520 — St Theresa Whitby 7.8 6.0
433 1548 p Sacred Heart Niagara Falls 7.8 5.9
433 1767 — Pauline Vanier Brampton 7.8 5.6
433 n/a n/a Maple Wood Mississauga 7.8 n/a
433 n/a n/a Spring Valley Ancaster 7.8 n/a
476 83 — John T Tuck Burlington 7.7 8.5
476 125 — St Pius X Tecumseh 7.7 8.3
476 174 — St Pius X Toronto 7.7 8.1
476 183 — Frankland Toronto 7.7 8.1
476 201 — Edward Johnson Guelph 7.7 8.0
476 245 — Charles R. Beaudoin Burlington 7.7 7.9
476 256 q Georges Vanier Kanata 7.7 7.9
476 256 — Mother Teresa Oakville 7.7 7.9
476 266 — Plum Tree Park Mississauga 7.7 7.9
476 274 — Madeleine-de-Roybon Kingston 7.7 7.9
476 276 — Wilkinson Toronto 7.7 7.8
476 283 — St. Ignatius of Loyola Guelph 7.7 7.8
476 287 — St Angela Merici Woodbridge 7.7 7.8
476 287 — St Nicholas Waterloo 7.7 7.8
476 292 — Broadview Ottawa 7.7 7.8
476 292 — St John de Brebeuf Kingsville 7.7 7.8
476 299 — St Mary of the Angels Toronto 7.7 7.8
476 353 — Rosebank Road Pickering 7.7 7.6
476 444 — St Rene Goupil-St Luke Thornhill 7.7 7.5
476 448 — Markham Gateway Markham 7.7 7.5
476 448 p North Agincourt Toronto 7.7 7.5
476 463 — Poplar Road Toronto 7.7 7.4
476 474 — Shirley Street Toronto 7.7 7.4
476 474 — St Ann Ancaster 7.7 7.4
476 474 p St Timothy Burlington 7.7 7.4
476 487 — Port Rowan Port Rowan 7.7 7.4
476 578 — St Francis Thunder Bay 7.7 7.2
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476 587 — R Gordon Sinclair Kingston 7.7 7.2
476 779 — Bruce T Lindley Burlington 7.7 6.9
476 809 — St Jude Mississauga 7.7 6.9
476 904 — St Elizabeth Seton Pickering 7.7 6.8
476 1046 p Rosedale Heights Thornhill 7.7 6.6
476 1102 p Rockwood Centennial Rockwood 7.7 6.5
476 1136 p St Boniface Toronto 7.7 6.5
476 1237 — St Charles Garnier Mississauga 7.7 6.4
476 1262 p Tweed Tweed 7.7 6.3
476 1291 p Lakeshore Burlington 7.7 6.3
476 n/a n/a Dr. David R. Williams Oakville 7.7 n/a
476 n/a n/a Our Lady of Peace Toronto 7.7 n/a
476 n/a n/a St. Peter Brantford 7.7 n/a
516 112 — Pleasantville Richmond Hill 7.6 8.3
516 128 — Our Lady of Mount Carmel Carlisle 7.6 8.3
516 153 — Westmount Thorold 7.6 8.2
516 177 — Georges-Étienne-Cartier Ottawa 7.6 8.1
516 225 — St Paul London 7.6 8.0
516 276 — Norseman Toronto 7.6 7.8
516 286 — Our Lady of the Assumption Stoney Creek 7.6 7.8
516 311 — Sir Samuel B Steele Toronto 7.6 7.7
516 337 — Aurora Aurora 7.6 7.7
516 337 — St Cecilia Toronto 7.6 7.7
516 357 — Roch Carrier Kanata 7.6 7.6
516 357 — St John the Baptist Belle River 7.6 7.6
516 369 — Laure-Rièse Toronto 7.6 7.6
516 376 — Mary Johnston Waterloo 7.6 7.6
516 400 — St Matthew Waterloo 7.6 7.6
516 407 — St Mark Kitchener 7.6 7.5
516 418 — Legacy Markham 7.6 7.5
516 426 — Castlemore Brampton 7.6 7.5
516 444 — Thornhill Woods Thornhill 7.6 7.5
516 463 — Mary Ward Niagara Falls 7.6 7.4
516 474 — La Mosaïque Toronto 7.6 7.4
516 487 — Brookville Campbellville 7.6 7.4
516 487 — Michaëlle-Jean Ottawa 7.6 7.4
516 487 — San Lorenzo Ruiz Mississauga 7.6 7.4
516 516 — Beaver Valley Thornbury 7.6 7.3
516 516 — Des Sentiers Orléans 7.6 7.3
516 516 — Kanata Nord Kanata 7.6 7.3
516 542 — Conestogo Conestogo 7.6 7.3
516 542 — St Catherine of Siena London 7.6 7.3
516 587 — Ryerson Burlington 7.6 7.2
516 618 — Jacob Beam Beamsville 7.6 7.2
516 629 — Fred A Hamilton Guelph 7.6 7.1
516 659 — St Mary Maidstone 7.6 7.1
516 685 — Gladys Speers Oakville 7.6 7.1
516 685 p St. John London 7.6 7.1
516 699 — Forest Avenue Mississauga 7.6 7.0
516 699 — Saint-Isidore St-Isidore 7.6 7.0
516 736 p Frère André London 7.6 7.0
516 801 — Mother Teresa Ajax 7.6 6.9
516 826 — Allan A Greenleaf Waterdown 7.6 6.9
516 826 — Milverton Milverton 7.6 6.9
516 858 — Father Frederick McGinn Richmond Hill 7.6 6.8
516 858 — Sainte-Marie Gloucester 7.6 6.8
516 875 — Red Maple Richmond Hill 7.6 6.8
516 904 — Winchester Brooklin 7.6 6.8
516 994 — Alexander Muir Newmarket 7.6 6.7
516 1111 p Father John Kelly Maple 7.6 6.5
516 1122 p Fairmount Toronto 7.6 6.5
516 1215 — Annette Street Toronto 7.6 6.4
516 1325 p Terraview-Willowfield Toronto 7.6 6.3
516 1367 — Clearmeadow Newmarket 7.6 6.2
516 1380 — Macaulay Bracebridge 7.6 6.2
516 n/a n/a Ogden Toronto 7.6 n/a
516 n/a n/a St Anne Catholic North York 7.6 n/a
516 n/a n/a St Patrick Brantford 7.6 n/a
571 72 — Prince of Peace Toronto 7.5 8.6
571 88 — Henderson Avenue Thornhill 7.5 8.5
571 158 — Island Public/Natural Science Toronto 7.5 8.2
571 177 — Mackenzie Glen Maple 7.5 8.1
571 177 — St Matthew Mississauga 7.5 8.1
571 195 — Charlton Thornhill 7.5 8.0
571 201 — Garden Avenue Toronto 7.5 8.0
571 201 — Wismer Markham 7.5 8.0
571 245 — Sainte-Marguerite-d'Youville Toronto 7.5 7.9
571 260 — Mountview Hamilton 7.5 7.9
571 260 — Pierre Berton Vaughan 7.5 7.9
571 283 — Elizabeth Simcoe Toronto 7.5 7.8
571 299 — St Mary Immaculate Richmond Hill 7.5 7.8
571 299 — Whitchurch Highlands Stouffville 7.5 7.8
571 327 — Greensborough Markham 7.5 7.7
571 327 — Le Prélude Orléans 7.5 7.7
571 357 — Arbour Vista Guelph 7.5 7.6
571 357 — Steve MacLean Gloucester 7.5 7.6
571 357 — Venerable John Merlini Toronto 7.5 7.6
571 384 — Oneida Central Caledonia 7.5 7.6
571 407 — Springbrook Brampton 7.5 7.5
571 434 — St Bernadette Oakville 7.5 7.5
571 487 — William Armstrong Markham 7.5 7.4
571 504 — Armour Heights Toronto 7.5 7.4
571 514 p St Albert of Jerusalem Mississauga 7.5 7.4
571 516 — Brechin Brechin 7.5 7.3
571 516 — Chris Hadfield Milton 7.5 7.3
571 534 — Senator Gibson Beamsville 7.5 7.3
571 542 — Elgin Street Ottawa 7.5 7.3
571 599 — Palermo Oakville 7.5 7.2
571 629 p Sacred Heart of Jesus Burlington 7.5 7.1
571 671 — Westwind Stittsville 7.5 7.1
571 685 p Divine Mercy Maple 7.5 7.1
571 685 — MacKenzie King Kitchener 7.5 7.1
571 699 — Blessed Kateri Kitchener 7.5 7.0
571 699 — Sir Isaac Brock Brampton 7.5 7.0
571 891 — Mother Teresa Courtice 7.5 6.8
571 904 — Rouge Valley Toronto 7.5 6.8
571 962 — St Anne's Cornwall 7.5 6.7
571 1122 p St Catherine of Siena Woodbridge 7.5 6.5
571 1136 — Jack Callaghan Lindsay 7.5 6.5
571 1215 — Saint-Joseph Wendover 7.5 6.4
571 1237 — Dr. David Suzuki Windsor 7.5 6.4
571 1279 — St Marks Burlington 7.5 6.3
571 1308 — Grandview New Hamburg 7.5 6.3
571 1421 p Jean Little Guelph 7.5 6.1
571 n/a n/a Cedar Hollow London 7.5 n/a
571 n/a n/a Errol Village Camlachie 7.5 n/a
571 n/a n/a Humbercrest Toronto 7.5 n/a
571 n/a n/a J W Gerth Kitchener 7.5 n/a
16 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
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571 n/a n/a L'Héritage St Catharines 7.5 n/a
571 n/a n/a Louise-Arbour Ottawa 7.5 n/a
571 n/a n/a Sir Arthur Currie London 7.5 n/a
571 n/a n/a St Anthony Ottawa 7.5 n/a
571 n/a n/a St Paul Newmarket 7.5 n/a
626 105 q John XXIII Mississauga 7.4 8.4
626 128 — St Gregory Nepean 7.4 8.3
626 135 — Holy Name of Mary Ancaster 7.4 8.2
626 153 — St. Anne Burlington 7.4 8.2
626 158 — Twenty Valley Vineland 7.4 8.2
626 183 — Sts Martha & Mary Mississauga 7.4 8.1
626 224 q St Andrew's Killaloe 7.4 8.0
626 225 — Herbert H Carnegie Maple 7.4 8.0
626 245 — Blessed Kateri London 7.4 7.9
626 266 — Lackner Woods Kitchener 7.4 7.9
626 276 — Pineland Burlington 7.4 7.8
626 319 q Chapman Mills Ottawa 7.4 7.7
626 327 — Byron Somerset London 7.4 7.7
626 394 — Castor Valley Greely 7.4 7.6
626 407 — Stoney Creek London 7.4 7.5
626 415 — Cedarwood Markham 7.4 7.5
626 418 — D M Eagle St Clair Beach 7.4 7.5
626 418 — Édouard-Bond Ottawa 7.4 7.5
626 434 — Guardian Angels Milton 7.4 7.5
626 434 — St Dominic Oakville 7.4 7.5
626 448 — St Augustines Dundas 7.4 7.5
626 463 — Chapel Hill Orléans 7.4 7.4
626 463 — Kettle Lakes Richmond Hill 7.4 7.4
626 474 — Lorna Jackson Woodbridge 7.4 7.4
626 504 — Bishop Scalabrini Thornhill 7.4 7.4
626 504 — Georges-Étienne-Cartier Toronto 7.4 7.4
626 516 — C H Norton Burlington 7.4 7.3
626 534 — Glen Shields Concord 7.4 7.3
626 542 — Niagara Street Toronto 7.4 7.3
626 542 — St. Dominic Cumberland 7.4 7.3
626 553 — Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc Brampton 7.4 7.3
626 567 — John William Boich Burlington 7.4 7.3
626 567 — Saint-Jean Aurora 7.4 7.3
626 567 — Saint-Noël-Chabanel Toronto 7.4 7.3
626 578 — Immaculate Heart of Mary Stoney Creek 7.4 7.2
626 586 — Grapeview St Catharines 7.4 7.2
626 587 — St Isidore Kanata 7.4 7.2
626 611 — Our Lady of the Annunciation Richmond Hill 7.4 7.2
626 611 — Walnut Grove Caledon 7.4 7.2
626 658 — Maryborough Moorefield 7.4 7.1
626 766 — Monsignor Paul Baxter Nepean 7.4 7.0
626 779 — Father Henri J M Nouwen Richmond Hill 7.4 6.9
626 809 — Ormiston Whitby 7.4 6.9
626 904 — Downie Central St Pauls 7.4 6.8
626 930 — Nor'wester View Thunder Bay 7.4 6.7
626 930 — St Stephen Brampton 7.4 6.7
626 1012 — St Francis de Sales Ajax 7.4 6.6
626 1042 — St Gabriel the Archangel Woodbridge 7.4 6.6
626 1046 — St Anthony Toronto 7.4 6.6
626 1088 — Elisabeth-Bruyère Kanata 7.4 6.5
626 1088 — Woodbridge Woodbridge 7.4 6.5
626 1122 — Killarney Beach Lefroy 7.4 6.5
626 1122 — Monseigneur Rémi-Gaulin Kingston 7.4 6.5
626 1174 — Mother Teresa Hamilton 7.4 6.4
626 1237 — Alain-Fortin Orléans 7.4 6.4
626 1237 p Good Shepherd Brampton 7.4 6.4
626 1945 — Humphrey Central Parry Sound 7.4 5.2
626 2133 p Riverside Huntsville 7.4 4.9
626 2274 p V K Greer Memorial Utterson 7.4 4.5
626 n/a n/a Saint-Ambroise St. Joachim 7.4 n/a
626 n/a n/a The Holy Trinity Toronto 7.4 n/a
687 72 — Forest Hill Toronto 7.3 8.6
687 158 — Coledale Markham 7.3 8.2
687 177 — Bessborough Drive Toronto 7.3 8.1
687 183 — Unionville Meadows Markham 7.3 8.1
687 195 — St Anselm Toronto 7.3 8.0
687 287 — Port Royal Toronto 7.3 7.8
687 311 q Redstone Richmond Hill 7.3 7.7
687 319 q Bogart Newmarket 7.3 7.7
687 369 — Westminster Woods Guelph 7.3 7.6
687 384 — Greendale Niagara Falls 7.3 7.6
687 384 q Jack Donohue Kanata 7.3 7.6
687 407 — Churchill Heights Toronto 7.3 7.5
687 448 — Holy Spirit Aurora 7.3 7.5
687 448 — St Mary of the Angels Vaughan 7.3 7.5
687 463 — da Vinci Ajax 7.3 7.4
687 485 — Hartman Aurora 7.3 7.4
687 504 — Williamson Road Toronto 7.3 7.4
687 516 — Maple Ridge Pickering 7.3 7.3
687 542 — Holy Name King City 7.3 7.3
687 542 — Our Lady of Wisdom Orléans 7.3 7.3
687 567 — Glad Park Stouffville 7.3 7.3
687 587 — St Peter Canisius Watford 7.3 7.2
687 599 — St Stephen Woodbridge 7.3 7.2
687 618 — McKay Port Colborne 7.3 7.2
687 659 — West Rouge Toronto 7.3 7.1
687 671 — St Patrick Schomberg 7.3 7.1
687 699 — McMurrich Toronto 7.3 7.0
687 718 — Northridge London 7.3 7.0
687 758 — St Thomas Aquinas Thunder Bay 7.3 7.0
687 779 — Gardiner Georgetown 7.3 6.9
687 779 — Vellore Woods Woodbridge 7.3 6.9
687 826 — Monsignor Uyen Chatham 7.3 6.9
687 826 — St Catherine of Alexandria Georgetown 7.3 6.9
687 858 — St Margaret Toronto 7.3 6.8
687 904 — Our Lady of Peace Nepean 7.3 6.8
687 922 — Sacred Heart Paris 7.3 6.8
687 930 — Ken Danby Guelph 7.3 6.7
687 949 p Blessed Sacrament Hamilton 7.3 6.7
687 977 — Corpus Christi Mississauga 7.3 6.7
687 1012 — Drayton Heights Drayton 7.3 6.6
687 1012 p St Patrick Nepean 7.3 6.6
687 1046 p St Anthony of Padua Milton 7.3 6.6
687 1059 — Father Daniel Zanon Mississauga 7.3 6.6
687 1079 p Cité-Jeunesse Trenton 7.3 6.6
687 1107 — Holy Name Toronto 7.3 6.5
687 1136 — St Martin de Porres Kanata 7.3 6.5
687 1220 — Exeter Exeter 7.3 6.4
687 1220 — Holy Family Woodstock 7.3 6.4
687 1220 — Scarborough Sud Toronto 7.3 6.4
687 1291 — Holy Family Thunder Bay 7.3 6.3
687 1291 p St Joseph's Acton 7.3 6.3
687 1308 — Woodcrest Thunder Bay 7.3 6.3
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687 1367 — St Vincent de Paul Cambridge 7.3 6.2
687 1412 — Sir John A Macdonald Belleville 7.3 6.1
687 1471 — Duffin's Bay Ajax 7.3 6.0
687 1499 — A V Graham Tecumseh 7.3 6.0
687 1505 — Kane Toronto 7.3 6.0
687 1548 p J R Wilcox Toronto 7.3 5.9
687 1609 — St Pius X Thunder Bay 7.3 5.8
687 1695 — Simcoe Street Niagara Falls 7.3 5.7
687 1749 — Erin Erin 7.3 5.6
687 n/a n/a K P Manson Severn Bridge 7.3 n/a
687 n/a n/a Victory Guelph 7.3 n/a
687 n/a n/a Willows Walk Whitby 7.3 n/a
751 183 — Oodenawi Oakville 7.2 8.1
751 211 — John McCrae Markham 7.2 8.0
751 225 — MacLeod's Landing Richmond Hill 7.2 8.0
751 266 — St Teresa of Avila Hamilton 7.2 7.9
751 319 — St David of Wales Mississauga 7.2 7.7
751 337 — Hunter's Glen Toronto 7.2 7.7
751 357 — Rickson Ridge Guelph 7.2 7.6
751 369 — Lamoureux Ottawa 7.2 7.6
751 369 — St Sofia Mississauga 7.2 7.6
751 384 — Mineola Mississauga 7.2 7.6
751 394 — MacLeod Sudbury 7.2 7.6
751 415 — Wendat Village Stouffville 7.2 7.5
751 434 — Kedron Oshawa 7.2 7.5
751 461 — Churchville Brampton 7.2 7.4
751 463 — St Michael the Archangel Vaughan 7.2 7.4
751 474 — Ramer Wood Markham 7.2 7.4
751 504 — Brock Toronto 7.2 7.4
751 516 — Bernard-Grandmaître Ottawa 7.2 7.3
751 516 — Byron Southwood London 7.2 7.3
751 540 — St Martin of Tours Stoney Creek 7.2 7.3
751 553 — St Augustine Cambridge 7.2 7.3
751 578 — St John Chrysostom Newmarket 7.2 7.2
751 618 — St Elizabeth Cambridge 7.2 7.2
751 629 — A Lorne Cassidy Stittsville 7.2 7.1
751 639 — St Catherine of Siena Ajax 7.2 7.1
751 639 — St Joseph's Simcoe 7.2 7.1
751 659 — Mountsfield London 7.2 7.1
751 749 p Huron Street Toronto 7.2 7.0
751 779 — St John Vianney Windsor 7.2 6.9
751 779 — Tiffany Hills Ancaster 7.2 6.9
751 794 — Our Lady of Sorrows Petawawa 7.2 6.9
751 809 p Blessed Trinity Maple 7.2 6.9
751 809 — Stonehaven Newmarket 7.2 6.9
751 845 — St Nicholas Newmarket 7.2 6.9
751 858 — Central Guelph 7.2 6.8
751 949 — St Clare Woodbridge 7.2 6.7
751 1009 — Our Lady of Grace Aurora 7.2 6.6
751 1088 p Bridlewood Kanata 7.2 6.5
751 1168 — Murray Centennial Trenton 7.2 6.4
751 1174 — Christ The King Mississauga 7.2 6.4
751 1220 — St Paschal Baylon Toronto 7.2 6.4
751 1262 — Charles C McLean Gore Bay 7.2 6.3
751 1308 p Clinton Clinton 7.2 6.3
751 1354 — Silverheights Cambridge 7.2 6.2
751 1421 — Bedford Stratford 7.2 6.1
751 1486 — The Waterfront Toronto 7.2 6.0
751 1634 — St Kevin Welland 7.2 5.8
751 1728 p Hepworth Central Hepworth 7.2 5.6
751 1739 — General Brock Toronto 7.2 5.6
751 1835 p Séraphin-Marion Ottawa 7.2 5.4
751 2054 p Nobel Nobel 7.2 5.0
751 n/a n/a Bishop Macdonell Toronto 7.2 n/a
751 n/a n/a Groh Kitchener 7.2 n/a
751 n/a n/a Huttonville Huttonville 7.2 n/a
751 n/a n/a Plympton-Wyoming Wyoming 7.2 n/a
751 n/a n/a St Joseph Stratford 7.2 n/a
751 n/a n/a Victoria Square Markham 7.2 n/a
808 135 — St Raphaels Burlington 7.1 8.2
808 225 — St Padre Pio Woodbridge 7.1 8.0
808 241 q St Michael Niagara-on-the-Lake 7.1 7.9
808 256 — Rockcliffe Park Ottawa 7.1 7.9
808 283 q Stevensville Stevensville 7.1 7.8
808 299 — Orde Street Toronto 7.1 7.8
808 319 — St Francis Xavier Markham 7.1 7.7
808 336 — Southwood Windsor 7.1 7.7
808 357 q Our Lady of Fatima Renfrew 7.1 7.6
808 357 — St Luke Waterloo 7.1 7.6
808 378 — Carleton St Catharines 7.1 7.6
808 378 — Nativity of Our Lord Toronto 7.1 7.6
808 384 q Ingleborough Brampton 7.1 7.6
808 384 — St Brigid Ayr 7.1 7.6
808 418 — St Clare Orléans 7.1 7.5
808 434 — St Andrew Nepean 7.1 7.5
808 463 — John English Toronto 7.1 7.4
808 487 — St Luke the Evangelist Whitby 7.1 7.4
808 534 — St Christopher Burlington 7.1 7.3
808 567 — Clara Brenton London 7.1 7.3
808 578 — Our Lady of Peace Stoney Creek 7.1 7.2
808 587 — St Elizabeth Seton Mississauga 7.1 7.2
808 587 — St John Bosco Barry's Bay 7.1 7.2
808 611 — Hilson Avenue Ottawa 7.1 7.2
808 618 — Keele Street Toronto 7.1 7.2
808 629 — Brother Andre Ajax 7.1 7.1
808 639 — Brisbane Erin 7.1 7.1
808 659 — William G Davis Toronto 7.1 7.1
808 671 — St Joseph Grimsby 7.1 7.1
808 671 — St Thérèse of Lisieux Hamilton 7.1 7.1
808 685 — Canadian Martyrs Toronto 7.1 7.1
808 685 — Lexington Waterloo 7.1 7.1
808 699 — St. Gregory the Great Oakville 7.1 7.0
808 699 — University Heights London 7.1 7.0
808 718 — Morse Street Toronto 7.1 7.0
808 718 — St Isaac Jogues Pickering 7.1 7.0
808 736 — Adam Beck Toronto 7.1 7.0
808 749 — Saint-Jean-Baptiste L'Orignal 7.1 7.0
808 758 — St Robert Toronto 7.1 7.0
808 779 — Berrigan Nepean 7.1 6.9
808 779 — R H Cornish Port Perry 7.1 6.9
808 801 — Prince of Wales Thorold 7.1 6.9
808 809 — St Joseph Belleville 7.1 6.9
808 809 — Stella Maris Amherstburg 7.1 6.9
808 855 — Giles Campus French Windsor 7.1 6.9
808 875 — Maple Ridge Orléans 7.1 6.8
808 891 p St Philip Petrolia 7.1 6.8
808 904 — Holy Angels Toronto 7.1 6.8
808 922 p St Bernard Ottawa 7.1 6.8
18 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
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808 962 — Stephen G Saywell Oshawa 7.1 6.7
808 977 — Highland Creek Toronto 7.1 6.7
808 977 — Holy Name of Mary St Marys 7.1 6.7
808 977 — Kortright Hills Guelph 7.1 6.7
808 977 — St Raphael the Archangel Maple 7.1 6.7
808 977 p l'Ange-Gardien North Lancaster 7.1 6.7
808 994 — Indian Creek Road Chatham 7.1 6.7
808 1012 p Camborne Cobourg 7.1 6.6
808 1012 — St Peter St Catharines 7.1 6.6
808 1079 p Florence Meares Burlington 7.1 6.6
808 1136 — Holy Spirit Brampton 7.1 6.5
808 1136 p Waverley Drive Guelph 7.1 6.5
808 1152 — St Teresa of Avila Mississauga 7.1 6.4
808 1168 — Hullett Central Londesboro 7.1 6.4
808 1168 — Sandhills Kitchener 7.1 6.4
808 1196 — St Gabriel Cambridge 7.1 6.4
808 1237 — Little Falls St Marys 7.1 6.4
808 1262 — Loretto Niagara Falls 7.1 6.3
808 1291 p St Mark Beamsville 7.1 6.3
808 1325 — Armitage Village Newmarket 7.1 6.3
808 1338 p St Augustine Ottawa 7.1 6.2
808 1471 — Rideau Kingston 7.1 6.0
808 1530 — Five Mile Thunder Bay 7.1 6.0
808 1622 — Queen Victoria Toronto 7.1 5.8
808 2151 — Riverside Mississauga 7.1 4.8
808 2285 — Our Lady Immaculate Strathroy 7.1 4.5
808 n/a n/a Our Lady of Hope Binbrook 7.1 n/a
808 n/a n/a Passeport Jeunesse Hearst 7.1 n/a
808 n/a n/a Peel Virtual Mississauga 7.1 n/a
808 n/a n/a St Gabriel Lalemant Toronto 7.1 n/a
808 n/a n/a St Michael Toronto 7.1 n/a
888 63 q St Benedict Unionville 7.0 8.6
888 158 — Le-Petit-Prince Vaughan 7.0 8.2
888 287 — Oscar Peterson Stouffville 7.0 7.8
888 299 — Altona Forest Pickering 7.0 7.8
888 299 — La Vérendrye Gloucester 7.0 7.8
888 319 — St Ann St Catharines 7.0 7.7
888 319 — St Mary's Sault Ste. Marie 7.0 7.7
888 337 — St Teresa Kitchener 7.0 7.7
888 400 — Mother Cabrini Toronto 7.0 7.6
888 426 — Maplehurst Burlington 7.0 7.5
888 487 — Brookside Toronto 7.0 7.4
888 487 — Connaught Ottawa 7.0 7.4
888 487 — MacKenzie Community Deep River 7.0 7.4
888 534 — South Perth Centennial St Marys 7.0 7.3
888 553 — Alexmuir Toronto 7.0 7.3
888 553 — Brooklin Village Brooklin 7.0 7.3
888 553 — Holy Rosary Waterloo 7.0 7.3
888 553 — Morrish Toronto 7.0 7.3
888 611 — Maurice-Lapointe Kanata 7.0 7.2
888 618 — Jean-Robert Gauthier Nepean 7.0 7.2
888 629 — Notre Dame Newmarket 7.0 7.1
888 639 — Great Lakes Brampton 7.0 7.1
888 659 — St Georges London 7.0 7.1
888 671 — Huntley Centennial Carpion 7.0 7.1
888 671 — St. Joseph Toledo 7.0 7.1
888 685 — St Isaac Jogues Toronto 7.0 7.1
888 699 — Brigadoon Kitchener 7.0 7.0
888 699 — St Bridget Brooklin 7.0 7.0
888 718 — Irma Coulson Milton 7.0 7.0
888 736 — Parkview Komoka 7.0 7.0
888 749 — St Francis Xavier Stoney Creek 7.0 7.0
888 766 — Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau Toronto 7.0 7.0
888 809 — Pauline Toronto 7.0 6.9
888 826 — Rogers Newmarket 7.0 6.9
888 845 — River Oaks Oakville 7.0 6.9
888 858 — Our Lady of Lourdes Delaware 7.0 6.8
888 858 — St Catherine Metcalfe 7.0 6.8
888 891 — Holy Cross Kemptville 7.0 6.8
888 904 — Kimberley Toronto 7.0 6.8
888 930 — Holy Family Bolton 7.0 6.7
888 949 — St Louis Toronto 7.0 6.7
888 962 — Pringle Creek Whitby 7.0 6.7
888 977 — Princess Elizabeth Welland 7.0 6.7
888 994 p Terry Fox Barrie 7.0 6.7
888 1031 — Sacred Heart Sarnia 7.0 6.6
888 1046 — Sir Edgar Bauer Waterloo 7.0 6.6
888 1059 p Holy Name of Mary Almonte 7.0 6.6
888 1059 — St Josephine Bakhita Ajax 7.0 6.6
888 1059 — St Mark Stouffville 7.0 6.6
888 1059 — Tecumseth South Central Tottenham 7.0 6.6
888 1079 — Centennial Central Arva 7.0 6.6
888 1133 — Queenston Drive Mississauga 7.0 6.5
888 1136 — John XXIII Oshawa 7.0 6.5
888 1174 — Lincoln Centennial St Catharines 7.0 6.4
888 1237 — McNab Arnprior 7.0 6.4
888 1237 p St Jude London 7.0 6.4
888 1237 p Wheatley Area Wheatley 7.0 6.4
888 1262 — St Joseph Mississauga 7.0 6.3
888 1262 — Trille des bois Ottawa 7.0 6.3
888 1308 — Chemong Bridgenorth 7.0 6.3
888 1325 — St Julia Mississauga 7.0 6.3
888 1392 p Gron Morgan Thunder Bay 7.0 6.2
888 1421 p St Anthony Harrow 7.0 6.1
888 1450 — Bridgeport Kitchener 7.0 6.1
888 1450 p Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant 7.0 6.1
888 1471 p Nouvel Horizon Welland 7.0 6.0
888 1505 — Keppel-Sarawak Owen Sound 7.0 6.0
888 1505 — Valley View Val Caron 7.0 6.0
888 1634 — Grand Bend Grand Bend 7.0 5.8
888 1665 — Saint-Denis Sudbury 7.0 5.7
888 n/a n/a Janet Metcalfe Kitchener 7.0 n/a
888 n/a n/a Le Flambeau Mississauga 7.0 n/a
888 n/a n/a St Matthew Unionville 7.0 n/a
888 n/a n/a St Monica Nepean 7.0 n/a
888 n/a n/a St Theresa St Catharines 7.0 n/a
963 189 — Bayview Glen Thornhill 6.9 8.1
963 337 — St Francis Sault Ste. Marie 6.9 7.7
963 434 — Rose des Vents Cornwall 6.9 7.5
963 459 — Our Lady of Lourdes Brampton 6.9 7.4
963 463 — Randall Markham 6.9 7.4
963 487 — W.O. Mitchell Kanata 6.9 7.4
963 504 — Byron Northview London 6.9 7.4
963 504 — St Anne Windsor 6.9 7.4
963 504 — St Julia Billiart Markham 6.9 7.4
963 504 — Westcreek Pickering 6.9 7.4
963 578 q Lockview St Catharines 6.9 7.2
963 578 — St Mary Elora 6.9 7.2
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963 587 q Mount Royal Brampton 6.9 7.2
963 599 — Guardian Angels Vaughan 6.9 7.2
963 618 — Rousseau Ancaster 6.9 7.2
963 629 — St Theresa Cumberland 6.9 7.1
963 639 — Hélène-Gravel Sudbury 6.9 7.1
963 671 — Brookdale Oakville 6.9 7.1
963 683 — Ellengale Mississauga 6.9 7.1
963 724 — Givins/Shaw Toronto 6.9 7.0
963 766 — Bendale Toronto 6.9 7.0
963 826 — Listowel Eastdale Listowel 6.9 6.9
963 826 — Saint-Nicolas Milton 6.9 6.9
963 845 — Fitch Street Welland 6.9 6.9
963 858 — St John the Apostle Nepean 6.9 6.8
963 891 — Kilbride Kilbride 6.9 6.8
963 930 — St Basil Mississauga 6.9 6.7
963 930 — Vincent Massey Ottawa 6.9 6.7
963 949 — Notre-Dame-des-Champs Ottawa 6.9 6.7
963 949 — St Elizabeth Toronto 6.9 6.7
963 976 — Corpus Christi Thunder Bay 6.9 6.7
963 1009 — Sam Sherratt Milton 6.9 6.6
963 1012 p St Jerome Aurora 6.9 6.6
963 1012 — St Josephine Bakhita Brampton 6.9 6.6
963 1042 — St John Perth 6.9 6.6
963 1059 — St Elizabeth Seton Newmarket 6.9 6.6
963 1079 — John XXIII Kingston 6.9 6.6
963 1102 — Boyne Milton 6.9 6.5
963 1111 — Abbey Lane Oakville 6.9 6.5
963 1136 — St Bernard Thunder Bay 6.9 6.5
963 1174 p St James Oakville 6.9 6.4
963 1308 — Sacred Heart Toronto 6.9 6.3
963 1338 — Frontenac Burlington 6.9 6.2
963 1338 p St Victor Toronto 6.9 6.2
963 1354 — Longue Sault Long Sault 6.9 6.2
963 1367 — San Marco Woodbridge 6.9 6.2
963 1376 p St Angela Merici Brampton 6.9 6.2
963 1411 p St Pio of Pietrelcina Mississauga 6.9 6.1
963 1421 — St Martin Ennismore 6.9 6.1
963 1471 — Woodville Woodville 6.9 6.0
963 1486 — Ste-Jeanne-d'Arc London 6.9 6.0
963 1499 — Floradale Elmira 6.9 6.0
963 1530 p Baltimore Baltimore 6.9 6.0
963 1538 p Countryside Village Brampton 6.9 5.9
963 1560 — Carrefour Jeunesse Rockland 6.9 5.9
963 1560 — Salem Elora 6.9 5.9
963 1575 p Georges Vanier Brampton 6.9 5.9
963 1575 — Oakwood Port Colborne 6.9 5.9
963 1634 — Central Bowmanville 6.9 5.8
963 1695 — Christ the King Catholic Wallaceburg 6.9 5.7
963 n/a n/a Guelph Lake Guelph 6.9 n/a
963 n/a n/a Mary Immaculate Chepstow 6.9 n/a
963 n/a n/a ÉÉC Sainte-Anne Milton 6.9 n/a
1026 378 — Milliken Toronto 6.8 7.6
1026 426 — Wilclay Markham 6.8 7.5
1026 444 — St Simon Stock Mississauga 6.8 7.5
1026 448 q St. Benedict Milton 6.8 7.5
1026 487 — Eastview Oakville 6.8 7.4
1026 487 — Our Lady of Peace Oakville 6.8 7.4
1026 542 — Lake Wilcox Richmond Hill 6.8 7.3
1026 553 — Holy Rosary Milton 6.8 7.3
1026 618 — Harry Bowes Stouffville 6.8 7.2
1026 629 — SouthFields Village Caledon 6.8 7.1
1026 639 — Little Rouge Markham 6.8 7.1
1026 639 — Sir Adam Beck Baden 6.8 7.1
1026 639 q Sir Samuel Steele Whitby 6.8 7.1
1026 659 q Pickering Pickering 6.8 7.1
1026 685 — Hawthorne II Bilingual Toronto 6.8 7.1
1026 699 — Anne J. MacArthur Milton 6.8 7.0
1026 724 — Our Lady of Fatima Woodbridge 6.8 7.0
1026 724 — St. Brother André Gloucester 6.8 7.0
1026 736 — Donald Young Emo 6.8 7.0
1026 736 — Glen Morris Central Glen Morris 6.8 7.0
1026 736 — St Ursula Brampton 6.8 7.0
1026 736 — St. Nicholas London 6.8 7.0
1026 766 — Hon Earl Rowe Bradford 6.8 7.0
1026 794 — College Street Smithville 6.8 6.9
1026 801 — Robert Munsch Whitby 6.8 6.9
1026 801 — St Mark London 6.8 6.9
1026 826 — Earl Haig Toronto 6.8 6.9
1026 826 — Fern Avenue Toronto 6.8 6.9
1026 826 — Light of Christ Aurora 6.8 6.9
1026 891 — St Francis of Assisi Petawawa 6.8 6.8
1026 922 — Ogden Community Thunder Bay 6.8 6.8
1026 930 — Fr Fenelon Pickering 6.8 6.7
1026 977 — St Joseph Uxbridge 6.8 6.7
1026 994 — St Wilfrid Pickering 6.8 6.7
1026 1012 — Bobcaygeon Bobcaygeon 6.8 6.6
1026 1031 — Humewood Toronto 6.8 6.6
1026 1088 — Naismith Memorial Almonte 6.8 6.5
1026 1088 — Saint-Noël-Chabanel Cambridge 6.8 6.5
1026 1102 — King Edward Toronto 6.8 6.5
1026 1111 — St Clare Mississauga 6.8 6.5
1026 1111 — St Monica Pickering 6.8 6.5
1026 1136 — St Patrick's Caledonia 6.8 6.5
1026 1152 — St Paul Kitchener 6.8 6.4
1026 1174 — Second Street Toronto 6.8 6.4
1026 1196 — Meadowvale Toronto 6.8 6.4
1026 1196 — St Matthew Binbrook 6.8 6.4
1026 1220 — Tom Longboat Toronto 6.8 6.4
1026 1237 — Baden Baden 6.8 6.4
1026 1262 — St Norbert Toronto 6.8 6.3
1026 1262 — W.T. Townshend Kitchener 6.8 6.3
1026 1291 — St Josephs Hamilton 6.8 6.3
1026 1324 p Pleasant Park Ottawa 6.8 6.3
1026 1380 — Driftwood Park Kitchener 6.8 6.2
1026 1380 — Hawthorne Village Milton 6.8 6.2
1026 1392 p Avondale Toronto 6.8 6.2
1026 1392 — Lakeshore Discovery Emeryville 6.8 6.2
1026 1392 — St Rita Nepean 6.8 6.2
1026 1421 — Assumption St Catharines 6.8 6.1
1026 1421 — Mother Teresa Walkerton 6.8 6.1
1026 1421 p St David Dorchester 6.8 6.1
1026 1548 — Annunciation of Our Lord Hamilton 6.8 5.9
1026 1560 p Cookstown Central Cookstown 6.8 5.9
1026 1571 — St Dunstan Toronto 6.8 5.9
1026 1705 — Marchmont Orillia 6.8 5.7
1026 1719 p St Cecilia Brampton 6.8 5.6
1026 1749 — Mitchell Woods Guelph 6.8 5.6
1026 1893 — Michel-Dupuis Ottawa 6.8 5.3
20 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
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1026 2067 — St Therese Port Colborne 6.8 5.0
1026 2070 p St Bernadette Barrie 6.8 5.0
1026 2471 — Harwood Toronto 6.8 3.9
1026 n/a n/a Emily Carr Toronto 6.8 n/a
1026 n/a n/a M J Hobbs Senior Hampton 6.8 n/a
1026 n/a n/a Marshview Bradford 6.8 n/a
1026 n/a n/a Sacred Heart Mildmay 6.8 n/a
1026 n/a n/a St. Scholastica Town of Milton 6.8 n/a
1101 245 q Pope Francis Kleinburg 6.7 7.9
1101 299 q Gainsborough Central St Anns 6.7 7.8
1101 394 — Saint-François-d'Assise Ottawa 6.7 7.6
1101 407 q Moraine Hills Richmond Hill 6.7 7.5
1101 448 — The Queen Elizabeth Perth 6.7 7.5
1101 504 — Ascension Burlington 6.7 7.4
1101 553 — LaSalle LaSalle 6.7 7.3
1101 567 — Francojeunesse Ottawa 6.7 7.3
1101 567 — Lakeview Grimsby 6.7 7.3
1101 567 q St Thomas More Ottawa 6.7 7.3
1101 599 — J.-L.-Couroux Carleton Place 6.7 7.2
1101 611 — St Joseph The Worker Thornhill 6.7 7.2
1101 639 — Hillcrest Cambridge 6.7 7.1
1101 718 — Glendale Welland 6.7 7.0
1101 724 — Summitview Stouffville 6.7 7.0
1101 758 — S A Cawker Port Perry 6.7 7.0
1101 779 — Balaclava Carlisle 6.7 6.9
1101 779 — St Cornelius Caledon East 6.7 6.9
1101 809 — Sts Peter & Paul Mississauga 6.7 6.9
1101 822 — St Clare of Assisi Stoney Creek 6.7 6.9
1101 845 — Blair Ridge Whitby 6.7 6.9
1101 875 — Centennial Central Comber 6.7 6.8
1101 891 — Charles G Fraser Toronto 6.7 6.8
1101 930 — Minesing Central Minesing 6.7 6.7
1101 962 — St Patrick Guelph 6.7 6.7
1101 994 — Norway Toronto 6.7 6.7
1101 1012 — Archbishop O'Sullivan Kingston 6.7 6.6
1101 1059 — Alexander Sudbury 6.7 6.6
1101 1059 — St Francis Xavier Brampton 6.7 6.6
1101 1111 — Corpus-Christi Oshawa 6.7 6.5
1101 1111 — Mono-Amaranth Orangeville 6.7 6.5
1101 1136 — Académie de la Moraine Richmond Hill 6.7 6.5
1101 1196 p John Black Fergus 6.7 6.4
1101 1220 — Saint-Grégoire Vankleek Hill 6.7 6.4
1101 1220 — Seigneurie Casselman 6.7 6.4
1101 1237 p Cardinal Newman Niagara Falls 6.7 6.4
1101 1262 — Nobleton Nobleton 6.7 6.3
1101 1262 — St Boniface Maryhill 6.7 6.3
1101 1325 — Echo Bay Central Echo Bay 6.7 6.3
1101 1354 — St Martin Smithville 6.7 6.2
1101 1380 p Fairview Brantford 6.7 6.2
1101 1450 — St Michael Ridgetown 6.7 6.1
1101 1505 — Canadian Martyrs St Catharines 6.7 6.0
1101 1609 p Adjala Central Loretto 6.7 5.8
1101 1622 — George Vanier Lively 6.7 5.8
1101 1647 p St Kevin Toronto 6.7 5.8
1101 1665 — Saint-Jean/Pavillon La Croisée Embrun 6.7 5.7
1101 1681 — Glengrove Pickering 6.7 5.7
1101 1681 — St Michael's Cobourg 6.7 5.7
1101 1681 — St Ursula Toronto 6.7 5.7
1101 1728 — Warminster Warminster 6.7 5.6
1101 1790 — R M Moore Sault Ste. Marie 6.7 5.5
1101 1790 p Saint-Dominique Sudbury 6.7 5.5
1101 1824 p A J Charbonneau Arnprior 6.7 5.5
1101 1986 — Sacred Heart Rockwood 6.7 5.2
1101 2033 p Westmount Kitchener 6.7 5.1
1101 2091 — St Vincent Thunder Bay 6.7 5.0
1101 n/a n/a Abraar Ottawa 6.7 n/a
1101 n/a n/a Notre-Place Orléans 6.7 n/a
1101 n/a n/a Port Stanley Port Stanley 6.7 n/a
1101 n/a n/a Rattlesnake Point Milton 6.7 n/a
1101 n/a n/a St James Eganville 6.7 n/a
1101 n/a n/a St Louis Keewatin 6.7 n/a
1101 n/a n/a Tribune Drive Brampton 6.7 n/a
1165 201 — Arc-en-ciel Orléans 6.6 8.0
1165 292 — Baythorn Thornhill 6.6 7.8
1165 337 — E I McCulley St Catharines 6.6 7.7
1165 426 — Parkland Markham 6.6 7.5
1165 448 — Maple Grove Oakville 6.6 7.5
1165 448 — St Christopher Mississauga 6.6 7.5
1165 487 — Hyde Park Barrie 6.6 7.4
1165 487 q Park Lawn Toronto 6.6 7.4
1165 516 q Chartland Toronto 6.6 7.3
1165 516 — St Margaret Mary Woodbridge 6.6 7.3
1165 671 — St Mary-St Cecilia Morrisburg 6.6 7.1
1165 699 — Mère-Élisabeth-Bruyère Waterloo 6.6 7.0
1165 736 — Boxwood Markham 6.6 7.0
1165 736 — Transfiguration of our Lord Toronto 6.6 7.0
1165 749 q Ancaster Meadow Ancaster 6.6 7.0
1165 766 — Sainte-Madeleine Toronto 6.6 7.0
1165 779 — Empire Waterloo 6.6 6.9
1165 779 — Tarentorus Sault Ste. Marie 6.6 6.9
1165 794 — Sir William Osler Dundas 6.6 6.9
1165 822 — Tecumseh Vista Academy Tecumseh 6.6 6.9
1165 826 — Lincoln Alexander Ajax 6.6 6.9
1165 858 — Holy Trinity Guelph 6.6 6.8
1165 858 — Southwood Park Ajax 6.6 6.8
1165 875 — St Brigid Brampton 6.6 6.8
1165 891 — Monseigneur-Jamot Peterborough 6.6 6.8
1165 891 — Mother Teresa Russell 6.6 6.8
1165 922 — P. L. Robertson Milton 6.6 6.8
1165 930 — Hespeler Cambridge 6.6 6.7
1165 930 — Quaker Road Welland 6.6 6.7
1165 949 — Blessed Pope John Paull II Brooklin 6.6 6.7
1165 949 — Forest Glen New Hamburg 6.6 6.7
1165 977 — Mountain Ash Brampton 6.6 6.7
1165 994 — Pope John Paul II Hamilton 6.6 6.7
1165 1031 — Fieldcrest Bradford 6.6 6.6
1165 1046 — Alexander Muir/Gladstone Ave Toronto 6.6 6.6
1165 1079 — St Raymond Mississauga 6.6 6.6
1165 1136 — Holy Family New Hamburg 6.6 6.5
1165 1152 — St Francis of Assisi Orléans 6.6 6.4
1165 1168 — Brimwood Boulevard Toronto 6.6 6.4
1165 1174 — St Eugene Toronto 6.6 6.4
1165 1196 — Pierre Elliott Trudeau Oshawa 6.6 6.4
1165 1220 — Father Clair Tipping Brampton 6.6 6.4
1165 1237 — Rockwood Pembroke 6.6 6.4
1165 1237 — Treeline Brampton 6.6 6.4
1165 1291 — St Paul Norwood 6.6 6.3
1165 1308 — Marie-Curie London 6.6 6.3
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1165 1325 — Caradoc Central Mt. Brydges 6.6 6.3
1165 1325 — St Gabriel Lalemant Niagara Falls 6.6 6.3
1165 1354 — John A Leslie Toronto 6.6 6.2
1165 1354 — St Brigid Stouffville 6.6 6.2
1165 1392 — Alloa Caledon 6.6 6.2
1165 1412 — Blessed Sacrament Kitchener 6.6 6.1
1165 1421 — Dundas Central Dundas 6.6 6.1
1165 1471 — Allandale Heights Barrie 6.6 6.0
1165 1575 — Keatsway Waterloo 6.6 5.9
1165 1575 p Riverside Elmira 6.6 5.9
1165 1632 — Hamlet Stratford 6.6 5.8
1165 1719 — West Lynde Whitby 6.6 5.6
1165 1767 — St Joseph Toronto 6.6 5.6
1165 1773 — Preston Cambridge 6.6 5.5
1165 1816 — St Marcellus Toronto 6.6 5.5
1165 1844 — Crestview Kitchener 6.6 5.4
1165 1920 p McKenzie-Smith Bennett Acton 6.6 5.3
1165 1930 — St John Bosco Toronto 6.6 5.3
1165 n/a n/a Our Lady of Fatima St Catharines 6.6 n/a
1165 n/a n/a Saint-Michel Toronto 6.6 n/a
1231 353 q St Paul Stoney Creek 6.5 7.6
1231 418 q Stoneybrook London 6.5 7.5
1231 426 q North Preparatory Toronto 6.5 7.5
1231 474 — John McCrae Guelph 6.5 7.4
1231 474 — St Richard Mississauga 6.5 7.4
1231 553 — Eagle Ridge Ajax 6.5 7.3
1231 567 q Highbush Pickering 6.5 7.3
1231 587 — John Dryden Whitby 6.5 7.2
1231 671 q Maple Creek Maple 6.5 7.1
1231 683 — Our Lady of Lourdes Waterloo 6.5 7.1
1231 699 — Gordon Welland 6.5 7.0
1231 766 — South March Kanata 6.5 7.0
1231 766 — St Stephen Stittsville 6.5 7.0
1231 779 — Highview Aurora 6.5 6.9
1231 809 — Norwood Park Hamilton 6.5 6.9
1231 826 — Sheridan Park St Catharines 6.5 6.9
1231 826 — St Thomas Waterdown 6.5 6.9
1231 875 — Jeanne Sauvé Stratford 6.5 6.8
1231 875 — St Aloysius Stratford 6.5 6.8
1231 875 — St Monica Toronto 6.5 6.8
1231 891 q Saint-Pierre Sudbury 6.5 6.8
1231 904 — Alexander's Burlington 6.5 6.8
1231 947 — St Angela Merici Bradford 6.5 6.7
1231 994 — Queen of Heaven Milton 6.5 6.7
1231 1012 — St Marguerite d'Youville Hamilton 6.5 6.6
1231 1042 — Saginaw Cambridge 6.5 6.6
1231 1046 — St Teresa of Avila Elmira 6.5 6.6
1231 1059 — Dresden Area Central Dresden 6.5 6.6
1231 1102 — Charlottetown Toronto 6.5 6.5
1231 1107 — St Francis of Assisi Mississauga 6.5 6.5
1231 1174 — Central Burlington 6.5 6.4
1231 1174 — Primrose Shelburne 6.5 6.4
1231 1196 — Glen Dhu Whitby 6.5 6.4
1231 1215 — Montfort Ottawa 6.5 6.4
1231 1262 — Reine-des-Bois Cumberland 6.5 6.3
1231 1291 — Robert J Lee Brampton 6.5 6.3
1231 1308 — St Joseph Cambridge 6.5 6.3
1231 1325 — Bishop Scalabrini Mississauga 6.5 6.3
1231 1325 — Glenwood Windsor 6.5 6.3
1231 1338 — McBride Avenue Mississauga 6.5 6.2
1231 1380 — All Saints Mississauga 6.5 6.2
1231 1392 — St Brendan Stouffville 6.5 6.2
1231 1450 — Holy Cross Ottawa 6.5 6.1
1231 1450 — Prince Albert Prince Albert 6.5 6.1
1231 1464 p St Conrad Toronto 6.5 6.1
1231 1471 — Grandview Sault Ste. Marie 6.5 6.0
1231 1471 — Thomas D'Arcy McGee Gloucester 6.5 6.0
1231 1499 p Avon Stratford 6.5 6.0
1231 1548 — St Louis Leamington 6.5 5.9
1231 1575 p Monsignor Castex Midland 6.5 5.9
1231 1575 — St Simon Toronto 6.5 5.9
1231 1596 p Leslieville Toronto 6.5 5.9
1231 1596 — St Francis of Assisi Georgetown 6.5 5.9
1231 1609 — St Peter Woodbridge 6.5 5.8
1231 1681 — Our Lady of Lourdes Sault Ste. Marie 6.5 5.7
1231 1738 — Southview Napanee 6.5 5.6
1231 1764 — St Wilfrid Toronto 6.5 5.6
1231 1785 — St Bernard Windsor 6.5 5.5
1231 1798 — Princess Anne Ingersoll 6.5 5.5
1231 1798 — Queen Elizabeth II Petrolia 6.5 5.5
1231 1835 — St Andrew Welland 6.5 5.4
1231 1839 p Wortley Road London 6.5 5.4
1231 1869 p St Theresa Callander 6.5 5.4
1231 2225 — Rainham Central Fisherville 6.5 4.7
1231 2225 — St Angela Toronto 6.5 4.7
1231 2260 — St James Toronto 6.5 4.6
1231 n/a n/a Ecole Elsie MacGill Thunder Bay 6.5 n/a
1231 n/a n/a Massassaga-Rednersville Belleville 6.5 n/a
1231 n/a n/a Shaughnessy Toronto 6.5 n/a
1300 327 — Jeanne Sauve St Catharines 6.4 7.7
1300 394 — Tecumseh Mississauga 6.4 7.6
1300 434 — St. Rose of Lima Nepean 6.4 7.5
1300 463 q All Saints Toronto 6.4 7.4
1300 578 — St. Mary Oakville 6.4 7.2
1300 639 — Caistor Central Caistor Centre 6.4 7.1
1300 749 — Spencer Avenue Orangeville 6.4 7.0
1300 766 — Eldorado Brampton 6.4 7.0
1300 794 — Winston Churchill Kingston 6.4 6.9
1300 858 q Holy Cross Thunder Bay 6.4 6.8
1300 858 — Richmond Street Thorold 6.4 6.8
1300 858 — St Peter Tecumseh 6.4 6.8
1300 875 — Canadian Martyrs Hamilton 6.4 6.8
1300 875 — Johnny Lombardi Woodbridge 6.4 6.8
1300 875 — Pine Grove Woodbridge 6.4 6.8
1300 904 — King George VI Sarnia 6.4 6.8
1300 930 q Ange-Gabriel Brockville 6.4 6.7
1300 949 — Canadian Martyrs Newmarket 6.4 6.7
1300 962 — Edith Cavell St Catharines 6.4 6.7
1300 962 — St Bernard Whitby 6.4 6.7
1300 994 — DeWitt Carter Port Colborne 6.4 6.7
1300 994 — Percy P McCallum Windsor 6.4 6.7
1300 1009 — Malden Central Amherstburg 6.4 6.6
1300 1031 — St Joseph Clinton 6.4 6.6
1300 1046 — Carrefour des Jeunes Brampton 6.4 6.6
1300 1046 — Holy Name Essex 6.4 6.6
1300 1059 — St Marguerite d'Youville Ottawa 6.4 6.6
1300 1088 — Aldergrove Unionville 6.4 6.5
1300 1122 — St Luke Toronto 6.4 6.5
22 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
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1300 1152 — Floradale Mississauga 6.4 6.4
1300 1152 — Pope John Paul II Bolton 6.4 6.4
1300 1174 — Stittsville Stittsville 6.4 6.4
1300 1220 — St Paul's Peterborough 6.4 6.4
1300 1220 — West Humber Toronto 6.4 6.4
1300 1262 — St Hilary Mississauga 6.4 6.3
1300 1291 — St Anne Sarnia 6.4 6.3
1300 1308 — Bruce Trail Milton 6.4 6.3
1300 1308 — Inglewood Heights Toronto 6.4 6.3
1300 1308 — St Edmund Campion Toronto 6.4 6.3
1300 1338 — Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Orléans 6.4 6.2
1300 1354 — Lanor Toronto 6.4 6.2
1300 1392 — St Gabriel Burlington 6.4 6.2
1300 1412 — Anderdon Amherstburg 6.4 6.1
1300 1412 — Sir Albert Love Oshawa 6.4 6.1
1300 1421 — St John Vianney Barrie 6.4 6.1
1300 1421 — Vincent Massey Oshawa 6.4 6.1
1300 1443 — Fallingbrook Ottawa 6.4 6.1
1300 1486 — St Anne Kitchener 6.4 6.0
1300 1505 — Smithson Kitchener 6.4 6.0
1300 1538 — Church Street Toronto 6.4 5.9
1300 1609 — St Antoine Daniel Toronto 6.4 5.8
1300 1647 — Michaëlle Jean Hamilton 6.4 5.8
1300 1676 — Holy Rosary Guelph 6.4 5.7
1300 1767 p R Tait McKenzie Almonte 6.4 5.6
1300 1945 — H J Lassaline Windsor 6.4 5.2
1300 2109 — Sacred Heart Marmora 6.4 4.9
1300 2125 — Holy Cross Innisfil 6.4 4.9
1300 2316 p St Francis of Assisi Innisfil 6.4 4.4
1300 2453 — Highland Heights Toronto 6.4 4.0
1300 2547 — Foyer-Jeunesse Hanmer 6.4 3.6
1300 n/a n/a Baycrest North York 6.4 n/a
1300 n/a n/a Elm Drive Mississauga 6.4 n/a
1300 n/a n/a Holy Rosary Catholic Thorold 6.4 n/a
1300 n/a n/a Sacred Heart Batawa 6.4 n/a
1300 n/a n/a Saint-Antoine Niagara Falls 6.4 n/a
1300 n/a n/a St. Anne Oshawa 6.4 n/a
1366 444 — St James Tottenham 6.3 7.5
1366 514 — St Gregory Toronto 6.3 7.4
1366 516 — St. Gabriel Stoney Creek 6.3 7.3
1366 534 — Saint-Joseph d'Orléans Orléans 6.3 7.3
1366 599 — Bright's Grove Bright's Grove 6.3 7.2
1366 599 — Cornell Village Markham 6.3 7.2
1366 599 — Notre Dame Caledonia 6.3 7.2
1366 618 q Saint-Jean-Baptiste Mississauga 6.3 7.2
1366 659 — Our Lady of Providence Brantford 6.3 7.1
1366 671 — Immaculate Conception Ancaster 6.3 7.1
1366 699 — Linklater Gananoque 6.3 7.0
1366 822 — Bakersfield Thornhill 6.3 6.9
1366 845 — St Frances Cabrini Delhi 6.3 6.9
1366 855 — Chris Hadfield Bradford 6.3 6.9
1366 875 — Glenview Burlington 6.3 6.8
1366 891 — Annunciation Toronto 6.3 6.8
1366 904 — Mountain View Collingwood 6.3 6.8
1366 904 — St Emily Woodbridge 6.3 6.8
1366 949 — Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau Nepean 6.3 6.7
1366 949 — St Paul Burlington 6.3 6.7
1366 962 — McClure Brampton 6.3 6.7
1366 1012 q Shaw Brampton 6.3 6.6
1366 1059 — Jean-Paul II Whitby 6.3 6.6
1366 1059 — St Dominic Savio Kitchener 6.3 6.6
1366 1079 — Percy Centennial Warkworth 6.3 6.6
1366 1088 — Islington Toronto 6.3 6.5
1366 1122 — St Fidelis Toronto 6.3 6.5
1366 1136 — Grand View Cambridge 6.3 6.5
1366 1136 — Timberbank Toronto 6.3 6.5
1366 1152 — Lorenville Brampton 6.3 6.4
1366 1174 — Churchill Alternative Ottawa 6.3 6.4
1366 1174 — St Mary Gloucester 6.3 6.4
1366 1220 — St George-German St George 6.3 6.4
1366 1237 — St Margaret Cambridge 6.3 6.4
1366 1237 — Westmount Peterborough 6.3 6.4
1366 1279 — Northumberland Hills Castleton 6.3 6.3
1366 1279 — St Catherine Peterborough 6.3 6.3
1366 1279 — Thorndale Brampton 6.3 6.3
1366 1291 — St Brigid Georgetown 6.3 6.3
1366 1338 — Canadian Martyrs Mississauga 6.3 6.2
1366 1338 — Queen of Heaven Mississauga 6.3 6.2
1366 1354 — Orangeville Orangeville 6.3 6.2
1366 1376 — Holy Child Toronto 6.3 6.2
1366 1392 — Good Shepherd Courtice 6.3 6.2
1366 1471 — Mary Honeywell Nepean 6.3 6.0
1366 1499 — Mitchell Hepburn St Thomas 6.3 6.0
1366 1499 — St Theresa Shrine Toronto 6.3 6.0
1366 1505 — Cardinal-Léger Kitchener 6.3 6.0
1366 1505 — Emma King Barrie 6.3 6.0
1366 1505 — Father Michael McGivney Brampton 6.3 6.0
1366 1575 — Westmount London 6.3 5.9
1366 1596 — Stuart Scott Newmarket 6.3 5.9
1366 1606 — Central Windsor 6.3 5.9
1366 1609 — Sandowne Waterloo 6.3 5.8
1366 1622 — Farley Mowat Ottawa 6.3 5.8
1366 1622 — Le Coeur du Nord Kapuskasing 6.3 5.8
1366 1634 p Ste Marguerite Bourgeoys Kenora 6.3 5.8
1366 1695 — Holy Family Sault Ste. Marie 6.3 5.7
1366 1767 — Hillcrest Petrolia 6.3 5.6
1366 1785 — St Monica Brampton 6.3 5.5
1366 1790 — Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Toronto 6.3 5.5
1366 1790 — J A McWilliam Windsor 6.3 5.5
1366 1790 p St Anne Blenheim 6.3 5.5
1366 1816 — Blair Road Cambridge 6.3 5.5
1366 1824 — Sainte-Félicité Clarence Creek 6.3 5.5
1366 1868 — Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ottawa 6.3 5.4
1366 1882 — Roseland Windsor 6.3 5.4
1366 2054 — Maple Grove Barrie 6.3 5.0
1366 2067 p Paris Central Paris 6.3 5.0
1366 2125 — Elgin Market Kincardine 6.3 4.9
1366 2269 — Tyendinaga Shannonville 6.3 4.6
1366 2459 — Joyceville Joyceville 6.3 3.9
1366 n/a n/a Madaniyya Academy Mississauga 6.3 n/a
1366 n/a n/a St John the Evangelist Whitby 6.3 n/a
1366 n/a n/a St Louis Mississauga 6.3 n/a
1366 n/a n/a St. Jacinta Marto Brampton 6.3 n/a
1366 n/a n/a Viola Desmond Milton 6.3 n/a
1366 n/a n/a des Pins Gloucester 6.3 n/a
1444 135 — North Cavan Cavan 6.2 8.2
1444 540 — Orchard Park Burlington 6.2 7.3
1444 611 — White Haven Toronto 6.2 7.2
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1444 618 q Jean-Paul II Val Caron 6.2 7.2
1444 724 — St Joachim Ancaster 6.2 7.0
1444 736 — St Lawrence Toronto 6.2 7.0
1444 749 — Dufferin Brantford 6.2 7.0
1444 758 — Bellmere Toronto 6.2 7.0
1444 809 q Oak Ridges Richmond Hill 6.2 6.9
1444 845 — St Philip Mississauga 6.2 6.9
1444 875 — Edmison Heights Peterborough 6.2 6.8
1444 875 — North Bridlewood Toronto 6.2 6.8
1444 891 — Pleasant Toronto 6.2 6.8
1444 904 q Notre Dame Windsor 6.2 6.8
1444 904 q River Heights Caledonia 6.2 6.8
1444 930 — St Luke Mississauga 6.2 6.7
1444 962 — Mother Teresa Bradford 6.2 6.7
1444 977 — St Mary's Deep River 6.2 6.7
1444 1012 — Elora Elora 6.2 6.6
1444 1031 — L'Harmonie Waterloo 6.2 6.6
1444 1031 q South Dorchester Belmont 6.2 6.6
1444 1059 — Kleinburg Kleinburg 6.2 6.6
1444 1111 — John Sweeney Kitchener 6.2 6.5
1444 1111 — St Jerome Toronto 6.2 6.5
1444 1136 — de la Découverte Cumberland 6.2 6.5
1444 1152 — St Anthony St Catharines 6.2 6.4
1444 1168 — St Patrick Burlington 6.2 6.4
1444 1174 — Edna Staebler Waterloo 6.2 6.4
1444 1174 — Precious Blood Exeter 6.2 6.4
1444 1174 — St Veronica Woodbridge 6.2 6.4
1444 1196 — St Denis St Catharines 6.2 6.4
1444 1237 — Regency Acres Aurora 6.2 6.4
1444 1262 — Blessed John XXIII Toronto 6.2 6.3
1444 1262 — Jean Vanier London 6.2 6.3
1444 1279 — Westvale Waterloo 6.2 6.3
1444 1291 — South River South River 6.2 6.3
1444 1308 — Father Francis McSpiritt Brampton 6.2 6.3
1444 1338 — Beaumonde Heights Toronto 6.2 6.2
1444 1338 — St Margaret of Scotland Mississauga 6.2 6.2
1444 1367 — St Lawrence's Hamilton 6.2 6.2
1444 1392 — Seaforth Seaforth 6.2 6.2
1444 1412 — St Charles Bradford 6.2 6.1
1444 1450 — Good Shepherd Newmarket 6.2 6.1
1444 1486 — St Herbert Mississauga 6.2 6.0
1444 1499 — Saint-Philippe Burlington 6.2 6.0
1444 1505 — The Good Shepherd Barrie 6.2 6.0
1444 1520 — Errol Road Sarnia 6.2 6.0
1444 1530 — James Morden Niagara Falls 6.2 6.0
1444 1538 — L A Desmarais Windsor 6.2 5.9
1444 1548 — Bellmoore Binbrook 6.2 5.9
1444 1575 — St David Hamilton 6.2 5.9
1444 1634 — Blake Street Toronto 6.2 5.8
1444 1634 — Hugh Beaton Windsor 6.2 5.8
1444 1681 — Burkevale Penetanguishene 6.2 5.7
1444 1749 — Breslau Breslau 6.2 5.6
1444 1767 — St Francis of Assisi Newcastle 6.2 5.6
1444 1844 — Bracebridge Bracebridge 6.2 5.4
1444 1844 — Notre-Dame Cornwall 6.2 5.4
1444 1861 — South Branch Kemptville 6.2 5.4
1444 1882 — St Monicas Barrie 6.2 5.4
1444 1905 — Ernest Cumberland Alliston 6.2 5.3
1444 1920 — Franklin Kitchener 6.2 5.3
1444 1920 p Sir Isaac Brock London 6.2 5.3
1444 1920 — St Patrick Rockland 6.2 5.3
1444 1935 — General Crerar Toronto 6.2 5.3
1444 1956 — Gordon B Attersley Oshawa 6.2 5.2
1444 1971 — Clairlea Toronto 6.2 5.2
1444 1971 — Spring Valley Brighton 6.2 5.2
1444 2015 p Forest Glade Windsor 6.2 5.1
1444 2015 p Viscount Montgomery Hamilton 6.2 5.1
1444 2070 — Princess Elizabeth London 6.2 5.0
1444 2133 — Meadowbrook Newmarket 6.2 4.9
1444 2353 — Dr George Hall Little Britain 6.2 4.3
1444 2360 — Johnson Street Barrie 6.2 4.3
1444 2545 — Oliver Stephens Woodstock 6.2 3.6
1444 n/a n/a Half Moon Bay Nepean 6.2 n/a
1444 n/a n/a Harvest Hills Bradford 6.2 n/a
1444 n/a n/a Highland Cambridge 6.2 n/a
1444 n/a n/a St Joseph Island Central Richards Landing 6.2 n/a
1444 n/a n/a St Mary Fort Frances 6.2 n/a
1444 n/a n/a Whaley's Corners Brampton 6.2 n/a
1525 610 — North Bendale Toronto 6.1 7.2
1525 629 — Silver Pines Richmond Hill 6.1 7.1
1525 736 q Discovery Maple 6.1 7.0
1525 736 — Saint-Jean-de-Lalande Toronto 6.1 7.0
1525 766 — Goderich Goderich 6.1 7.0
1525 794 — Algonquin Ridge Barrie 6.1 6.9
1525 826 — Cobden Cobden 6.1 6.9
1525 855 q Ross Drive Brampton 6.1 6.9
1525 875 — Beryl Ford Brampton 6.1 6.8
1525 891 q St. Teresa of Calcutta Kingston 6.1 6.8
1525 904 — St Michael (Corkery) Carp 6.1 6.8
1525 922 — Our Lady of Fatima Grimsby 6.1 6.8
1525 949 q St Johns Burlington 6.1 6.7
1525 977 — Sainte-Geneviève Ottawa 6.1 6.7
1525 1012 — Our Lady of Grace Kitchener 6.1 6.6
1525 1012 — Prince of Wales St Catharines 6.1 6.6
1525 1012 — Walter Zadow Arnprior 6.1 6.6
1525 1031 — St Vincent de Paul Hamilton 6.1 6.6
1525 1059 — North Easthope Stratford 6.1 6.6
1525 1107 — St Benedict Toronto 6.1 6.5
1525 1122 — St Jean Brebeuf Brampton 6.1 6.5
1525 1133 — James Strath Peterborough 6.1 6.5
1525 1152 — St Christopher Windsor 6.1 6.4
1525 1259 — Earl Beatty Toronto 6.1 6.4
1525 1262 — Belle River Belle River 6.1 6.3
1525 1279 — Coronation Oshawa 6.1 6.3
1525 1279 — St Paul Sault Ste. Marie 6.1 6.3
1525 1308 — Dr G J MacGillivray Courtice 6.1 6.3
1525 1325 — Gosfield North Central Cottam 6.1 6.3
1525 1354 — Vincent Massey North Bay 6.1 6.2
1525 1367 — St Joachim Toronto 6.1 6.2
1525 1380 — St Clement St Clements 6.1 6.2
1525 1392 — Notre Dame Orillia 6.1 6.2
1525 1392 — Ross Welland 6.1 6.2
1525 1412 — John Young Kanata 6.1 6.1
1525 1421 — Island Lake Orangeville 6.1 6.1
1525 1446 — Regal Road Toronto 6.1 6.1
1525 1545 — St Isaac Jogues Brampton 6.1 5.9
1525 1634 — St Gerard Mississauga 6.1 5.8
1525 1654 — Precious Blood Toronto 6.1 5.8
24 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
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1525 1728 — J W Walker Fort Frances 6.1 5.6
1525 1739 — English Central New Liskeard 6.1 5.6
1525 1739 p Saint-Viateur Limoges 6.1 5.6
1525 1749 — St Joseph Oshawa 6.1 5.6
1525 1785 p St Leo Brantford 6.1 5.5
1525 1861 p Tavistock Tavistock 6.1 5.4
1525 1869 — St Teresa's Peterborough 6.1 5.4
1525 1893 — Rosedale Sarnia 6.1 5.3
1525 1905 — Harris Heights Ingersoll 6.1 5.3
1525 1935 p Elma Township Atwood 6.1 5.3
1525 1956 p Greenholme Toronto 6.1 5.2
1525 1986 — Norman Cook Toronto 6.1 5.2
1525 1986 p Orono Orono 6.1 5.2
1525 2033 p Good Shepherd Gloucester 6.1 5.1
1525 2109 — Summers' Corners Aylmer 6.1 4.9
1525 2133 — Harrow Harrow 6.1 4.9
1525 2170 p Dovercourt Toronto 6.1 4.8
1525 2174 — Vance Chapman Thunder Bay 6.1 4.8
1525 2261 — St Mary Brampton 6.1 4.6
1525 n/a n/a Colborne Colborne 6.1 n/a
1525 n/a n/a Elsie MacGill Oshawa 6.1 n/a
1525 n/a n/a Lakeroad Sarnia 6.1 n/a
1525 n/a n/a Macklin Toronto 6.1 n/a
1525 n/a n/a Martin Street Milton 6.1 n/a
1525 n/a n/a St Joseph Tilbury 6.1 n/a
1590 266 q St Paul Whitby 6.0 7.9
1590 474 q Valley Farm Pickering 6.0 7.4
1590 578 q St Veronica Mississauga 6.0 7.2
1590 629 — Forest Hill Midhurst 6.0 7.1
1590 639 q Lumen Christi Milton 6.0 7.1
1590 685 q Northport Port Elgin 6.0 7.1
1590 779 — James Grieve Brampton 6.0 6.9
1590 858 — Crestview Murillo 6.0 6.8
1590 891 — Cornell Toronto 6.0 6.8
1590 904 — Blue Willow Woodbridge 6.0 6.8
1590 922 — Kemptville Kemptville 6.0 6.8
1590 922 — Nellie McClung Vaughan 6.0 6.8
1590 962 — Cedarbrook Toronto 6.0 6.7
1590 962 — St Mary's Listowel 6.0 6.7
1590 977 — Elizabeth Ziegler Waterloo 6.0 6.7
1590 977 — Gulfstream Toronto 6.0 6.7
1590 1046 — Cataraqui Woods Kingston 6.0 6.6
1590 1111 — Open Roads Dryden 6.0 6.5
1590 1122 — Cadarackque Ajax 6.0 6.5
1590 1152 — Crossland Newmarket 6.0 6.4
1590 1152 q Les Rapides Sarnia 6.0 6.4
1590 1152 — Sheppard Kitchener 6.0 6.4
1590 1152 — Southwold St Thomas 6.0 6.4
1590 1174 — Notre Dame London 6.0 6.4
1590 1196 — Saint-Antoine Tecumseh 6.0 6.4
1590 1196 — St. Luke North Bay 6.0 6.4
1590 1215 — Clarksdale Burlington 6.0 6.4
1590 1279 — Silver Creek Georgetown 6.0 6.3
1590 1291 — Ferris Glen Corbeil 6.0 6.3
1590 1291 — Saint Gabriel the Archangel Barrie 6.0 6.3
1590 1308 — Corpus Christi Ottawa 6.0 6.3
1590 1308 — Ryerson Heights Brantford 6.0 6.3
1590 1338 — Holy Name Welland 6.0 6.2
1590 1338 — Roberta Bondar Brampton 6.0 6.2
1590 1367 — St Patrick Harrowsmith 6.0 6.2
1590 1412 — Casselman - St-Paul/Ste-Euphémie Casselman 6.0 6.1
1590 1421 — Lester B Pearson Brampton 6.0 6.1
1590 1421 — St Faustina Mississauga 6.0 6.1
1590 1421 — St Joachim Brampton 6.0 6.1
1590 1446 — Manor Park Ottawa 6.0 6.1
1590 1450 — Foxboro Foxboro 6.0 6.1
1590 1450 — Jean Steckle Kitchener 6.0 6.1
1590 1464 — St Joseph Bowmanville 6.0 6.1
1590 1471 — Caradoc North Strathroy 6.0 6.0
1590 1471 — St Dominic Savio Toronto 6.0 6.0
1590 1486 — Kawartha Heights Peterborough 6.0 6.0
1590 1530 — Dolson Brampton 6.0 6.0
1590 1560 — Alta Vista Ottawa 6.0 5.9
1590 1596 — Holy Family Bowmanville 6.0 5.9
1590 1596 — Laurier-Carrière Nepean 6.0 5.9
1590 1609 — Mount Pleasant Village Brampton 6.0 5.8
1590 1695 — Herman Street Petawawa 6.0 5.7
1590 1705 — Our Lady of Fatima Toronto 6.0 5.7
1590 1728 — Kingsville Kingsville 6.0 5.6
1590 1728 — Perth Avenue Toronto 6.0 5.6
1590 1767 — Janet Lee Stoney Creek 6.0 5.6
1590 1844 — St Marguerite Bourgeoys Brampton 6.0 5.4
1590 1882 — St. Luke Lindsay 6.0 5.4
1590 1893 — Burnham Cobourg 6.0 5.3
1590 1893 — John Campbell Windsor 6.0 5.3
1590 1905 — J Douglas Hogarth Fergus 6.0 5.3
1590 1945 — St Francis Sudbury 6.0 5.2
1590 1956 p St Anthony London 6.0 5.2
1590 2000 — Msgr John Corrigan Toronto 6.0 5.2
1590 2174 — Holy Trinity Sarnia 6.0 4.8
1590 2217 — St Roch Toronto 6.0 4.7
1590 2265 — St Nicholas Barrie 6.0 4.6
1590 2269 — Country Hills Kitchener 6.0 4.6
1590 2512 p Lionel-Gauthier Timmins 6.0 3.8
1590 n/a n/a Chantal-Benoit East Gwillimbury 6.0 n/a
1590 n/a n/a Chicopee Hills Kitchener 6.0 n/a
1590 n/a n/a Jonathan-Pitre Gloucester 6.0 n/a
1590 n/a n/a Tiger Jeet Singh Milton 6.0 n/a
1590 n/a n/a Tony Pontes Mississauga 6.0 n/a
1664 486 — St Dominic Mississauga 5.9 7.4
1664 766 q Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Toronto 5.9 7.0
1664 766 q Palgrave Palgrave 5.9 7.0
1664 904 — Harriet Tubman St Catharines 5.9 6.8
1664 922 — Sainte-Thérèse Windsor 5.9 6.8
1664 949 q Steele Street Port Colborne 5.9 6.7
1664 1077 — Regina Mundi Hamilton 5.9 6.6
1664 1079 — St Columban Dublin 5.9 6.6
1664 1088 — Holy Cross Halton Hills 5.9 6.5
1664 1088 — Mother Theresa Cambridge 5.9 6.5
1664 1088 — Riverside London 5.9 6.5
1664 1088 — St Timothy Kitchener 5.9 6.5
1664 1152 — Glencairn Kitchener 5.9 6.4
1664 1168 — Stonecrest Woodlawn 5.9 6.4
1664 1220 — Doverwood Port Dover 5.9 6.4
1664 1237 — Bowmore Road Toronto 5.9 6.4
1664 1392 — Confederation Central Sarnia 5.9 6.2
1664 1392 — Mary Shadd Toronto 5.9 6.2
1664 1421 — Our Lady of Victory Milton 5.9 6.1
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1664 1443 — St Andrew Orangeville 5.9 6.1
1664 1471 — Innisfil Central Lefroy 5.9 6.0
1664 1505 — St Margaret Mary Hamilton 5.9 6.0
1664 1525 — James Hillier Brantford 5.9 6.0
1664 1530 — Holy Redeemer Kanata 5.9 6.0
1664 1548 — Holy Rosary Burlington 5.9 5.9
1664 1548 — St Christopher Oshawa 5.9 5.9
1664 1560 — Ellesmere-Statton Toronto 5.9 5.9
1664 1575 — Bayside Belleville 5.9 5.9
1664 1575 — Blue Heron Cambridge 5.9 5.9
1664 1596 — Holland Landing Holland Landing 5.9 5.9
1664 1609 — Blessed Margherita Toronto 5.9 5.8
1664 1622 — Harmony Corbyville 5.9 5.8
1664 1622 — Sacred Heart Guelph 5.9 5.8
1664 1681 — Park Avenue Holland Landing 5.9 5.7
1664 1681 — Saint-René-Goupil Guelph 5.9 5.7
1664 1719 — Innerkip Central Innerkip 5.9 5.6
1664 1728 — Guardian Angels Brampton 5.9 5.6
1664 1749 — Our Lady of Victory Fort Erie 5.9 5.6
1664 1773 — L'Équinoxe Pembroke 5.9 5.5
1664 1798 — St Mary's Collingwood 5.9 5.5
1664 1798 — Walter Gretzky Brantford 5.9 5.5
1664 1809 — Forest View Oshawa 5.9 5.5
1664 1809 — June Avenue Guelph 5.9 5.5
1664 1809 — Lady Mackenzie Kirkfield 5.9 5.5
1664 1861 — Beachburg Beachburg 5.9 5.4
1664 1869 — Roseville Windsor 5.9 5.4
1664 1882 — Ardtrea/Cumberland Beach Cumberland Beach 5.9 5.4
1664 1882 — Harmony Heights Oshawa 5.9 5.4
1664 1920 — St Benedict Orangeville 5.9 5.3
1664 1935 — Clearview Meadows Stayner 5.9 5.3
1664 1935 — Suddaby Kitchener 5.9 5.3
1664 2046 — Assumption Aylmer 5.9 5.1
1664 2046 — Immaculate Conception Windsor 5.9 5.1
1664 2054 — St John Guelph 5.9 5.0
1664 2054 — St John Fisher Brampton 5.9 5.0
1664 2151 p Glen Orchard/Honey Harbour Port Carling 5.9 4.8
1664 2249 — St Mary's Goderich 5.9 4.6
1664 2302 — André-Cary Kapuskasing 5.9 4.5
1664 2329 — Essex Toronto 5.9 4.4
1664 2405 — Dawnview Hanover 5.9 4.1
1664 2477 p Alexandra Owen Sound 5.9 3.9
1664 n/a n/a Mooretown-Courtright Mooretown 5.9 n/a
1664 n/a n/a Our Lady of Mercy Bancroft 5.9 n/a
1664 n/a n/a Saint-Joseph Blind River 5.9 n/a
1664 n/a n/a St. Evan Caledon 5.9 n/a
1729 337 — Applewood St Catharines 5.8 7.7
1729 639 — Monseigneur Jean Noël Windsor 5.8 7.1
1729 685 q Our Lady of Good Counsel Sharon 5.8 7.1
1729 685 q Ray Lawson Brampton 5.8 7.1
1729 724 — Escarpment View Milton 5.8 7.0
1729 724 q Forest Run Woodbridge 5.8 7.0
1729 801 q St Mark the Evangelist Whitby 5.8 6.9
1729 875 — St Gabriel Brantford 5.8 6.8
1729 930 — Sainte-Kateri Ottawa 5.8 6.7
1729 1031 — Tom Thomson Burlington 5.8 6.6
1729 1046 — Joseph Gould Uxbridge 5.8 6.6
1729 1046 — Pope John Paul II Oakville 5.8 6.6
1729 1077 q Norman G. Powers Oshawa 5.8 6.6
1729 1111 — Springfield Mississauga 5.8 6.5
1729 1133 — René-Lamoureux Mississauga 5.8 6.5
1729 1136 — Rideau Vista Westport 5.8 6.5
1729 1174 — Duke of Connaught Toronto 5.8 6.4
1729 1220 — Anne Frank Maple 5.8 6.4
1729 1220 — Our Lady of Providence Brampton 5.8 6.4
1729 1237 q Montgomery Village Orangeville 5.8 6.4
1729 1354 — Our Lady of Fatima Cambridge 5.8 6.2
1729 1376 — St. Michael's Dunnville 5.8 6.2
1729 1392 — Ballantrae Stouffville 5.8 6.2
1729 1421 — St Nicholas Toronto 5.8 6.1
1729 1443 — St Kateri Tekakwitha Oshawa 5.8 6.1
1729 1450 — Harrowsmith Harrowsmith 5.8 6.1
1729 1464 — Cameron Street Collingwood 5.8 6.1
1729 1464 — Faywood Arts Toronto 5.8 6.1
1729 1471 q St Eugenes Hamilton 5.8 6.0
1729 1486 — Académie de la Tamise London 5.8 6.0
1729 1525 — Jeanne-Lajoie Pembroke 5.8 6.0
1729 1525 — Marie of the Incarnation Bradford 5.8 6.0
1729 1525 — Westminster Thornhill 5.8 6.0
1729 1538 — St Thomas More Toronto 5.8 5.9
1729 1560 — Marie-Tanguay Cornwall 5.8 5.9
1729 1560 — Pope John Paul II Barrie 5.8 5.9
1729 1560 — Sir John A. Macdonald Kingston 5.8 5.9
1729 1575 — Minto-Clifford Central Harriston 5.8 5.9
1729 1596 — La Source Barrie 5.8 5.9
1729 1606 — Maryvale Toronto 5.8 5.9
1729 1622 — St Bernard of Clairvaux Waterford 5.8 5.8
1729 1654 — James MacDonald Hamilton 5.8 5.8
1729 1654 — Saint-Michel New Liskeard 5.8 5.8
1729 1654 — West Nissouri Thorndale 5.8 5.8
1729 1705 — St John the Evangelist Toronto 5.8 5.7
1729 1749 — Perth Road Perth Road 5.8 5.6
1729 1764 p Our Lady of Fatima North Bay 5.8 5.6
1729 1824 — St. André Bessette Brampton 5.8 5.5
1729 1824 — Stockdale Frankford 5.8 5.5
1729 1839 — Terry Fox Cobourg 5.8 5.4
1729 1844 — Hillcrest Campbellford 5.8 5.4
1729 1844 — Wyevale Central Wyevale 5.8 5.4
1729 1869 — St Helen Toronto 5.8 5.4
1729 1893 p North Meadows Strathroy 5.8 5.3
1729 1905 — Ada B Massecar Waterford 5.8 5.3
1729 1905 — St Patrick Brampton 5.8 5.3
1729 1945 p Holly Meadows Barrie 5.8 5.2
1729 1945 — Viscount Alexander Ottawa 5.8 5.2
1729 1956 — Valleyview Kenora 5.8 5.2
1729 1986 — St John Brebeuf Erin 5.8 5.2
1729 2000 — Parkway Cambridge 5.8 5.2
1729 2033 — Monseigneur-de-Laval Hamilton 5.8 5.1
1729 2046 — Holy Spirit Toronto 5.8 5.1
1729 2067 p Lockes St Thomas 5.8 5.0
1729 2105 — Brant Avenue Guelph 5.8 4.9
1729 2105 p Lake Simcoe Keswick 5.8 4.9
1729 2186 — Grand Valley Grand Valley 5.8 4.8
1729 2188 p Our Lady of the Assumption Toronto 5.8 4.8
1729 2268 — St. Matthew Sarnia 5.8 4.6
1729 2335 — Couchiching Heights Orillia 5.8 4.4
1729 2391 p A A Wright Wallaceburg 5.8 4.2
1729 2466 — Mosa Central Glencoe 5.8 3.9
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1729 2606 — North Hastings Bancroft 5.8 3.2
1729 n/a n/a Boyne River Alliston 5.8 n/a
1729 n/a n/a Jean Lumb Toronto 5.8 n/a
1729 n/a n/a Merlin Area Merlin 5.8 n/a
1729 n/a n/a St Cecilia Alliston 5.8 n/a
1729 n/a n/a St. Angela Merici Chatham 5.8 n/a
1807 516 — Alton Alton 5.7 7.3
1807 629 q Mary Phelan Guelph 5.7 7.1
1807 724 q Regent Heights Toronto 5.7 7.0
1807 749 — Vradenburg Toronto 5.7 7.0
1807 758 — St Clare Toronto 5.7 7.0
1807 845 — Lester B Pearson Ajax 5.7 6.9
1807 904 q St John Bosco Oshawa 5.7 6.8
1807 930 — Crosby Heights Richmond Hill 5.7 6.7
1807 977 — Terry Fox Newmarket 5.7 6.7
1807 1012 q H G Bernard Richmond Hill 5.7 6.6
1807 1012 q Sunnybrae Innisfil 5.7 6.6
1807 1031 — W R Best Memorial Shanty Bay 5.7 6.6
1807 1046 — St Patrick's Woodstock 5.7 6.6
1807 1102 q Gregory Drive Chatham 5.7 6.5
1807 1111 q Settler's Green Mississauga 5.7 6.5
1807 1122 — Our Lady of Good Counsel Ingleside 5.7 6.5
1807 1136 q l'Odyssée Orléans 5.7 6.5
1807 1174 — Dublin Heights Toronto 5.7 6.4
1807 1196 — St Catherine of Siena Mississauga 5.7 6.4
1807 1196 q Williamstown Williamstown 5.7 6.4
1807 1237 — Princess Elizabeth Orangeville 5.7 6.4
1807 1291 — Armadale Markham 5.7 6.3
1807 1376 — Birch Cliff Toronto 5.7 6.2
1807 1421 — St. Basil Brantford 5.7 6.1
1807 1463 — Holy Family Wallaceburg 5.7 6.1
1807 1486 — Jack Miner Kingsville 5.7 6.0
1807 1486 — Monsignor J E Ronan Beeton 5.7 6.0
1807 1486 — Parkview Windsor 5.7 6.0
1807 1505 — La Pommeraie London 5.7 6.0
1807 1575 — Regina Mundi Toronto 5.7 5.9
1807 1575 — St Raphael Mississauga 5.7 5.9
1807 1596 — Aylesbury Brampton 5.7 5.9
1807 1609 — Moffat Creek Cambridge 5.7 5.8
1807 1622 — Princess Margaret Niagara Falls 5.7 5.8
1807 1681 — Our Lady of Lourdes Elmvale 5.7 5.7
1807 1705 — Bellwood Whitby 5.7 5.7
1807 1719 — Welborne Avenue Kingston 5.7 5.6
1807 1773 — Huron Centennial Brucefield 5.7 5.5
1807 1790 — Harry J Clarke Belleville 5.7 5.5
1807 1809 — Cedar Creek Ayr 5.7 5.5
1807 1809 — Kente Ameliasburgh 5.7 5.5
1807 1893 — Tait Street Cambridge 5.7 5.3
1807 1930 p Sir William Stephenson Whitby 5.7 5.3
1807 1945 — Blenheim Drumbo 5.7 5.2
1807 1945 — Harwich-Raleigh Blenheim 5.7 5.2
1807 1956 — St Mary Toronto 5.7 5.2
1807 2000 — St James Windsor 5.7 5.2
1807 2023 — St Michael Cambridge 5.7 5.1
1807 2023 — St Peter Orangeville 5.7 5.1
1807 2033 — St Augustine Toronto 5.7 5.1
1807 2063 — St Angela Windsor 5.7 5.0
1807 2063 — West Lynn Simcoe 5.7 5.0
1807 2070 p North Ward Paris 5.7 5.0
1807 2070 — Stewart Avenue Cambridge 5.7 5.0
1807 2082 — Tosorontio Central Everett 5.7 5.0
1807 2261 — Ottawa Crescent Guelph 5.7 4.6
1807 n/a n/a Eramosa Rockwood 5.7 n/a
1807 n/a n/a Saint-Louis Penetanguishene 5.7 n/a
1807 n/a n/a Seneca Central York 5.7 n/a
1807 n/a n/a South Shore Education Nipissing 5.7 n/a
1807 n/a n/a St Anne Iroquois Falls 5.7 n/a
1868 426 — St Jacobs St Jacobs 5.6 7.5
1868 826 q Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Hamilton 5.6 6.9
1868 858 q Cathedrale Kingston 5.6 6.8
1868 890 — St Barnabas Toronto 5.6 6.8
1868 962 q East Garafraxa East Garafraxa 5.6 6.7
1868 977 q St Peter's Milton 5.6 6.7
1868 1012 q Dr S J Phillips Oshawa 5.6 6.6
1868 1079 — St Sebastian Mississauga 5.6 6.6
1868 1136 — St Elizabeth Wallaceburg 5.6 6.5
1868 1152 — Holy Cross Sudbury 5.6 6.4
1868 1174 — Falgarwood Oakville 5.6 6.4
1868 1196 — James Robinson Markham 5.6 6.4
1868 1196 — Wellesley Wellesley 5.6 6.4
1868 1262 q Aurora Heights Aurora 5.6 6.3
1868 1262 — des Pionniers Orléans 5.6 6.3
1868 1291 — Herb Campbell Inglewood 5.6 6.3
1868 1308 — Phoebe Gilman East Gwillimbury 5.6 6.3
1868 1354 — St Agnes Toronto 5.6 6.2
1868 1380 q Ayr Ayr 5.6 6.2
1868 1380 — Blantyre Toronto 5.6 6.2
1868 1380 — Glamorgan Toronto 5.6 6.2
1868 1392 q James S Bell Toronto 5.6 6.2
1868 1392 — St Theresa Brantford 5.6 6.2
1868 1421 — Eagle Plains Brampton 5.6 6.1
1868 1446 — St Raphael Toronto 5.6 6.1
1868 1464 — St John Bosco Brockville 5.6 6.1
1868 1471 — Upper Thames Mitchell 5.6 6.0
1868 1505 q St Maria Goretti Toronto 5.6 6.0
1868 1530 — Glen Park Toronto 5.6 6.0
1868 1530 — St Marguerite d'Youville London 5.6 6.0
1868 1571 — Holy Family Alliston 5.6 5.9
1868 1571 — William C. Winegard Guelph 5.6 5.9
1868 1632 — Monck Bracebridge 5.6 5.8
1868 1676 — Emily Carr London 5.6 5.7
1868 1695 — Westney Heights Ajax 5.6 5.7
1868 1705 — St Aloysius Kitchener 5.6 5.7
1868 1739 — Courtice North Courtice 5.6 5.6
1868 1790 — St John Garson 5.6 5.5
1868 1816 — St Mary's Barrie 5.6 5.5
1868 1824 — Millbrook/South Cavan Millbrook 5.6 5.5
1868 1844 — Shakespeare Stratford 5.6 5.4
1868 1861 — C E Broughton Whitby 5.6 5.4
1868 1905 — Westfield Tillsonburg 5.6 5.3
1868 1919 — Churchill Sudbury 5.6 5.3
1868 1920 — Miller's Grove Mississauga 5.6 5.3
1868 1930 — Cashmere Avenue Mississauga 5.6 5.3
1868 1935 — Bolton C Falby Ajax 5.6 5.3
1868 1986 — Credit Meadows Orangeville 5.6 5.2
1868 2011 — Queen Elizabeth Sault Ste. Marie 5.6 5.1
1868 2087 p John McCrae Toronto 5.6 5.0
1868 2087 — Pleasant Corners Vankleek Hill 5.6 5.0
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1868 2087 — St. Anne's St Thomas 5.6 5.0
1868 2186 — Archie Stouffer Minden 5.6 4.8
1868 2198 — Golf Road Toronto 5.6 4.7
1868 2249 p Birchview Dunes Wasaga Beach 5.6 4.6
1868 2274 — Palmerston Palmerston 5.6 4.5
1868 2383 p David Maxwell Windsor 5.6 4.2
1868 2453 p Gordon McGregor Windsor 5.6 4.0
1868 2526 — Coronation Windsor 5.6 3.7
1868 2605 p Le Trillium Vanier 5.6 3.2
1868 n/a n/a L'Odyssée Guelph 5.6 n/a
1868 n/a n/a Markstay/Warren Markstay 5.6 n/a
1868 n/a n/a Pakenham Pakenham 5.6 n/a
1868 n/a n/a Summerside London 5.6 n/a
1868 n/a n/a Viola Desmond Ajax 5.6 n/a
1868 n/a n/a William G Miller Toronto 5.6 n/a
1934 699 q Algonquin Road/Long Lake Sudbury 5.5 7.0
1934 779 q St Brigid Toronto 5.5 6.9
1934 794 q Caledon East Caledon East 5.5 6.9
1934 809 q Guthrie Oro Station 5.5 6.9
1934 826 — Terre-des-Jeunes Ottawa 5.5 6.9
1934 949 — North Shore Keene 5.5 6.7
1934 1079 q Trillium Woods Barrie 5.5 6.6
1934 1088 — St Daniel Ottawa 5.5 6.5
1934 1107 q Holy Family Oakville 5.5 6.5
1934 1220 q W J Baird Blenheim 5.5 6.4
1934 1367 — Our Lady of Lourdes Toronto 5.5 6.2
1934 1380 q St Joseph Richmond Hill 5.5 6.2
1934 1450 — Valleyview Central Ilderton 5.5 6.1
1934 1486 — Banting and Best Toronto 5.5 6.0
1934 1538 q St Nicholas Bolton 5.5 5.9
1934 1548 — Enniskillen Enniskillen 5.5 5.9
1934 1560 — W J Langlois Windsor 5.5 5.9
1934 1575 — Cardinal Leger Toronto 5.5 5.9
1934 1634 — Charles Bowman Bowmanville 5.5 5.8
1934 1647 q Kars on the Rideau Kars 5.5 5.8
1934 1647 — Mother Teresa St Catharines 5.5 5.8
1934 1654 — St Agatha Toronto 5.5 5.8
1934 1665 — Cardinal Newman Brampton 5.5 5.7
1934 1665 — Spruce Glen Huntsville 5.5 5.7
1934 1728 — Father C W Sullivan Brampton 5.5 5.6
1934 1749 — Rockford Toronto 5.5 5.6
1934 1790 — Chippewa London 5.5 5.5
1934 1798 — Bloomsburg Waterford 5.5 5.5
1934 1798 — du Sacré-Coeur Welland 5.5 5.5
1934 1839 — Sprucedale Shakespeare 5.5 5.4
1934 1861 — Sainte-Bernadette Gloucester 5.5 5.4
1934 1905 — Jean-Ethier-Blais Sudbury 5.5 5.3
1934 1956 — Dunning-Foubert Orléans 5.5 5.2
1934 1956 — Saint-Edmond Windsor 5.5 5.2
1934 1971 — Hickson Central Hickson 5.5 5.2
1934 2023 — Immaculée-Conception St Catharines 5.5 5.1
1934 2063 — St Brigid Ottawa 5.5 5.0
1934 2113 p Copper Cliff Copper Cliff 5.5 4.9
1934 2113 p Harriett Todd Orillia 5.5 4.9
1934 2113 — St Albert Toronto 5.5 4.9
1934 2133 — Queen Elizabeth Peterborough 5.5 4.9
1934 2198 — Roxmore Avonmore 5.5 4.7
1934 2225 — Notre Dame Brantford 5.5 4.7
1934 2274 — St Sebastian London 5.5 4.5
1934 2421 — St Bernard's Orillia 5.5 4.1
1934 2620 — Algonquin Avenue Thunder Bay 5.5 3.1
1934 n/a n/a Delaware Central Delaware 5.5 n/a
1934 n/a n/a Notre Dame Niagara Falls 5.5 n/a
1934 n/a n/a Smithfield Brighton 5.5 n/a
1934 n/a n/a St Bruno Catholic Toronto 5.5 n/a
1934 n/a n/a Vimy Ridge Ottawa 5.5 n/a
1985 930 — St Maurice Toronto 5.4 6.7
1985 947 — Reesor Park Markham 5.4 6.7
1985 962 — St. Joseph Douro 5.4 6.7
1985 1031 q Lord Roberts Toronto 5.4 6.6
1985 1196 — Georges P Vanier Chatham 5.4 6.4
1985 1279 — St Rita Brampton 5.4 6.3
1985 1291 — Alpine Kitchener 5.4 6.3
1985 1325 — Courtland Courtland 5.4 6.3
1985 1325 — Horizon-Jeunesse Vanier 5.4 6.3
1985 1338 — John G Diefenbaker Toronto 5.4 6.2
1985 1338 q Sunset Heights Oshawa 5.4 6.2
1985 1392 — Alexander Kuska KSG Welland 5.4 6.2
1985 1392 — Henry Larsen Gloucester 5.4 6.2
1985 1505 — Fairlawn Caledon 5.4 6.0
1985 1520 — James R Henderson Kingston 5.4 6.0
1985 1538 q St Bernadette Ajax 5.4 5.9
1985 1548 — Holy Jubilee Maple 5.4 5.9
1985 1575 — St Aidan Toronto 5.4 5.9
1985 1575 — Sts Peter & Paul Hamilton 5.4 5.9
1985 1609 — Sir Ernest Macmillan Burlington 5.4 5.8
1985 1654 — Tottenham Tottenham 5.4 5.8
1985 1681 — Briargreen Nepean 5.4 5.7
1985 1695 — Algonquin Woodstock 5.4 5.7
1985 1695 — St Ambrose Stratford 5.4 5.7
1985 1705 — St Thomas Aquinas Keswick 5.4 5.7
1985 1749 — Alliston Union Alliston 5.4 5.6
1985 1749 — Nottawa Collingwood 5.4 5.6
1985 1764 — St Joseph Corunna 5.4 5.6
1985 1844 — Meadowview Addison 5.4 5.4
1985 1861 — Clemens Mill Cambridge 5.4 5.4
1985 1869 — Pope John Paul II Kenora 5.4 5.4
1985 2000 — Howick Central Gorrie 5.4 5.2
1985 2133 — Mohawk Gardens Burlington 5.4 4.9
1985 2161 — St Michael the Archangel Barrie 5.4 4.8
1985 2169 — Tecumseh Burlington 5.4 4.8
1985 2208 p Alcona Glen Innisfil 5.4 4.7
1985 2254 — Tecumseth Beeton Beeton 5.4 4.6
1985 2299 — St John Bosco Brampton 5.4 4.5
1985 2302 — Prince Edward Windsor 5.4 4.5
1985 2335 p W Earle Miller Timmins 5.4 4.4
1985 2529 p Emily Stowe Norwich 5.4 3.7
1985 n/a n/a Alexandra Lindsay 5.4 n/a
1985 n/a n/a Belfountain Belfountain 5.4 n/a
1985 n/a n/a Dewson Street Toronto 5.4 n/a
1985 n/a n/a George Syme York 5.4 n/a
1985 n/a n/a Huron Heights Kincardine 5.4 n/a
1985 n/a n/a Immaculate Heart of Mary Toronto 5.4 n/a
1985 n/a n/a Kaawaate East City Peterborough 5.4 n/a
1985 n/a n/a Manhattan Park Toronto 5.4 n/a
1985 n/a n/a Oak Creek Kitchener 5.4 n/a
1985 n/a n/a St Anne's London 5.4 n/a
1985 n/a n/a St Leo Brooklin 5.4 n/a
28 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
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2037 639 — Nottingham Ajax 5.3 7.1
2037 685 q Terry Fox Toronto 5.3 7.1
2037 858 — St Agnes Brampton 5.3 6.8
2037 1174 q St Theresa London 5.3 6.4
2037 1196 — St Leo Toronto 5.3 6.4
2037 1308 — Brownridge Thornhill 5.3 6.3
2037 1338 — Elda-Rouleau Alexandria 5.3 6.2
2037 1486 q Adelaide - W G MacDonald Strathroy 5.3 6.0
2037 1505 — Amabel-Sauble Sauble Beach 5.3 6.0
2037 1525 — Oxbow Ilderton 5.3 6.0
2037 1596 — Our Lady of Peace Brampton 5.3 5.9
2037 1634 — Montague Smiths Falls 5.3 5.8
2037 1654 — Danforth Gardens Toronto 5.3 5.8
2037 1676 — Metropolitan Andrei Mississauga 5.3 5.7
2037 1676 — Saint-Jean-Baptiste Amherstburg 5.3 5.7
2037 1773 — Goodfellow Innisfil 5.3 5.5
2037 1816 — Monsignor Clair Barrie 5.3 5.5
2037 1844 — Alliance St-Joseph Chelmsford 5.3 5.4
2037 1844 — Highcastle Toronto 5.3 5.4
2037 1861 — Our Lady of Perpetual Help Windsor 5.3 5.4
2037 1869 — Sir John A Macdonald Pickering 5.3 5.4
2037 1920 — Bruce Toronto 5.3 5.3
2037 1935 — Greely Greely 5.3 5.3
2037 1971 — Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys Woodstock 5.3 5.2
2037 2023 — St Lucy Brampton 5.3 5.1
2037 2033 — St Jude Toronto 5.3 5.1
2037 2082 — Bayview Midland 5.3 5.0
2037 2082 — St Martin de Porres Toronto 5.3 5.0
2037 2113 — John Mahood Elmira 5.3 4.9
2037 2113 — St Charles Toronto 5.3 4.9
2037 2113 — St. Pius X Brantford 5.3 4.9
2037 2161 — Muskoka Beechgrove Gravenhurst 5.3 4.8
2037 2174 — Glenbrook Shelburne 5.3 4.8
2037 2198 — Diamond Trail Welland 5.3 4.7
2037 2208 — R J Lang Toronto 5.3 4.7
2037 2225 — Lincoln Heights Waterloo 5.3 4.7
2037 2269 — St Stephen Toronto 5.3 4.6
2037 2274 — Regina Street Ottawa 5.3 4.5
2037 2285 — St Martha Toronto 5.3 4.5
2037 2313 p Adelaide Hoodless Hamilton 5.3 4.4
2037 2369 — St Michael London 5.3 4.3
2037 2541 — Winston Churchill Chatham 5.3 3.6
2037 n/a n/a Hastings Hastings 5.3 n/a
2037 n/a n/a St Stephen's Cayuga 5.3 n/a
2081 766 — Ste-Marguerite-d'Youville Tecumseh 5.2 7.0
2081 1031 — St John the Baptist Hamilton 5.2 6.6
2081 1237 — Our Lady of Mount Carmel Niagara Falls 5.2 6.4
2081 1262 — Osgoode Osgoode 5.2 6.3
2081 1279 — Jeanne-Sauvé Orléans 5.2 6.3
2081 1325 — C R Gummow Cobourg 5.2 6.3
2081 1338 q Sunderland Sunderland 5.2 6.2
2081 1367 — Sharon Sharon 5.2 6.2
2081 1380 q Mapleview Heights Barrie 5.2 6.2
2081 1421 q Applecroft Ajax 5.2 6.1
2081 1464 — Saint-Joseph Russell 5.2 6.1
2081 1486 q Our Lady of Victory Ottawa 5.2 6.0
2081 1538 — Winona Winona 5.2 5.9
2081 1560 — Donwood Park Toronto 5.2 5.9
2081 1647 — Birch Cliff Heights Toronto 5.2 5.8
2081 1647 — Rolling Meadows Burlington 5.2 5.8
2081 1647 — Woburn Toronto 5.2 5.8
2081 1654 q St Josephs Dryden 5.2 5.8
2081 1654 — St Martha Kingston 5.2 5.8
2081 1665 — St Rose of Lima Toronto 5.2 5.7
2081 1681 — St Jude's Ingersoll 5.2 5.7
2081 1695 — St Marguerite d'Youville Whitby 5.2 5.7
2081 1705 — Sainte-Trinité Rockland 5.2 5.7
2081 1705 — Summerside Orléans 5.2 5.7
2081 1739 q Memorial Stoney Creek 5.2 5.6
2081 1816 — Russell Russell 5.2 5.5
2081 1869 — Plainville Gores Landing 5.2 5.4
2081 1893 — Holy Cross Sault Ste. Marie 5.2 5.3
2081 1905 — Guy B Brown Waterdown 5.2 5.3
2081 1905 — Queen Elizabeth Renfrew 5.2 5.3
2081 1905 — Valleyfield Toronto 5.2 5.3
2081 1905 — du Sacré-Coeur Toronto 5.2 5.3
2081 2010 — Holy Family Hanover 5.2 5.1
2081 2015 — Billy Green Stoney Creek 5.2 5.1
2081 2054 — Huntsville Huntsville 5.2 5.0
2081 2091 — Wilberforce Lucan 5.2 5.0
2081 2125 — Iroquois Iroquois 5.2 4.9
2081 2151 — Héritage North Bay 5.2 4.8
2081 2188 — Pauline Johnson Toronto 5.2 4.8
2081 2198 — Pioneer Park Kitchener 5.2 4.7
2081 2208 — Walpole North Hagersville 5.2 4.7
2081 2254 — Queen Mary Peterborough 5.2 4.6
2081 2274 — Angus Morrison Angus 5.2 4.5
2081 2287 — Claude E Garton Thunder Bay 5.2 4.5
2081 2291 — Ekcoe Central Glencoe 5.2 4.5
2081 2299 — Colonel Cameron Corunna 5.2 4.5
2081 2353 — St Thomas More London 5.2 4.3
2081 2427 p Frankford Frankford 5.2 4.1
2081 2459 — St Michael Belleville 5.2 3.9
2081 2507 p Pavillon de la jeunesse Hamilton 5.2 3.8
2081 2526 — E W Norman North Bay 5.2 3.7
2081 2568 — Langton Langton 5.2 3.4
2081 2602 — Connaught Collingwood 5.2 3.2
2081 n/a n/a Bells Corners Nepean 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a Central Perth Sebringville 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a East Ridge Owen Sound 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a Greensville Dundas 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a Kingsway Park Thunder Bay 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a Malala Yousafzai Caledon 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a Oakland-Scotland Scotland 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a Romeo Stratford 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a Sacred Heart Catholic Port Lambton 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a Willow Road Guelph 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a York Street Ottawa 5.2 n/a
2081 n/a n/a Zorra Highland Park Embro 5.2 n/a
2146 426 — Roland Michener Kanata 5.1 7.5
2146 659 q St Helen Mississauga 5.1 7.1
2146 994 — McNaughton Ave Chatham 5.1 6.7
2146 1059 — Gregory A Hogan Sarnia 5.1 6.6
2146 1215 q Toniata Brockville 5.1 6.4
2146 1412 — Holy Cross Toronto 5.1 6.1
2146 1450 q Beckwith Carleton Place 5.1 6.1
2146 1545 — Holy Spirit Cambridge 5.1 5.9
2146 1575 — Castle Oaks Brampton 5.1 5.9
Fraser Institute Studies in Education Policy 29
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2022/ 5 2022/ 5
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2146 1575 q Winchester Winchester 5.1 5.9
2146 1609 — St Bonaventure Brampton 5.1 5.8
2146 1622 — St Bernadette Mississauga 5.1 5.8
2146 1681 — Anne Hathaway Stratford 5.1 5.7
2146 1705 — Monsignor Michael O'Leary Bracebridge 5.1 5.7
2146 1705 — St Jude Ajax 5.1 5.7
2146 1705 — Worsley Wasaga Beach 5.1 5.7
2146 1739 — East Oro Hawkestone 5.1 5.6
2146 1749 q Lake Simcoe Innisfil 5.1 5.6
2146 1798 — Scott Central Sandford 5.1 5.5
2146 1839 q Avalon Orléans 5.1 5.4
2146 1844 — Collegiate Avenue Stoney Creek 5.1 5.4
2146 1869 q St Gregory Picton 5.1 5.4
2146 1893 — Maitland River Wingham 5.1 5.3
2146 1956 — Pius XII Sudbury 5.1 5.2
2146 1971 — St John Vianney Toronto 5.1 5.2
2146 2000 — Monsignor Morrison St Thomas 5.1 5.2
2146 2000 — Robert Bateman Ottawa 5.1 5.2
2146 2033 — James Culnan Toronto 5.1 5.1
2146 2033 — Templemead Hamilton 5.1 5.1
2146 2098 — Park Dale Belleville 5.1 4.9
2146 2125 — Walter Perry Toronto 5.1 4.9
2146 2151 — Rawlinson Toronto 5.1 4.8
2146 2217 — New Liskeard New Liskeard 5.1 4.7
2146 2254 — Knob Hill Toronto 5.1 4.6
2146 2287 — Queen Victoria Windsor 5.1 4.5
2146 2299 p St Peter Guelph 5.1 4.5
2146 2316 — Hanover Heights Hanover 5.1 4.4
2146 2348 — Queen Victoria Belleville 5.1 4.3
2146 2360 — Holy Family London 5.1 4.3
2146 2372 — Southridge Kitchener 5.1 4.3
2146 2391 — Centennial Cambridge 5.1 4.2
2146 2433 — Our Lady of Victory Toronto 5.1 4.0
2146 2486 p Isabel Fletcher Sault Ste. Marie 5.1 3.8
2146 2486 — Northern Lakes Atikokan 5.1 3.8
2146 2697 p St-Dominique-Savio Owen Sound 5.1 1.8
2146 n/a n/a Bayshore Nepean 5.1 n/a
2146 n/a n/a McGillivray Central Ailsa Craig 5.1 n/a
2146 n/a n/a McKenzie Shuniah 5.1 n/a
2146 n/a n/a Robert Little Acton 5.1 n/a
2146 n/a n/a St. Daniel Comboni Brampton 5.1 n/a
2196 962 q Terry Fox Ajax 5.0 6.7
2196 1046 q Sainte-Lucie Long Sault 5.0 6.6
2196 1122 — Rivière Castor Embrun 5.0 6.5
2196 1196 — R L Graham Keswick 5.0 6.4
2196 1354 — Lydia Trull Courtice 5.0 6.2
2196 1450 q Orchard Park Orillia 5.0 6.1
2196 1622 — New Sarum St Thomas 5.0 5.8
2196 1665 — Gatestone Stoney Creek 5.0 5.7
2196 1665 — Little Current Little Current 5.0 5.7
2196 1681 — Our Lady of Guadalupe Toronto 5.0 5.7
2196 1798 — W H Day Bradford 5.0 5.5
2196 1844 — AmherstView Amherstview 5.0 5.4
2196 1869 — Monsignor Lee Orillia 5.0 5.4
2196 1935 — Arklan Community Carleton Place 5.0 5.3
2196 1956 — Coldwater Coldwater 5.0 5.2
2196 1956 — Saint-Paul Plantagenet 5.0 5.2
2196 1971 — St Maria Goretti Brampton 5.0 5.2
2196 1986 — Jean Vanier Brantford 5.0 5.2
2196 2015 — St. Mary's Hagersville 5.0 5.1
2196 2023 — St Francis Xavier Toronto 5.0 5.1
2196 2046 — Roden Toronto 5.0 5.1
2196 2091 — Pine View Pembroke 5.0 5.0
2196 2151 — Caledonia Centennial Caledonia 5.0 4.8
2196 2151 — Gabrielle-Roy Gloucester 5.0 4.8
2196 2151 — Holy Trinity Sudbury 5.0 4.8
2196 2170 — Hillcrest Barrie 5.0 4.8
2196 2198 — Plattsville Plattsville 5.0 4.7
2196 2237 — Dr Roberta Bondar Ajax 5.0 4.7
2196 2329 — Queen Elizabeth Leamington 5.0 4.4
2196 2399 — Heritage Navan 5.0 4.2
2196 2427 — Sacred Heart Sioux Lookout 5.0 4.1
2196 2595 — King George Brantford 5.0 3.2
2196 2613 — Assumption Vanier 5.0 3.1
2196 2620 — Queen Elizabeth II Sarnia 5.0 3.1
2196 2638 — Prince Charles Belleville 5.0 2.9
2196 2650 — Black River Sutton West 5.0 2.8
2196 n/a n/a Our Lady of Charity Thunder Bay 5.0 n/a
2233 639 — Kettleby Kettleby 4.9 7.1
2233 845 q St Matthew the Evangelist Whitby 4.9 6.9
2233 994 q Wilshire Thornhill 4.9 6.7
2233 1012 q Our Lady of Lourdes Kingston 4.9 6.6
2233 1088 q St Matthias Toronto 4.9 6.5
2233 1174 q ApsleyCentral Apsley 4.9 6.4
2233 1174 — St. Jean-Marie Vianney Brampton 4.9 6.4
2233 1196 — Monseigneur Augustin Caron LaSalle 4.9 6.4
2233 1220 q Sherwood Oshawa 4.9 6.4
2233 1237 — Immaculate Conception Peterborough 4.9 6.4
2233 1291 — Monsignor O'Donoghue Peterborough 4.9 6.3
2233 1325 q St Ann Thunder Bay 4.9 6.3
2233 1520 — Lord Elgin Ajax 4.9 6.0
2233 1545 — Sprucecourt Toronto 4.9 5.9
2233 1575 — Lambton Central Centennial Petrolia 4.9 5.9
2233 1665 — Brighton Brighton 4.9 5.7
2233 1719 q Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf London 4.9 5.6
2233 1773 — Glen Ravine Toronto 4.9 5.5
2233 1773 — St Michael's Woodstock 4.9 5.5
2233 1773 — St Michaels Hamilton 4.9 5.5
2233 1773 — St Peter's Cornwall 4.9 5.5
2233 1785 — Laurelwoods Orangeville 4.9 5.5
2233 1798 — D. Roy Kennedy Ottawa 4.9 5.5
2233 1844 — St Anthony's Kincardine 4.9 5.4
2233 1869 — Bath Bath 4.9 5.4
2233 1869 — St Anne Brampton 4.9 5.4
2233 1882 q St Marguerite Bourgeoys Kingston 4.9 5.4
2233 1893 — Barrhaven Nepean 4.9 5.3
2233 1893 — St Elizabeth Thunder Bay 4.9 5.3
2233 1905 — Silver Springs Toronto 4.9 5.3
2233 1945 — St Alphonsus Toronto 4.9 5.2
2233 1971 — Prince Charles Newmarket 4.9 5.2
2233 1985 — St Pius X London 4.9 5.2
2233 1986 — Winston Churchill Waterloo 4.9 5.2
2233 2015 — Tapleytown Stoney Creek 4.9 5.1
2233 2033 — Holy Cross North Bay 4.9 5.1
2233 2151 — Dr Ross Tilley Bowmanville 4.9 4.8
2233 2161 — Pavillon des Jeunes Belle Rivière 4.9 4.8
2233 2198 — St Francis London 4.9 4.7
2233 2208 — Loughborough Sydenham 4.9 4.7
30 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
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2233 2217 — Plymouth Welland 4.9 4.7
2233 2237 — East Williams Memorial Ailsa Craig 4.9 4.7
2233 2254 — J L Mitchener Cayuga 4.9 4.6
2233 2261 — Dunwich-Dutton Dutton 4.9 4.6
2233 2274 — Dixon Grove Toronto 4.9 4.5
2233 2324 — Marie-Curie Ottawa 4.9 4.4
2233 2399 — St John Bosco Port Colborne 4.9 4.2
2233 2412 — Sir Arthur Carty London 4.9 4.1
2233 2477 — Bosanquet Central Thedford 4.9 3.9
2233 2501 — Hagersville Hagersville 4.9 3.8
2233 2501 — Thompson Creek Dunnville 4.9 3.8
2233 n/a n/a Enterprise Enterprise 4.9 n/a
2233 n/a n/a Hillsdale Oshawa 4.9 n/a
2233 n/a n/a Roland Michener Ajax 4.9 n/a
2287 994 — Trillium Orléans 4.8 6.7
2287 1152 — J L Jordan Brockville 4.8 6.4
2287 1237 — Saint-Jean-Bosco Caledon 4.8 6.4
2287 1609 — St Philomena Fort Erie 4.8 5.8
2287 1634 q Admiral Collingwood Collingwood 4.8 5.8
2287 1773 — O M MacKillop Richmond Hill 4.8 5.5
2287 1816 — West Bayfield Barrie 4.8 5.5
2287 1844 — Vincent Massey Bowmanville 4.8 5.4
2287 1930 — St. Anthony's Port Hope 4.8 5.3
2287 1971 — Assikinack Barrie 4.8 5.2
2287 1986 — Thamesford Thamesford 4.8 5.2
2287 1986 — The Stewart Perth 4.8 5.2
2287 2033 — Sainte-Marie Chatham 4.8 5.1
2287 2050 — John Galt Guelph 4.8 5.1
2287 2098 — St Leonard Brampton 4.8 4.9
2287 2113 — St Mary Trenton 4.8 4.9
2287 2161 — Princess Margaret Orangeville 4.8 4.8
2287 2174 — Greenbrier Brantford 4.8 4.8
2287 2174 — John M James Bowmanville 4.8 4.8
2287 2188 — Elgin Street Cambridge 4.8 4.8
2287 2208 — Selby Selby 4.8 4.7
2287 2254 — Hillcrest Owen Sound 4.8 4.6
2287 2324 — St Dorothy Toronto 4.8 4.4
2287 2329 — D M Sutherland Woodstock 4.8 4.4
2287 2412 — Amherstburg Amherstburg 4.8 4.1
2287 2412 — East Oxford Woodstock 4.8 4.1
2287 2447 — Dr H D Taylor Windsor 4.8 4.0
2287 2477 — Oakley Park Barrie 4.8 3.9
2287 2518 — Englehart Englehart 4.8 3.7
2287 2563 p Hillcrest London 4.8 3.5
2287 2568 — St. Joseph Cobourg 4.8 3.4
2287 n/a n/a Assiginack Manitowaning 4.8 n/a
2287 n/a n/a Holy Name of Mary Marysville 4.8 n/a
2287 n/a n/a Resurrection Brantford 4.8 n/a
2287 n/a n/a Shannen Koostachin Hamilton 4.8 n/a
2322 1237 q St Martin London 4.7 6.4
2322 1279 q St George Crystal Beach 4.7 6.3
2322 1421 — Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Mississauga 4.7 6.1
2322 1421 — Thousand Islands Lansdowne 4.7 6.1
2322 1486 q St Peter's & St Paul's Durham 4.7 6.0
2322 1665 — Bishop Francis Allen Brampton 4.7 5.7
2322 1681 — Waverly Oshawa 4.7 5.7
2322 1705 q Dr Robert Thornton Whitby 4.7 5.7
2322 1719 q Ferndale Woods Barrie 4.7 5.6
2322 1728 — Walsh Simcoe 4.7 5.6
2322 1749 — Valour Petawawa 4.7 5.6
2322 1824 — George Webster Toronto 4.7 5.5
2322 1844 q Leslie Frost Lindsay 4.7 5.4
2322 1905 — Our Lady of Mount Carmel Amherstview 4.7 5.3
2322 1956 — Monsignor Haller Kitchener 4.7 5.2
2322 2022 — St Barbara Toronto 4.7 5.1
2322 2070 — Eamer's Corners Cornwall 4.7 5.0
2322 2091 — St Peter Trenton 4.7 5.0
2322 2098 — Brigden Brigden 4.7 4.9
2322 2133 — Essex Essex 4.7 4.9
2322 2133 — Margaret D Bennie Leamington 4.7 4.9
2322 2133 — Sir John Moore Community Corunna 4.7 4.9
2322 2188 — South Ridge Tillsonburg 4.7 4.8
2322 2208 — St Jean de Brebeuf Bradford 4.7 4.7
2322 2291 — Linwood Linwood 4.7 4.5
2322 2302 — Cleardale London 4.7 4.5
2322 2315 — St Mary's West Lorne 4.7 4.4
2322 2316 — Central Cambridge 4.7 4.4
2322 2412 — Wellington Prescott 4.7 4.1
2322 2421 — Saint-Philippe Grande Pointe 4.7 4.1
2322 2440 p J F Carmichael Kitchener 4.7 4.0
2322 2442 — Holbrook Hamilton 4.7 4.0
2322 2447 p Fairfield Amherstview 4.7 4.0
2322 2501 — West Hill Toronto 4.7 3.8
2322 2518 — John Wise St Thomas 4.7 3.7
2322 2547 — Carleton Village Toronto 4.7 3.6
2322 2574 — Queen Victoria Lindsay 4.7 3.4
2322 2620 p Saint-François-d'Assise Welland 4.7 3.1
2322 n/a n/a Keelesdale Toronto 4.7 n/a
2322 n/a n/a Mamawi Nepean 4.7 n/a
2322 n/a n/a Notre Dame Owen Sound 4.7 n/a
2322 n/a n/a St Francis de Sales Smiths Falls 4.7 n/a
2322 n/a n/a Ste-Marguerite-d'Youville Verner 4.7 n/a
2365 1259 — Notre Dame Cobourg 4.6 6.4
2365 1354 q Teston Village Maple 4.6 6.2
2365 1681 — W C Little Barrie 4.6 5.7
2365 1705 q Eganville Eganville 4.6 5.7
2365 1739 — Buckhorn Buckhorn 4.6 5.6
2365 1739 — Woodland Park Cambridge 4.6 5.6
2365 1824 — Westminster Brockville 4.6 5.5
2365 1869 — St Gabriel Toronto 4.6 5.4
2365 1920 q Brier Park Brantford 4.6 5.3
2365 1971 — Denne Newmarket 4.6 5.2
2365 2054 q Paisley Road Guelph 4.6 5.0
2365 2098 — Victoria Terrace Fergus 4.6 4.9
2365 2124 — Plowman's Park Mississauga 4.6 4.9
2365 2125 — Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin Sarnia 4.6 4.9
2365 2148 — Delhi Delhi 4.6 4.9
2365 2148 — Lakeside Keswick 4.6 4.9
2365 2208 — Forest Hill Kitchener 4.6 4.7
2365 2225 — Holy Family Ottawa 4.6 4.7
2365 2249 — Jarvis Jarvis 4.6 4.6
2365 2313 — Our Lady of Lourdes Hamilton 4.6 4.4
2365 2405 — Monsignor Philip Coffey Oshawa 4.6 4.1
2365 2547 — Meadowlane Kitchener 4.6 3.6
2365 2557 — Blind River Blind River 4.6 3.5
2365 2659 — St James Thunder Bay 4.6 2.6
2365 n/a n/a Brant Hills Burlington 4.6 n/a
2365 n/a n/a Epiphany of our Lord Toronto 4.6 n/a
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2365 n/a n/a Mother St Bride North Bay 4.6 n/a
2365 n/a n/a St Francis Xavier Brockville 4.6 n/a
2393 809 — Marius-Barbeau Ottawa 4.5 6.9
2393 930 q Merrickville Merrickville 4.5 6.7
2393 1279 q St James Lively 4.5 6.3
2393 1571 — St Michaels Oakville 4.5 5.9
2393 1609 q Susanna Moodie Belleville 4.5 5.8
2393 1634 — St Thomas More Kingston 4.5 5.8
2393 1654 q Elginburg Elginburg 4.5 5.8
2393 1676 — Dr F J McDonald Ottawa 4.5 5.7
2393 1749 — Tilbury Area Tilbury 4.5 5.6
2393 1773 — College Hill Oshawa 4.5 5.5
2393 1785 q North Perth Westfield Listowel 4.5 5.5
2393 1824 — Ray Lewis Hamilton 4.5 5.5
2393 1893 — St Anne Peterborough 4.5 5.3
2393 1905 — Cundles Heights Barrie 4.5 5.3
2393 1945 — Cambridge Embrun 4.5 5.2
2393 2000 — Kakabeka Falls District Kakabeka Falls 4.5 5.2
2393 2023 — Lakewoods Oshawa 4.5 5.1
2393 2023 — St Mary Grafton 4.5 5.1
2393 2033 q Alliance North Bay 4.5 5.1
2393 2033 — Father F X O'Reilly Tottenham 4.5 5.1
2393 2198 — Cobblestone Paris 4.5 4.7
2393 2208 — St Ann's Hamilton 4.5 4.7
2393 2225 — Willow Landing Barrie 4.5 4.7
2393 2237 — Christ The King Cambridge 4.5 4.7
2393 2269 — East Lambton Watford 4.5 4.6
2393 2291 — Paul VI Hawkesbury 4.5 4.5
2393 2302 — Notre-Dame-de-la-Jeunesse Niagara Falls 4.5 4.5
2393 2369 — King Edward Windsor 4.5 4.3
2393 2383 — W Sherwood Fox London 4.5 4.2
2393 2391 — St Antoine Daniel Victoria Harbour 4.5 4.2
2393 2412 — Queen Elizabeth Belleville 4.5 4.1
2393 2447 — Vanier Brockville 4.5 4.0
2393 2453 — M S Hetherington Windsor 4.5 4.0
2393 2477 — La Résurrection Sturgeon Falls 4.5 3.9
2393 2486 — Kings Road Burlington 4.5 3.8
2393 2587 — St Columba Toronto 4.5 3.3
2393 n/a n/a Cliffside Toronto 4.5 n/a
2393 n/a n/a Highpoint Dundalk 4.5 n/a
2393 n/a n/a Rockton Rockton 4.5 n/a
2432 1338 — George Peck Toronto 4.4 6.2
2432 1634 — Immaculate Conception Woodbridge 4.4 5.8
2432 1728 q Ripley-Huron Ripley 4.4 5.6
2432 1773 q Baxter Central Egbert 4.4 5.5
2432 1835 — Lincoln Alexander Hamilton 4.4 5.4
2432 1844 — St Mark Prescott 4.4 5.4
2432 1882 — Central Kingston 4.4 5.4
2432 1882 — Huronia Centennial Elmvale 4.4 5.4
2432 1935 q Lynndale Heights Simcoe 4.4 5.3
2432 1971 q Lakefield District Lakefield 4.4 5.2
2432 1986 — Maynard Prescott 4.4 5.2
2432 2015 — Christ the King Brantford 4.4 5.1
2432 2054 — St Jude's Vankleek Hill 4.4 5.0
2432 2070 — East Mersea Wheatley 4.4 5.0
2432 2070 — St Anne Cambridge 4.4 5.0
2432 2133 — Viscount Alexander Cornwall 4.4 4.9
2432 2161 q Manordale Nepean 4.4 4.8
2432 2174 — Huron Park Midland 4.4 4.8
2432 2198 — St John Peterborough 4.4 4.7
2432 2217 — Pope John XXIII Nepean 4.4 4.7
2432 2225 — Fairbank Toronto 4.4 4.7
2432 2249 — Coronation Cambridge 4.4 4.6
2432 2254 — St Nicholas of Bari Toronto 4.4 4.6
2432 2265 q St Andrew Toronto 4.4 4.6
2432 2302 — St Charles Chelmsford 4.4 4.5
2432 2316 — New Lowell Central New Lowell 4.4 4.4
2432 2335 — St Margaret's Toronto 4.4 4.4
2432 2347 — Good Shepherd Port Perry 4.4 4.4
2432 2372 — William G Davis Windsor 4.4 4.3
2432 2376 — G C Huston Southampton 4.4 4.2
2432 2411 — Arthur Ford London 4.4 4.1
2432 2442 — White Oaks London 4.4 4.0
2432 2500 p Centennial Ottawa 4.4 3.8
2432 2533 — Forest City London 4.4 3.7
2432 2537 — St Charles Garnier Toronto 4.4 3.6
2432 2591 — The Prince Charles Napanee 4.4 3.2
2432 2647 p Prince Charles London 4.4 2.8
2432 n/a n/a Louise-Charron Windsor 4.4 n/a
2432 n/a n/a Newburgh Newburgh 4.4 n/a
2432 n/a n/a Prince Edward Picton 4.4 n/a
2432 n/a n/a St-Joseph Penetanguishene 4.4 n/a
2473 1088 — Joseph A Gibson Maple 4.3 6.5
2473 1471 — Our Lady of Fatima Ottawa 4.3 6.0
2473 1609 — Victoria Cross Mount Forest 4.3 5.8
2473 1654 q Central Manitoulin Mindemoya 4.3 5.8
2473 2015 — Caledon Central Caledon Village 4.3 5.1
2473 2050 — St Elizabeth Bowmanville 4.3 5.1
2473 2054 q Mary Fix Mississauga 4.3 5.0
2473 2070 — Portage View Barrie 4.3 5.0
2473 2109 — H A Halbert Toronto 4.3 4.9
2473 2113 — catholique Sainte-Anne Ottawa 4.3 4.9
2473 2133 — St Bernard Toronto 4.3 4.9
2473 2148 — Maple Leaf Toronto 4.3 4.9
2473 2161 q Burford District Burford 4.3 4.8
2473 2188 — Mount Hope Mount Hope 4.3 4.8
2473 2225 q Mount Carmel Blytheswood Leamington 4.3 4.7
2473 2237 — Brookside Lucknow 4.3 4.7
2473 2237 — Cedar Drive Toronto 4.3 4.7
2473 2274 — Ionview Toronto 4.3 4.5
2473 2287 — Harold Longworth Bowmanville 4.3 4.5
2473 2302 — Chedoke Hamilton 4.3 4.5
2473 2328 — Ridgeview Moravian Ridgetown 4.3 4.4
2473 2335 — Onondaga-Brant Brantford 4.3 4.4
2473 2421 p Bridgewood Cornwall 4.3 4.1
2473 2453 — Saint-Thomas-D'Aquin Astorville 4.3 4.0
2473 2561 — Holy Rosary Belleville 4.3 3.5
2473 2585 — White Woods Sturgeon Falls 4.3 3.3
2473 2606 — London Road Sarnia 4.3 3.2
2473 2617 — Deer Park Keswick 4.3 3.1
2473 2646 — Hanna Memorial Sarnia 4.3 2.8
2473 2695 — Princess Elizabeth Brantford 4.3 1.9
2473 n/a n/a North Hope Central Campbellcroft 4.3 n/a
2473 n/a n/a Our Lady of Sorrows Sturgeon Falls 4.3 n/a
2505 1530 — Golden Balmertown 4.2 6.0
2505 1548 q St Mary's Chesterville 4.2 5.9
2505 1739 q Berner Trail Toronto 4.2 5.6
2505 1986 q Centennial Hylands Shelburne 4.2 5.2
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2505 2000 q Frère-André Barrie 4.2 5.2
2505 2023 — Rick Hansen London 4.2 5.1
2505 2091 q John Paul II Gloucester 4.2 5.0
2505 2098 q Meadowlands Nepean 4.2 4.9
2505 2113 — Front of Yonge Mallorytown 4.2 4.9
2505 2133 q Bellview Brantford 4.2 4.9
2505 2174 — Queensdale Hamilton 4.2 4.8
2505 2287 — Nouvel Horizon Hawkesbury 4.2 4.5
2505 2302 — St Vincent de Paul Strathroy 4.2 4.5
2505 2329 — Marlborough Windsor 4.2 4.4
2505 2360 — Central Hastings Madoc 4.2 4.3
2505 2360 — Wilfrid Jury London 4.2 4.3
2505 2376 — St Elizabeth Ottawa 4.2 4.2
2505 2391 — Wilson Avenue Kitchener 4.2 4.2
2505 2399 — Greenwood Sault Ste. Marie 4.2 4.2
2505 2405 — Tecumseh Chatham 4.2 4.1
2505 2442 — Woodman-Cainsville Brantford 4.2 4.0
2505 2447 — Princess Elizabeth Windsor 4.2 4.0
2505 2459 — Joseph Brant Toronto 4.2 3.9
2505 2471 — Princess Anne Sudbury 4.2 3.9
2505 2485 — Avenue Road Cambridge 4.2 3.8
2505 2493 — Laurie Hawkins Ingersoll 4.2 3.8
2505 2493 — Our Lady of Grace Angus 4.2 3.8
2505 2579 — Prince Charles Brantford 4.2 3.4
2505 n/a n/a Georgian Bay Meaford 4.2 n/a
2505 n/a n/a Our Lady of Fatima Elliot Lake 4.2 n/a
2535 1471 q Adelaide Mclaughlin Oshawa 4.1 6.0
2535 1606 — St Timothy Toronto 4.1 5.9
2535 1798 — Georges P Vanier Windsor 4.1 5.5
2535 1844 — Albion Heights Toronto 4.1 5.4
2535 1882 — Tam O'Shanter Toronto 4.1 5.4
2535 1945 q St Aidan Brampton 4.1 5.2
2535 1956 — Heather Heights Toronto 4.1 5.2
2535 1956 q Rose Avenue Toronto 4.1 5.2
2535 1971 — Mount Albion Stoney Creek 4.1 5.2
2535 2011 q St Martin Thunder Bay 4.1 5.1
2535 2087 q St Daniel Kitchener 4.1 5.0
2535 2125 q Saint-Michel Leamington 4.1 4.9
2535 2125 — St Nicholas St Catharines 4.1 4.9
2535 2237 — Cartwright Central Blackstock 4.1 4.7
2535 2237 q Roberta Bondar Ottawa 4.1 4.7
2535 2269 q E T Carmichael North Bay 4.1 4.6
2535 2291 — Saint-Vincent North Bay 4.1 4.5
2535 2360 — Southside Woodstock 4.1 4.3
2535 2360 — St Patrick Peterborough 4.1 4.3
2535 2391 — de la DécouverteVal Caron 4.1 4.2
2535 2442 — Lions Oval Orillia 4.1 4.0
2535 2466 — Kinnwood Central Forest 4.1 3.9
2535 2486 — St David Sudbury 4.1 3.8
2535 2522 — St Patrick Kapuskasing 4.1 3.7
2535 2579 — St Ann's Penetanguishene 4.1 3.4
2535 n/a n/a C R Judd Capreol 4.1 n/a
2535 n/a n/a Lucknow Central Lucknow 4.1 n/a
2535 n/a n/a M T Davidson Callander 4.1 n/a
2535 n/a n/a Redwood Acres Hanmer 4.1 n/a
2564 1450 q Arran Tara Tara 4.0 6.1
2564 1575 q H W Burgess Wallaceburg 4.0 5.9
2564 1824 — King City King City 4.0 5.5
2564 1835 q Lincoln Avenue Ajax 4.0 5.4
2564 1882 q Brooke Central Alvinston 4.0 5.4
2564 1935 — St Marguerite d'Youville Barrie 4.0 5.3
2564 1955 q St Mary Campbellford 4.0 5.2
2564 1986 — Egremont Holstein 4.0 5.2
2564 1986 — William Tredway Toronto 4.0 5.2
2564 2023 q Fred C Cook Bradford 4.0 5.1
2564 2033 — Springbank Woodstock 4.0 5.1
2564 2125 q St Dominic Lindsay 4.0 4.9
2564 2133 — Buchanan Toronto 4.0 4.9
2564 2151 — Pinewood Sault Ste. Marie 4.0 4.8
2564 2151 — Wexford Toronto 4.0 4.8
2564 2161 — Eagle Heights London 4.0 4.8
2564 2188 — Prince Charles Trenton 4.0 4.8
2564 2217 — Nationview South Mountain 4.0 4.7
2564 2291 — Norwood Norwood 4.0 4.5
2564 2302 — Dorset Park Toronto 4.0 4.5
2564 2302 q Polson Park Kingston 4.0 4.5
2564 2335 — St Francis de Sales Toronto 4.0 4.4
2564 2372 — Holy Name of Jesus Hamilton 4.0 4.3
2564 2376 — Boston Waterford 4.0 4.2
2564 2383 — Ridgemount Hamilton 4.0 4.2
2564 2429 — Sacred Heart Cornwall 4.0 4.1
2564 2451 — Metcalfe Metcalfe 4.0 4.0
2564 2466 — Pine Glen Huntsville 4.0 3.9
2564 2512 — Gore Hill Leamington 4.0 3.8
2564 2543 — Chalmers Street Cambridge 4.0 3.6
2564 2594 — Deseronto Deseronto 4.0 3.2
2564 2600 — Village Union Oshawa 4.0 3.2
2564 2675 — Robert E Wilson Vanier 4.0 2.4
2564 n/a n/a Aileen Wright English Cochrane 4.0 n/a
2564 n/a n/a Chelmsford Valley Chelmsford 4.0 n/a
2564 n/a n/a Sacred Heart Midland 4.0 n/a
2564 n/a n/a W.J. Holsgrove Westbrook 4.0 n/a
2601 1122 — Goodwood Goodwood 3.9 6.5
2601 1464 — Saint-Victor Alfred 3.9 6.1
2601 1596 q Clara Hughes Oshawa 3.9 5.9
2601 1739 — Margaret Twomey Marathon 3.9 5.6
2601 1749 q Caldwell Street Carleton Place 3.9 5.6
2601 1809 — St Paul's Alliston 3.9 5.5
2601 1839 — General Vanier Fort Erie 3.9 5.4
2601 1920 — Arthur Arthur 3.9 5.3
2601 1956 — Malvern Toronto 3.9 5.2
2601 1971 q Beatrice Strong Port Hope 3.9 5.2
2601 2011 — Georges Vanier Belleville 3.9 5.1
2601 2070 — Russell Reid Brantford 3.9 5.0
2601 2070 q Tecumseh London 3.9 5.0
2601 2091 — Otonabee Valley Peterborough 3.9 5.0
2601 2105 — McCaskill's Mills Cannington 3.9 4.9
2601 2109 q St Thomas Aquinas Oshawa 3.9 4.9
2601 2133 — Elmbank Toronto 3.9 4.9
2601 2170 — St Paul the Apostle Coniston 3.9 4.8
2601 2225 — Blessed Sacrament Burford 3.9 4.7
2601 2316 — Parry Sound Parry Sound 3.9 4.4
2601 2335 — Pine River Angus 3.9 4.4
2601 2335 — Rothwell-Osnabruck Ingleside 3.9 4.4
2601 2348 — Edgewood Toronto 3.9 4.3
2601 2348 — St Jude Thunder Bay 3.9 4.3
2601 2353 — Lynngate Toronto 3.9 4.3
2601 2391 — A B Ellis Espanola 3.9 4.2
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2601 2391 q St Anthony Brampton 3.9 4.2
2601 2399 — Madoc Township Madoc 3.9 4.2
2601 2421 — King Edward Kitchener 3.9 4.1
2601 2421 — River View Sault Ste. Marie 3.9 4.1
2601 2453 — Galloway Road Toronto 3.9 4.0
2601 2486 — Lawfield Hamilton 3.9 3.8
2601 2493 — Nelson Mandela Park Toronto 3.9 3.8
2601 2501 — Bobby Orr Oshawa 3.9 3.8
2601 2518 — Woodland North Bay 3.9 3.7
2601 2574 — Thessalon Thessalon 3.9 3.4
2601 2584 — St Noel Chabanel Wasaga Beach 3.9 3.3
2601 2585 — Howard Robertson Kitchener 3.9 3.3
2601 2600 p Queen Elizabeth Ottawa 3.9 3.2
2601 2613 — Adamsdale Sudbury 3.9 3.1
2601 n/a n/a Featherston Drive Ottawa 3.9 n/a
2642 1392 q Riverview Central Port Lambton 3.8 6.2
2642 1749 — S T Worden Courtice 3.8 5.6
2642 1816 q North Kipling Toronto 3.8 5.5
2642 1824 q L'Envolée Windsor 3.8 5.5
2642 1882 — St Andrew's St. Andrew's West 3.8 5.4
2642 1956 q Port Elgin-Saugeen Central Port Elgin 3.8 5.2
2642 2000 — Warren Park Toronto 3.8 5.2
2642 2063 — R F Downey Peterborough 3.8 5.0
2642 2161 — Elgin Court St Thomas 3.8 4.8
2642 2174 q Ryerson Toronto 3.8 4.8
2642 2188 — J G Workman Toronto 3.8 4.8
2642 2217 — St John Kitchener 3.8 4.7
2642 2225 q Sunset Park North Bay 3.8 4.7
2642 2237 q Fairwood Keswick 3.8 4.7
2642 2265 q Mundy's Bay Midland 3.8 4.6
2642 2274 — Bayview Heights Pickering 3.8 4.5
2642 2348 — Springfield Springfield 3.8 4.3
2642 2372 — King George VI Kenora 3.8 4.3
2642 2376 — Muskoka Falls Bracebridge 3.8 4.2
2642 2399 — Sullivan Chatsworth 3.8 4.2
2642 2412 — Walkerton District Walkerton 3.8 4.1
2642 2429 q Osprey Central Maxwell 3.8 4.1
2642 2429 — Teeterville Teeterville 3.8 4.1
2642 2459 — Northbrae London 3.8 3.9
2642 2493 — Franklin Hamilton 3.8 3.8
2642 2493 — Manchester Cambridge 3.8 3.8
2642 2493 — Nicholas Wilson London 3.8 3.8
2642 2526 — Highview Hamilton 3.8 3.7
2642 2547 — Highland Heights Peterborough 3.8 3.6
2642 2568 — Sundridge Centennial Sundridge 3.8 3.4
2642 2602 — Ben R McMullin Sault Ste. Marie 3.8 3.2
2642 2611 — Queen Elizabeth Kitchener 3.8 3.1
2642 n/a n/a Eastdale Stoney Creek 3.8 n/a
2642 n/a n/a Holy Name Pembroke 3.8 n/a
2642 n/a n/a catholique L'Envol Trenton 3.8 n/a
2677 1548 q Stephen Central Crediton 3.7 5.9
2677 1665 q Truedell Kingston 3.7 5.7
2677 1773 q Lombardy Lombardy 3.7 5.5
2677 1971 — Hillsdale Hillsdale 3.7 5.2
2677 1971 q St Luke Hamilton 3.7 5.2
2677 2050 — Jockvale Nepean 3.7 5.1
2677 2082 — Franco-Supérieur Thunder Bay 3.7 5.0
2677 2091 — St. Andre Toronto 3.7 5.0
2677 2098 — St Joseph's Port Elgin 3.7 4.9
2677 2133 q Don-Bosco Timmins 3.7 4.9
2677 2133 — St Alfred Mississauga 3.7 4.9
2677 2170 q Market Lane Toronto 3.7 4.8
2677 2174 — Spruce Ridge Durham 3.7 4.8
2677 2188 — Stella Maris Toronto 3.7 4.8
2677 2217 — Bruce Peninsula Lion's Head 3.7 4.7
2677 2335 — Grafton Grafton 3.7 4.4
2677 2353 — Silver Birches North Bay 3.7 4.3
2677 2360 — Northdale Woodstock 3.7 4.3
2677 2383 — Blessed Trinity Toronto 3.7 4.2
2677 2433 — Gravenhurst Gravenhurst 3.7 4.0
2677 2433 — Queen Elizabeth II Sudbury 3.7 4.0
2677 2518 — Chesterville Chesterville 3.7 3.7
2677 2547 — St Joseph Brampton 3.7 3.6
2677 2625 — Roseneath Centennial Roseneath 3.7 3.0
2677 2633 — Evergreen Heights Emsdale 3.7 2.9
2677 2634 — Eastdale Woodstock 3.7 2.9
2677 2643 — Mountain View Goulais River 3.7 2.8
2677 2682 — Lansdowne Sudbury 3.7 2.2
2677 n/a n/a Mapleview Dunnville 3.7 n/a
2677 n/a n/a Palmer Rapids Palmer Rapids 3.7 n/a
2707 1824 — South Crosby Elgin 3.6 5.5
2707 1893 — Holy Cross Mississauga 3.6 5.3
2707 2198 — St Mary Mount Forest 3.6 4.7
2707 2247 — St Matthew Toronto 3.6 4.6
2707 2247 — Valley Way Niagara Falls 3.6 4.6
2707 2316 — Hillside Mississauga 3.6 4.4
2707 2316 — Keith Wightman Peterborough 3.6 4.4
2707 2335 — Mary Wright Strathroy 3.6 4.4
2707 2353 — Edward Street St Thomas 3.6 4.3
2707 2405 — Andrew Hunter Barrie 3.6 4.1
2707 2459 — Roger Neilson Peterborough 3.6 3.9
2707 2512 — Storrington Battersea 3.6 3.8
2707 2557 — The Elms Toronto 3.6 3.5
2707 2591 — General Brock Windsor 3.6 3.2
2707 2681 p Prince of Wales Belleville 3.6 2.2
2707 n/a n/a George O'Neill Nipigon 3.6 n/a
2707 n/a n/a Holy Rosary London 3.6 n/a
2707 n/a n/a St Carthagh Tweed 3.6 n/a
2707 n/a n/a St John Arthur 3.6 n/a
2726 1719 — Beavercrest Markdale 3.5 5.6
2726 1869 — Pope John Paul II Hammond 3.5 5.4
2726 1930 — Jacques-Cartier Kapuskasing 3.5 5.3
2726 2070 — Saint-Augustin Garson 3.5 5.0
2726 2082 — Immaculate Conception Val Caron 3.5 5.0
2726 2098 — Kent Campbellford 3.5 4.9
2726 2105 — Uptergrove Orillia 3.5 4.9
2726 2324 q Lake Avenue Stoney Creek 3.5 4.4
2726 2324 — St Jane Frances Toronto 3.5 4.4
2726 2412 — Highview Pembroke 3.5 4.1
2726 2442 q Branlyn Brantford 3.5 4.0
2726 2477 — Queen Mary Hamilton 3.5 3.9
2726 2537 — Pinecrest Ottawa 3.5 3.6
2726 2545 — Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys Brantford 3.5 3.6
2726 2564 — W H Ballard Hamilton 3.5 3.5
2726 2574 — Prueter Kitchener 3.5 3.4
2726 2574 — Saints-Anges North Bay 3.5 3.4
2726 2617 — Aldborough Rodney 3.5 3.1
2726 2630 — Bishop Townshend London 3.5 3.0
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2726 2671 — Bishop Macdonell Cornwall 3.5 2.4
2726 2682 — Victoria London 3.5 2.2
2726 n/a n/a Echo Place PS Brantford 3.5 n/a
2726 n/a n/a Hillcrest Central Teeswater 3.5 n/a
2726 n/a n/a Irwin Memorial Dwight 3.5 n/a
2726 n/a n/a St-Joseph Sturgeon Falls 3.5 n/a
2751 1675 q R A Riddell Hamilton 3.4 5.7
2751 1719 — Westmount Thunder Bay 3.4 5.6
2751 1809 — Walter Scott Richmond Hill 3.4 5.5
2751 2113 q Bayridge Kingston 3.4 4.9
2751 2188 — St Joseph Guelph 3.4 4.8
2751 2198 — St Ursula Chatham 3.4 4.7
2751 2261 q Holland-Chatsworth Central Holland Centre 3.4 4.6
2751 2316 — Pauline Johnson Hamilton 3.4 4.4
2751 2335 q Banbury Heights Brantford 3.4 4.4
2751 2360 — Sutton Sutton West 3.4 4.3
2751 2530 — Lisgar Hamilton 3.4 3.7
2751 2537 q Land of Lakes Burk's Falls 3.4 3.6
2751 2557 — Evelyn Harrison London 3.4 3.5
2751 2561 — Gateway Drive Guelph 3.4 3.5
2751 2568 — Lord Nelson London 3.4 3.4
2751 n/a n/a St Mary Massey 3.4 n/a
2751 n/a n/a Whitefish Valley Kakabeka Falls 3.4 n/a
2768 1749 — Shelter Bay Mississauga 3.3 5.6
2768 2302 — Mason Road Toronto 3.3 4.5
2768 2302 q Montclair Oakville 3.3 4.5
2768 2359 — Notre-Dame-du-Sault Sault Ste. Marie 3.3 4.3
2768 2376 — Rockland Rockland 3.3 4.2
2768 2433 — Jersey Keswick 3.3 4.0
2768 2459 q Huntington Park Hamilton 3.3 3.9
2768 2483 — Northeastern Garson 3.3 3.9
2768 2501 — Peninsula Shores Wiarton 3.3 3.8
2768 2509 q Military Trail Toronto 3.3 3.8
2768 2509 — Prince of Peace Ottawa 3.3 3.8
2768 2530 — Straffordville Straffordville 3.3 3.7
2768 2579 — Hyland Heights Shelburne 3.3 3.4
2768 2606 — Santa Maria Toronto 3.3 3.2
2768 2654 — Queen Victoria Hamilton 3.3 2.7
2768 n/a n/a Lillian Berg Vermilion Bay 3.3 n/a
2768 n/a n/a Pavillon-de-l'Avenir Chelmsford 3.3 n/a
2768 n/a n/a Scarborough Village Toronto 3.3 n/a
2768 n/a n/a Tamworth Tamworth 3.3 n/a
2768 n/a n/a Viola Desmond-Hamilton Hamilton 3.3 n/a
2788 1935 q St Hubert North Bay 3.2 5.3
2788 2011 — Prince of Peace Keswick 3.2 5.1
2788 2174 — C D Howe Thunder Bay 3.2 4.8
2788 2274 — Chimo Smiths Falls 3.2 4.5
2788 2329 — J J O'Neill Napanee 3.2 4.4
2788 2335 — Steele Street Barrie 3.2 4.4
2788 2376 — Waverley Bowmanville 3.2 4.2
2788 2383 — Helen Detwiler Hamilton 3.2 4.2
2788 2466 q Macphail Memorial Flesherton 3.2 3.9
2788 2471 — D'Arcy McGee Toronto 3.2 3.9
2788 2483 — Trillium Kitchener 3.2 3.9
2788 2512 — Immaculate Conception Toronto 3.2 3.8
2788 2568 — Kinghurst Chesley 3.2 3.4
2788 2590 — Commonwealth Brockville 3.2 3.3
2788 2625 — Lansdowne-Costain Brantford 3.2 3.0
2788 2642 — Frank W Begley Windsor 3.2 2.8
2788 2676 — Aberdeen London 3.2 2.4
2788 2706 — Central Avenue Elliot Lake 3.2 1.6
2788 n/a n/a St Patrick Cobalt 3.2 n/a
2807 1634 q Marguerite-Bourgeois Borden 3.1 5.8
2807 1920 — St Joseph South Porcupine 3.1 5.3
2807 2070 q Roselands Toronto 3.1 5.0
2807 2174 — Champlain Discovery Pembroke 3.1 4.8
2807 2217 — Beau Valley Oshawa 3.1 4.7
2807 2291 — Saint-Paul Lively 3.1 4.5
2807 2382 q Pineview Athens 3.1 4.2
2807 2383 — St Luke Ottawa 3.1 4.2
2807 2471 — Alexander Stirling Toronto 3.1 3.9
2807 2512 — Queen Elizabeth II Chatham 3.1 3.8
2807 2535 — Sacred Heart Espanola 3.1 3.7
2807 2555 q Portage Trail Toronto 3.1 3.6
2807 2613 — A R Kaufman Kitchener 3.1 3.1
2807 2613 — LaMarsh Niagara Falls 3.1 3.1
2807 2634 — Elgin Avenue Simcoe 3.1 2.9
2807 2634 — Parkland Sault Ste. Marie 3.1 2.9
2807 n/a n/a King Albert Lindsay 3.1 n/a
2807 n/a n/a South Edwardsburg Johnstown 3.1 n/a
2825 1816 — St Agnes Hamilton 3.0 5.5
2825 2174 q Normanby Ayton 3.0 4.8
2825 2188 — Rama Central Washago 3.0 4.8
2825 2225 q King George VI Chatham 3.0 4.7
2825 2237 q Gateway Toronto 3.0 4.7
2825 2348 — Dr C F Cannon Oshawa 3.0 4.3
2825 2353 — Cedarland Brantford 3.0 4.3
2825 2471 — Queen Elizabeth Oshawa 3.0 3.9
2825 2501 q Parkinson Centennial Orangeville 3.0 3.8
2825 2530 — Canadian Martyrs Penetanguishene 3.0 3.7
2825 2557 — Victoria Harbour Victoria Harbour 3.0 3.5
2825 2564 — Ridgewood Coboconk 3.0 3.5
2825 2589 q Sainte-Catherine Pain Court 3.0 3.3
2825 2597 — David Bouchard Oshawa 3.0 3.2
2825 2638 — Bennetto Hamilton 3.0 2.9
2825 2660 — Notre-Dame Hamilton 3.0 2.6
2825 2689 — Sir John A Macdonald London 3.0 2.0
2825 n/a n/a Holy Family Beaverton 3.0 n/a
2843 2000 — Félix-Ricard Sudbury 2.9 5.2
2843 2249 q Glen Cedar Newmarket 2.9 4.6
2843 2274 q St James Ajax 2.9 4.5
2843 2291 — Corvette Toronto 2.9 4.5
2843 2404 — Central Renfrew 2.9 4.1
2843 2486 q Morning Glory Pefferlaw 2.9 3.8
2843 2587 — Holy Cross Brantford 2.9 3.3
2843 2698 — Lansdowne Sarnia 2.9 1.8
2843 n/a n/a Centreville Centreville 2.9 n/a
2843 n/a n/a Glenburnie Glenburnie 2.9 n/a
2853 2113 — North Woods Ethel 2.8 4.9
2853 2237 q St Margaret Thunder Bay 2.8 4.7
2853 2329 q Sainte-Marie Azilda 2.8 4.4
2853 2383 — Grey Owl Toronto 2.8 4.2
2853 2412 — Lord Dufferin Toronto 2.8 4.1
2853 2433 q Mapleridge Powassan 2.8 4.0
2853 2433 — Sawmill Creek Gloucester 2.8 4.0
2853 2440 — Morrisburg Morrisburg 2.8 4.0
2853 2459 q Glen Tay Perth 2.8 3.9
2853 2477 — Tweedsmuir London 2.8 3.9
Fraser Institute Studies in Education Policy 35
——–Rank–—— –Overall rating–
Last Last
2022/ 5 2022/ 5
2023 yrs Trend School name City 2023 yrs
——–Rank–—— –Overall rating–
Last Last
2022/ 5 2022/ 5
2023 yrs Trend School name City 2023 yrs
2853 2493 — Blessed Sacrament London 2.8 3.8
2853 2509 q Robert Moore Fort Frances 2.8 3.8
2853 2536 — Warden Avenue Toronto 2.8 3.7
2853 2566 — Sacred Heart Wingham 2.8 3.5
2853 2574 — Port Burwell Port Burwell 2.8 3.4
2853 2582 q St Christopher St Catharines 2.8 3.4
2853 2596 — Parkhill-West Williams Parkhill 2.8 3.2
2853 2628 — Glen Street Oshawa 2.8 3.0
2853 2644 — Sir George Etienne Cartier London 2.8 2.8
2853 2651 — Jeunesse-Active Sturgeon Falls 2.8 2.8
2853 2658 — Charles H. Hulse Ottawa 2.8 2.6
2853 2671 — Cathy Wever Hamilton 2.8 2.4
2853 n/a n/a Joseph H Kennedy Matheson 2.8 n/a
2853 n/a n/a Mattawa District Mattawa 2.8 n/a
2853 n/a n/a St Hedwig Oshawa 2.8 n/a
2878 1986 q Saint-Mathieu Hammond 2.7 5.2
2878 2335 q Nottawasaga and Creemore Creemore 2.7 4.4
2878 2433 — St Bernadette Kitchener 2.7 4.0
2878 2471 — Maple Leaf Newmarket 2.7 3.9
2878 2486 — Pope John Paul II Lindsay 2.7 3.8
2878 2507 — Holy Family Toronto 2.7 3.8
2878 2524 q Hillcrest Hamilton 2.7 3.7
2878 2568 — P.E. McGibbon Sarnia 2.7 3.4
2878 2606 — Central Woodstock 2.7 3.2
2878 2628 — Annandale Tillsonburg 2.7 3.0
2878 2640 — Moosonee Moosonee 2.7 2.9
2878 2649 — Central Cornwall 2.7 2.8
2878 2660 — Agnes Hodge Brantford 2.7 2.6
2878 n/a n/a Beaverton Beaverton 2.7 n/a
2878 n/a n/a Mildmay-Carrick Central Mildmay 2.7 n/a
2878 n/a n/a R. H. Murray Whitefish 2.7 n/a
2878 n/a n/a St. Mary Lindsay 2.7 n/a
2895 2050 — Johnson-Tarbutt Central Desbarats 2.6 5.1
2895 2582 — Odessa Odessa 2.6 3.4
2895 2625 — John P Robarts London 2.6 3.0
2895 2632 — Parkdale Toronto 2.6 3.0
2895 2651 — Rockway Kitchener 2.6 2.8
2895 2656 — Arthur Stringer London 2.6 2.7
2895 2663 — Memorial (City) Hamilton 2.6 2.6
2895 n/a n/a St Mary Welland 2.6 n/a
2895 n/a n/a St. Basil Sault Ste. Marie 2.6 n/a
2904 2208 — Ealing London 2.5 4.7
2904 2405 q Golden Avenue South Porcupine 2.5 4.1
2904 2547 — Fairport Beach Pickering 2.5 3.6
2904 2610 q Buchanan Park Hamilton 2.5 3.2
2904 2671 — Sioux Mountain Sioux Lookout 2.5 2.4
2904 2677 — Trent River Trenton 2.5 2.3
2904 2689 — St Michael Ottawa 2.5 2.0
2904 2708 — Schumacher Schumacher 2.5 1.4
2904 n/a n/a Maynooth Maynooth 2.5 n/a
2904 n/a n/a St Bernadette's Sutton West 2.5 n/a
2904 n/a n/a St. Francis of Assisi Kingston 2.5 n/a
2904 n/a n/a Warsaw Warsaw 2.5 n/a
2916 1798 q George B Little Toronto 2.4 5.5
2916 2225 q St Paul Lakefield 2.4 4.7
2916 2383 — W J Watson Keswick 2.4 4.2
2916 2412 — St Alphonsus Peterborough 2.4 4.1
2916 2429 q Ashley Oaks London 2.4 4.1
2916 2451 — Westwood Guelph 2.4 4.0
2916 2543 — Nouveau Regard - Pavillon St-Joseph Cochrane 2.4 3.6
2916 2566 — Charles E Webster Toronto 2.4 3.5
2916 2597 q East View Sault Ste. Marie 2.4 3.2
2916 2602 q Carleton Heights Ottawa 2.4 3.2
2916 2655 — General Mercer Toronto 2.4 2.7
2916 2698 — North Addington Cloyne 2.4 1.8
2928 2537 — Sir Wilfrid Laurier Hamilton 2.3 3.6
2928 2617 q Glen Cairn London 2.3 3.1
2928 2647 — W.E. Gowling Ottawa 2.3 2.8
2928 2667 — Wilton Grove London 2.3 2.5
2932 2023 — St Kevin Brampton 2.2 5.1
2932 2291 q Gordon Price Hamilton 2.2 4.5
2932 2620 — Prince of Wales Hamilton 2.2 3.1
2932 2663 — Forest Park St Thomas 2.2 2.6
2932 2666 — Bonaventure Meadows London 2.2 2.5
2937 2274 — St Anne Hanmer 2.1 4.5
2937 2360 — Prince of Wales Peterborough 2.1 4.3
2937 2512 q Grenoble Toronto 2.1 3.8
2937 2644 — Lord Strathcona Kingston 2.1 2.8
2937 2703 — Mornington Central Newton 2.1 1.7
2937 n/a n/a McDougall Parry Sound 2.1 n/a
2943 2033 q Saint-Joseph Wawa 2.0 5.1
2943 2663 — Lord Elgin London 2.0 2.6
2943 2680 — Kiwedin Sault Ste. Marie 2.0 2.3
2943 2685 — Cochrane Cochrane 2.0 2.1
2943 2693 — C C Carrothers London 2.0 2.0
2943 n/a n/a Riverview Rainy River 2.0 n/a
2943 n/a n/a St Bernadette London 2.0 n/a
2950 2705 — Centre Peel Drayton 1.9 1.6
2950 2707 — Queen Mary Street Ottawa 1.9 1.5
2950 n/a n/a St Augustine Welland 1.9 n/a
2953 2533 q Cedarbrae Waterloo 1.8 3.7
2953 2660 — Woodland Heights London 1.8 2.6
2953 2669 — Knollwood Park London 1.8 2.5
2953 2670 q Eastview Toronto 1.8 2.4
2953 2694 — St Peter's Parry Sound 1.8 1.9
2953 n/a n/a Marmora Marmora 1.8 n/a
2953 n/a n/a Rivière-Rideau Kemptville 1.8 n/a
2953 n/a n/a Sacré-Coeur Chapleau 1.8 n/a
2953 n/a n/a St-Jude Porcupine 1.8 n/a
2962 2541 — Havelock-Belmont Havelock 1.7 3.6
2962 2671 — Northern Heights Sault Ste. Marie 1.7 2.4
2962 2678 q Dunlop Ottawa 1.7 2.3
2962 2682 — Rideau Heights Kingston 1.7 2.2
2962 n/a n/a Assomption Earlton 1.7 n/a
2962 n/a n/a Mary Street Community Oshawa 1.7 n/a
2968 2696 — Federal Kirkland Lake 1.6 1.8
2968 n/a n/a Diamond Jubilee Kapuskasing 1.6 n/a
2968 n/a n/a des Navigateurs Haileybury 1.6 n/a
2971 2391 — St Peter Cambridge 1.5 4.2
2971 2405 q Sainte-Ursule McGregor 1.5 4.1
2971 2591 q Grandview Brantford 1.5 3.2
2971 2597 q Riverview Alternative Ottawa 1.5 3.2
2971 2630 — James Keating Penetanguishene 1.5 3.0
2971 2679 — Prince Charles Verona 1.5 2.3
2971 2698 — Molly Brant Kingston 1.5 1.8
2971 2712 — Major Ballachey Brantford 1.5 0.8
2971 n/a n/a Thorah Central Beaverton 1.5 n/a
2980 2453 — Saint Mary's Huntsville 1.4 4.0
36 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
——–Rank–—— –Overall rating–
Last Last
2022/ 5 2022/ 5
2023 yrs Trend School name City 2023 yrs
——–Rank–—— –Overall rating–
Last Last
2022/ 5 2022/ 5
2023 yrs Trend School name City 2023 yrs
2980 2524 — Centennial Kingston 1.4 3.7
2980 2547 q St Patrick's Hamilton 1.4 3.6
2980 n/a n/a La Source Moose Creek 1.4 n/a
2980 n/a n/a St Mary's Blind River 1.4 n/a
2985 2369 — Priory Park Guelph 1.3 4.3
2985 2466 — Regent Park Orillia 1.3 3.9
2985 2522 — Dougall Avenue Windsor 1.3 3.7
2988 2555 q Our Lady of Fatima Belleville 1.2 3.6
2988 n/a n/a Saint-Francis Tilbury 1.2 n/a
2990 2620 q H M Robbins Sault Ste. Marie 1.1 3.1
2990 2711 — Graham Bell-Victoria Brantford 1.1 1.0
2992 2687 — Chester Le Toronto 1.0 2.1
2992 n/a n/a La Renaissance Espanola 1.0 n/a
2994 2547 q Victor Lauriston Chatham 0.9 3.6
2994 2641 — Hess Street Hamilton 0.9 2.9
2994 2653 q Dr. J. Edgar Davey Hamilton 0.9 2.7
2994 2688 — High Park Sarnia 0.9 2.1
2994 2701 — George L Armstrong Hamilton 0.9 1.8
2994 2702 — Pinecrest Timmins 0.9 1.7
3000 2637 q Blossom Park Gloucester 0.7 2.9
3000 2714 — Houghton Langton 0.7 0.6
3000 n/a n/a Armstrong Armstrong 0.7 n/a
3003 2612 — Woodcrest Oshawa 0.6 3.1
3003 2691 — Cecil B Stirling Hamilton 0.6 2.0
3003 2691 — Sir Winston Churchill Brampton 0.6 2.0
3003 2709 — Duncan J Schoular Smiths Falls 0.6 1.2
3007 2421 q Notre-Dame Hanmer 0.5 4.1
3007 n/a n/a Coe Hill Coe Hill 0.5 n/a
3009 n/a n/a Central Brantford 0.4 n/a
3009 n/a n/a Chapleau Chapleau 0.4 n/a
3011 2685 — Granite Ridge Sharbot Lake 0.3 2.1
3011 n/a n/a Centennial-Grand Woodlands Brantford 0.3 n/a
3011 n/a n/a First Nations School of Toronto Toronto 0.3 n/a
3014 2704 q Assomption Kirkland Lake 0.2 1.6
3015 2656 q Willow Park Toronto 0.0 2.7
3015 2667 — Evergreen Kenora 0.0 2.5
3015 2710 — Hawthorne Ottawa 0.0 1.0
3015 2713 q John Graves Simcoe Kingston 0.0 0.8
3015 2715 — Ministik Moose Factory 0.0 0.3
3015 n/a n/a Land O Lakes Mountain Grove 0.0 n/a
3015 n/a n/a Lloyd S King Hagersville 0.0 n/a
Appendix: Calculating
the Overall rating out of 10
The Overall rating out of 10 is intended to answer the question, “In general, how is the school doing academically
compared to other schools in the Report Card?” The following is a simplified description of the procedure used
to convert the data received from the EQAO into the Overall rating out of 10.
1 Subject by subject, the Average levels and Tests below standard values for each school were standardized by
calculating Z, which is defined by:
Z = (X – μ) / σ
where X is the individual school’s result, μ is the mean of the all-schools distribution of results, and σ is the
standard deviation of the same all-schools distribution.
2 The subject-by-subject standardized data for Tests below standard were then aggregated to produce a weighted
average standardized value. The weighting used was the number of student writers in each subject relative to
the total number of student writers of the relevant tests.
3 This weighted average result for Tests below standard was then re-standardized.
4 The Gender gap values in grade-6 reading and mathematics were each calculated by determining the absolute
value of the difference in the level of achievement of male students and female students at the school. The
results for each subject were then standardized.
5 The nine standardized indicator results were then combined to produce a weighted average summary
standardized score for the school. The weightings used in these calculations were: Standardized weighted
average of the standardized results of the six tests — 50%; Gender gap for each of the grade-6 reading and grade-6
mathematics tests: 10%; Tests below standard — 30%. For schools for which there were no gender gap results,
the weightings used were: Standardized weighted average of the standardized results of the six tests — 62.5%; Tests
below standard — 37.5%.
6 This summary standardized score was re-standardized.
This standardized score was converted into an overall rating between 0 and 10 as follows:
7 The allowable maximum and minimum standardized scores were set at 2.2 and –3.29 respectively. Scores
equal to, or greater than, 2.2 receive an overall rating of 10. This cut-off was chosen because it allows more
than one school in a given year to be awarded 10 out of 10. Scores of equal to, or less than, –3.29 receive the
lowest overall rating of 0. Schools with scores below –3.29 are likely to be outliers, a statistical term used to
38 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
denote members of a population that appear to have characteristics substantially different from the rest of the
population. We chose, therefore, to set the minimum score so as to disregard such extreme differences.
8 The resulting standardized scores were converted into Overall ratings out of 10 according to the formula:
OR = μ + ( σ * StanScore)
where OR is the resulting Overall rating out of 10, μ is the average calculated according to the formula:
μ = (ORmin − 10 (Zmin / Zmax)) / (1 − (Zmin / Zmax))
where σ is the standard deviation calculated according to the formula:
σ = (10 − μ) / Zmax
and StanScore is the standardized score calculated in (6) above and adjusted as required for minimum and
maximum values as noted in (7) above. As noted in (7) above, ORmin equals zero, Zmin equals −3.29; and Zmax
equals 2.2.
9 Finally, the derived Overall rating out of 10 is rounded to one place of the decimal to reflect the significant
number of places of the decimal in the original raw data.
Note that the Overall rating out of 10, based as it is on standardized scores, is a relative rating. That is, in order
for a school to show improvement in its Overall rating out of 10, it must improve more than the average. If it
improves, but at a rate less than the average, it will show a decline in its rating.
Fraser Institute Studies in Education Policy 39
Peter Cowley is a Senior Fellow and former Director of School Performance Studies at the Fraser
Institute. He has a B.Comm. from the University of British Columbia (1974). In 1994, Mr Cowley
independently wrote and published The Parent’s Guide, a popular handbook for parents of British
Columbia’s secondary-school students. The Parent’s Guide web site replaced the handbook in 1995.
In 1998, Mr Cowley was co-author of the Fraser Institute’s A Secondary Schools Report Card for British
Columbia, the first of the Institute’s continuing series of annual reports on school performance.
This was followed by The 1999 Report Card on British Columbia’s Secondary Schools, Boys, Girls, and
Grades: Academic Gender Balance in British Columbia’s Secondary Schools, and The 1999 Report Card
on Alberta’s High Schools. Since then, Mr Cowley has co-authored all of the Institute’s annual Report
Cards. Annual editions now include Report Cards on elementary and secondary schools in British
Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario and on secondary schools in Quebec.
Peter Cowley
Joel Emes is President of Abacus Economics and a Fraser Institute Senior Fellow who rejoined the
Institute after a stint as a senior advisor to British Columbia’s provincial government. He previously
served as a senior analyst, then as acting executive director, at the BC Progress Board. Prior to that,
Joel was a senior research economist at the Fraser Institute where he initiated and led several flagship
projects in the areas of tax freedom and government performance, spending, debt, and unfunded
liabilities. Joel holds a B.A. and an M.A. in economics from Simon Fraser University.
Max Shang is an Economist at the Fraser Institute. Prior to joining the Institute, Max worked for the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as a statistician and University of Guelph
as senior research associate. His past research work has been published in leading peer-reviewed academic
journals including Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Computational Statistics.
During his Ph.D. study, Max developed two more efficient statistical methods for calculating insurance
premium. He holds a Ph.D. in Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University
of Guelph.
Joel Emes
Max Shang
About the authors
40 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
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42 Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024
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Editorial Advisory Board
Prof. Terry L. Anderson
Prof. Robert Barro
Prof. Jean-Pierre Centi
Prof. John Chant
Prof. Bev Dahlby
Prof. Erwin Diewert
Prof. J.C. Herbert Emery
Prof. Steven Globerman
Prof. Jack L. Granatstein
Prof. Herbert G. Grubel
Dr. Jerry Jordan
Prof. Robert Lawson
Prof. Ross McKitrick
Prof. Michael Parkin
Prof. Friedrich Schneider
Prof. Lawrence B. Smith
Mr. Vito Tanzi
Past members
Prof. Armen Alchian*
Prof. Michael Bliss*
Prof. James M. Buchanan* †
Prof. Stephen Easton*
Prof. James Gwartney*
Prof. Friedrich A. Hayek* †
Prof. H.G. Johnson*
Prof. Ronald W. Jones*
Prof. F.G. Pennance*
Prof. George Stigler* †
Sir Alan Walters*
Prof. Edwin G. West*
* deceased; † Nobel Laureate

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